Roller blinds: how to do it yourself?

Perhaps one of the most important nuances in interior design is the design of windows. This is not surprising, because the curtains help emphasize the overall style. For example, light weightless products create a feeling of comfort and warmth in the room. In turn, blinds are more often used in office rooms. As for roller blinds, they are considered more universal, as they are ideal for any style and room. In addition, they can be made even at home.

Roller blinds from improvised materials

To begin with, we note that the roller blinds in the classical sense are a fabric cloth that is mounted on a metal pipe with a lifting mechanism. Thanks to it, the curtain can be rolled up and raised as high as possible. It is very convenient, especially in everyday life.

But this does not mean that it is impossible to experiment and create something new and unusual. Therefore, we propose to make an alternative version of roller blinds from literally improvised materials.

To do this, you need the following:

  • organza;
  • sewing machine;
  • twigs - 2 pcs.;
  • threads
  • fabric for ribbons;
  • roulette;
  • scissors.

We measure the size of the window and based on this we make a pattern for the curtains. There must be allowances on each side. On the sides, 2-3 cm is enough, and on top and bottom you will need 10 cm for weighting materials.

On the sides we wrap the fabric twice and stitch it on a sewing machine. It is very important to do this as evenly as possible so that the curtain looks attractive.

Now we begin to create pockets for weighting. To do this, bend the fabric and stitch it with an even line, as shown in the photo. It is best if the pockets are slightly wider than the branches. So it will be much easier to use.

For strips, we suggest using a fairly dense cotton fabric. Keep in mind that their length should be twice as long as the curtains themselves.

Sew each ribbon to the top pocket of the curtains one by one. After that, insert the first branch.

We install the curtain on the window, and then insert the second branch into the lower pocket. If desired, you can slightly raise the curtain and fix it with ribbons, as shown in the photo.

Despite the fact that making such a curtain is quite simple, it looks really very beautiful. With it, you can decorate the windows in the country or to add some negligence to the laconic design of your room.

Roller blinds: stylish do-it-yourself decor

Even the most stylish curtains are sometimes annoying and I want to change them for something else. In the case of roller blinds, everything is much simpler. They do not have to be changed at all, because you can simply decorate yourself. Absolutely everyone can do this, because in the process you will not need special knowledge, skills and materials.

In the process of work you will need:

  • roller blind;
  • the cloth;
  • ruler;
  • fabric glue;
  • scissors;
  • glue in a spray;
  • hacksaw;
  • additional decor (optional);
  • roulette.

First, we measure the window opening and, based on the parameters, adjust the length of the roller blind. It’s best to use a hacksaw and simple scissors.

Before proceeding to the next step, we recommend that you check how well the fabric glue works. To do this, glue the fabric on a small segment of the curtain. If the parts are well fixed together, then you can safely get to work.

Since the roller blind is often longer than the height of the window, it is not necessary to glue it all over with fabric. Otherwise, it will be too heavy. Therefore, it is best to measure the height that you will need with a small margin.

We put a curtain on the working surface and apply fabric in the center.

The most difficult task is to glue the fabric to the canvas as evenly as possible. To do this, bend it from the bottom edge and apply a dense layer of glue. Immediately apply the fabric back and smooth it. We repeat the same until the parts are completely interconnected.

Turn the curtain over and apply glue to the lower edge. Turn the fabric a little and glue it to the canvas. For a more reliable fixation, you can put books or a heavy object on top for literally a couple of hours.

We cut off the excess tissue on the sides, but do not forget to leave allowances of 2-3 cm on the sides. We bend them and glue the curtains to the base with special glue. Leave to dry completely.

At this stage, you can finish, but we suggest using an additional decor. In this case, you will need bright ribbons, but you can also purchase a suitable fringe or even lace. Each option looks interesting in its own way.

Stylish, updated curtain is ready! This option looks great not only as an addition to the interior, but also as the main bright accent.

DIY roller blind

Of course, making a classic roller blind with your own hands can be difficult, especially for beginners. Nevertheless, the result is worth it, so we recommend you try no matter what.

Necessary materials:

  • drill;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal pipe;
  • dense fabric;
  • mount for curtains;
  • strips;
  • glue;
  • roulette;
  • wood screws.

We measure the window parameters for which we will make the curtain. According to these data, we saw off a metal pipe of the required size.

We also cut off the necessary piece of fabric, taking into account the allowance from above and below. We bend the edges and flash the pocket for the strap.

We connect the mount for the curtain with a metal stick, as in the photo.

Apply glue to the pipe and glue the prepared web to it. If desired, you can fix the parts for better fixation. In this case, thermal curlers are used.

We attach the finished roller blind to the window frame.

Roller blinds in the interior

It is this type of curtain that can be increasingly seen not only at home, but also in office buildings. The thing is that they are universal and perfectly combined with any interior.

In addition, such products can be used not only as the main element, but also combined with other curtains. For example, with more dense or with light curtains.

Roller blinds are a really beautiful, convenient option for everyone. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase them in a specialized store or make them yourself using improvised materials.

Watch the video: Do It Yourself Roller Style Window Shades (October 2024).

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