Bathroom with a mirror

At all times, the bathroom was not conceived without a mirror, equivalent to a wedding without a bride. The mirror, like a bride, is always an ornament and the center of everything around. Without a mirror shine, the most sophisticated bathroom looks dull, and its design is clearly incomplete.

But it would be a mistake to consider a mirror as just a decoration of the bathroom, one of the elements of its design. It must be remembered that the design is built in a certain sequence - first, the functionality of one or another of its elements is considered, and then - decoration. Agree that the room should have a minimum of any "trinkets", the main share of which falls on the decor (figurines, paintings, etc.). What is the functionality of the mirror in the bathroom.

Mirror and its functions

First of all, the mirror serves to "tell" you that you are "more beautiful and sweeter." Everyone knows about this appointment. But few people know that using a mirror you can visually increase the space of a room.

In order to increase the space, they cover the entire wall or part of it with mirrors. By the way, if you compare the costs of facing one square meter of wall with ceramic tiles or a mirror, then you will be surprised at the result - the costs will be quite comparable. And if you make wall cladding with premium tiles, then a mirror wall will cost you much less. Here is the math.

But if you, inspired by such calculations, decide to make a kingdom of mirrors from the bathroom, you will get a rather unpleasant sensation from many reflections. Experts do not recommend the use of such "savings".

You should also consider mirror reflection. It should reflect a picture worthy of your attention.

In turn, designers are advised to place the mirrors at an angle or against each other. The depth of the room will increase significantly.

Some types of mirrors have built-in lights, which allows for additional lighting in the bathroom. And for the most sophisticated consumers, mirrors with a built-in video player and heating are produced. The last function prevents fogging of the mirror and extends, accordingly, its service life.

Having dealt with the functionality of the mirror in the bathroom, we proceed to its choice.

Mirror Selection: What You Need to Know

When choosing a bathroom mirror, it should be noted that the microclimate in the room is humid, with sudden changes in temperature. Under such conditions, in conventional mirrors, a reflective coating (amalgam) is destroyed. Therefore, for the bathroom you need to buy a mirror with a coating made of silver, which will be sufficiently moisture resistant. But this is not enough to choose the right mirror.

The next thing to pay attention to is the absence of air bubbles in the glass of the mirror, and the quality of reflection. The latter should not be distorted, otherwise it will not be the bathroom, but the kingdom of crooked mirrors. A good mirror should not have any of these defects.

Next, you need to decide in which shape of the mirror you would like to see your reflection, and where it (the mirror) will be. This is a rather complicated question. Entering the store, you are "lost" among the mirrors. Eyes "run up", not knowing what to stop on. Therefore, you must first familiarize yourself with the most popular forms of mirrors and some exclusive ones.

The most popular option is a rectangular mirror. Its dimensions are in a fairly wide range.

To bring a certain originality to the design of the bathroom, you can install a round mirror or oval. The transformer mirror looks original - if necessary, “with a slight movement of the hand” turns into a trellis.

Well, if you want to surpass yourself, you can order an exclusive mirror. Your every whim, but for your good money. Exclusive has always been much appreciated.

There are a lot of options for the installation location of the mirror (s). Here are some of them:

  • on the wall. This is the most common option, but also the most difficult to implement in case you want a mirror built into the wall,

or waybill. An interesting option is a mirror with adjustment in the plane.

  • mirror built into the furniture. Such furniture is usually made to order, since you will be interested in it in the mirror. More often these are mirror cabinets, both wall-mounted and floor-mounted. The installation of a cabinet mirror is an excellent option for the interior of the bathroom, especially small sizes. The cabinet is multifunctional - a mirror, shelves for storing things and built-in lighting will save you from having to buy it all separately. There is a triple benefit - a mirror, a cabinet with shelves and lighting.
  • in a composition with furniture, the set of which includes one or more mirrors. A kit usually consists of a cabinet, a mirror and a bedside table for a sink. Its feature is the same design of furniture, however, always harmoniously fits into the interior of the entire room.

As mentioned above, the first option (a mirror built into the wall) is complicated in execution. Therefore, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with some important rules for installing this mirror, which, however, can be applied to other options.

Rules for mounting a mirror

It is advisable to carry out the work on preparing the place for installing the mirror before facing work. Installation of the mirror is carried out after the end of all work.

We select installation locations. It depends on him how the bathroom will look, because the mirror not only visually expands the space, but also creates its image in reflections. What this image will be depends on your approach to choosing a place.

Choosing a place for the mirror, you should accurately outline its contour on the wall, leaving a minimum allowance for grouting. After that, this place is stained with paint for the reliability of its subsequent fastening. For fastening, “liquid” nails are used that can withstand high humidity and temperature.

In order for the mirror plane to be flush with the wall surface, the thickness of the facing material should be taken into account.

After fixing the mirror with "liquid" nails, the gaps between the mirror and the wall are necessarily sealed. For this, a neutral-acting silicone sealant is used. Otherwise, the probability of damage to the reflective coating of the mirror increases.

After completing the installation of the mirror, you can do its decoration, that is, framing.

Stylish mirror decor options

To highlight the mirror in the interior of the room, a massive frame is enough, the color of which should stand out from the general color background, right down to the contrast.

It is important to note that the decor of the mirror should correspond to the style of the interior of the room. For classics, this is a frame with a lot of decor (carved patterns, etc.).

For a country style, a simple wooden frame without frills (what to take from the "village") is quite suitable.

In the modern minimalist style, a mirror can be without a pronounced frame at all.

Improvisation with mosaic tiles is also possible. If you are a creative person, then you can make a good frame for the mirror.

Correctly illuminate the mirror

Mirror lighting plays an important role in proper reflection, even more so than the mirror itself. Lamps should emit bright, but diffused light. Fluorescent and halogen lamps do a good job of this. Doctors prefer luminescent lighting, the blinking frequency of which does not affect a person.

Do not forget that the lamps must be waterproof. The Odeon Light, Massive, Eglo fixtures have proven themselves well.

Often, the mirror in the bathroom is illuminated by spotlights located on the ceiling. Due to their greater distance from the mirror, than in other versions, they provide the necessary scattering of light, without glare and shadows.

If we talk about a rectangular mirror, stretched up, then it is recommended to install side lights. Such their arrangement will ensure uniform distribution of light.

In the case of installing a wide mirror, the best option would be the location of the lamps from below and above. But here it is better to use hidden light sources.

The most “cool” will be a mirror with built-in lights. Most often, the backlight is done around the perimeter or on the sides.


This article focused on the mirror and its role in the interior of the bathroom. If you are interested in details regarding the design theme of other elements of the interior of the bathroom, then you can find this information here.

Watch the video: How to Install a Mirror - DIY Bathrooms (October 2024).

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