The main stages of the production of wooden windows

This article will focus on modern technology for the production of wooden windows: from drying wood to installing window fittings. To begin with, we note that there are no and cannot be unimportant actions in the production of a wooden window. Each production stage requires an individual approach and careful organization. Only in this way is it possible to produce high-quality wooden windows. Let's get started.

Step One: Drying the Wood

Wood of oak, pine, larch is a “classical” material used in the manufacture of eurowindows. However, no matter what kind of wood is chosen, it in any case needs drying - this is a rule in which there can be no exceptions. Otherwise, the remaining moisture will affect the quality of the window in the most negative way.

The process of drying wood consists of three stages:

  1. wood is placed in a drying warehouse in which special microclimatic conditions are created;
  2. the wood is placed in a drying chamber, where its moisture drops to about 10 percent;
  3. the wood is returned to the drying warehouse.

Step two: making the beam

Modern windows made of wood are most often made of a three-layer beam. For the manufacture of such a beam, a number of actions are required. Dried wood is sawn into lamellas (small bars). Even the most insignificant at first glance defects are eliminated from the surface of each bar: tar “pockets”, knots, notches. The bar in the end should be absolutely smooth.

Next, fasteners are cut out on each bar: eyes and spikes. Lamels with their help are later connected into one bar. The bars are coated with glue. Then, the obtained blanks are connected so that the spikes of one bar fit into the holes of another. Interconnected bars are placed in a technological press. Here, under strong pressure, the glue crystallizes and the bars stick together tightly. Next comes the stage of finishing processing of the finished three-layer timber. This happens on special grinding machines. As a result, the surface of the timber becomes absolutely smooth.

Step Three: Window Profile Production

The three-layer beam after the grinding procedure can be considered completely ready. Further, from this strong material, a profile of the desired section and shape is made. When creating a profile, it is very important to make the grooves of the right size for the seals and accessories of the future window.

From the resulting profile, the following is done:
  • sash;
  • a frame;
  • window leaves.

After that, you can begin to assemble the frame of the wooden window. Only a professional craftsman should deal with the assembly, since the slightest inaccuracy is simply unacceptable here.

It is worth noting that today almost all of the above stages of manufacturing wooden windows are as automated as possible. Most of the actions described in our article are carried out today on high-tech units and machines that are designed specifically for wood processing. In particular, we are talking about 4-sided planing machines and milling machines of the modern type. By the way, modern milling machines are equipped with automated software control and are called CNC milling machines.

Such equipment can significantly increase the speed of milling, even if we are talking about complex wood blanks. Numerical control has another very important plus: it eliminates the risk of defective parts and, thus, negates production costs. CNC milling machines guarantee the optimum woodworking result.

Fourth step: impregnation and coloring of the window frame

The frame already assembled for the window is polished and putty. These two steps are necessary to prepare the product for painting. In addition, the frame is impregnated with special antiseptics, which in the future will be reliable protectors of a wooden window from the appearance of fungus and mold.

After the impregnation step, the frame is primed and then painted. For coloring, a specially created paintwork or varnish is used. After this treatment, wooden windows will be characterized by high moisture resistance, insensitivity to seasonal temperature extremes, resistance to mechanical damage, hypoallergenicity (ecologically harmless impregnations and varnishes should be thanked for this quality), inability to release toxic substances even under the influence of flame, long service life (service life a quality window from a three-layer window reaches 50 years).

Step Five: Glazing a Wooden Window

After the varnish has dried, the stage of installation of double-glazed windows begins. The double-glazed window can be 1-chamber, 2-chamber or 3-chamber. However, modern technology is clearly not limited to the use of glasses of various thicknesses. So mounted glass today can be:

  1. armored;
  2. refractory;
  3. energy saving;
  4. tinted.

Together with the fixed double-glazed windows, the sashes of the future window are installed on a wooden frame. A little later, this will help to properly configure the fittings.

Sixth step: mounting hardware and gasket

The next stage is the installation of gaskets from special thermoplastic elastomers, which ensure complete tightness of the closed wooden window. Note that the elastic seals will remain at temperatures from -60C to + 80C. After that, the necessary holes are drilled in the frame, and then the hardware crashes. The set of accessories consists of a central lock, rotary handles, micro-ventilation mechanisms and erroneous opening locks.

Seventh step: quality control

The last stage includes a thorough inspection of the wooden window and the elimination of minor errors. Then the product is thoroughly wiped and covered with a special heat-shrink film. After that, the finished window from the tree can only be transported to the warehouse, from where later it will have to make the way to the customer's address.

From all of the above, a definite conclusion suggests itself: the manufacture of windows from wood with double-glazed windows is a complex technological process, the organization of which at each stage must be clear. For this reason, the manufacture of high-quality wooden windows in a handicraft way and “on the line” is absolutely impossible. Otherwise, you will get a window that will deteriorate at the first strong wind, temperature drop, rain or snow.

Do not forget one simple truth: wooden eurowindows are installed once and for many decades. Thus, only trusted professionals with many years of experience and a proven impeccable reputation in the window market need to trust window installation.

Watch the video: How to Prepare and Paint Wooden Window Frames and Sills (October 2024).

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