The city of Namur is the center of the Belgian province of Wallonia

65 kilometers from Brussels, where the rivers Meuse and Sabra merge together, the small city of Namur (Belgium) is located. Namur is the capital of the Walloon region and the administrative center of the Walloon province.

The city of Namor grew around a powerful citadel, erected by the Romans on the site of the Celtic settlement to protect their land from raids by German tribes. These events took place shortly before the birth of Christ.

Namur - a province and a city in Belgium - has an eventful history, a huge historical heritage, and many interesting sights. Namur was annexed to Belgium only at the end of the 19th century.

Main sights of Namur

On the territory between the rivers Meuse and Sabra is the historical center of Namur - this is where the attractions that most attract the attention of tourists are located. Not only the old part of the province, but the whole city occupies a very small area, so it is best to get to know it on foot. On its territory there are many pedestrian streets, which is why when moving by car you have to spend a lot of time and nerves to find a parking lot.

So, what sights in Namur (Belgium) are worth seeing in the first place?

Sambra River Embankment

This promenade is one of the most picturesque promenades in the quiet and comfortable province of Namur. The bridge is beautifully tiled, there are exquisite iron fences, comfortable benches and well-groomed trees grow around the perimeter. In autumn, when the foliage of these trees turns yellow and falls, the embankment acquires a particularly fabulous look. At this time, there are always going to a lot of vacationers who want to take photos from the rest in Namur (Belgium), which would evoke pleasant memories of the trip.

If you start a walk through the administrative center of the Walloon province on the embankment of the Sambre River, then you can appreciate the power and strength of the main local attraction - the Namur Citadel.


It is the Citadel, built by the Romans, and still standing surrounded by defensive walls, is the largest construction of this quiet city.

Near the Citadel there is a well-groomed and rather large park, in which locals like to relax. There is also an observation tower, from which the whole city and its surroundings are visible at a glance. There are well-equipped picnic areas, a beautiful playground for children.

Even in extreme heat, the ascent to the fortress is not at all tiring, but if there is no desire to walk, you can ride a train.

entrance to the territory is free.

Provincial Museum of Felicien Rops

In Namur, there are sights of an artistic nature. On a quiet cozy street Rue Fumal 12, in the house of the XVIII century, a museum is hidden dedicated to the life and work of Felicien Rops. About 1000 works by Felicien Rops (watercolors, sketches, etchings), as well as documents and books telling about his life and creative activity are exhibited for inspection.

The canvases of the artist and cartoonist have rather strange plots: women appear mainly as fiends of hell, bringing death to men. Rops was a talented painter with a taste for Erotica, and although most of his works are quite “normal”, it is advisable not to show the exhibits on the second floor to children.

In the courtyard of the mansion, in which the museum is equipped, there is a small garden, quite traditional for a small province.

The museum is open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday, and in July and August on Mondays. Working hours: from 10:00 to 18:00. Additional days off: December 24, 25, 31 and January 1.

Ticket price for adults 3 €, for students and seniors 1,5 €, for children under 12 years old admission is free. On the first Sunday of every month, admission is free for everyone.

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Church of St. Loop

In the central part of Namur, at Rue Saint-Loup 1, is the Jesuit Church of St. Loop. This building, made in the style of South Dutch Baroque, began to be built in 1620, and completed in 1645. The facade of the building is decorated with a traditional Jesuit symbol - the monogram of Jesus Christ "IHS".

Outside, the church cannot be called impressive, but it is worth going inside the building, and everything changes. The interior is striking in luxury: a huge amount of black and red marble (columns, ceiling), the cabin is skillfully carved from wood, and also paintings by one of Rubens’s students.

Now the church of St. Loop is active, in addition, exhibitions and concert performances are often organized here. Like many religious buildings in Belgium, admission to this church is free.

Cathedral of St. Abraham (Cathedral of St. Avenin)

Opposite the Namur City Hall, on Place St-Aubain, stands the stately building of St. Abraham's Cathedral. Such a large-scale construction would be quite suitable for Brussels, and not only for a rather modest province.

The cathedral, built in the eighteenth century, has one characteristic feature. Its design is sustained simultaneously in two styles - baroque and rococo, and thanks to very finely observed proportions, the structure turned out to be very harmonious.

You can watch the cathedral outside at any time, and go inside the premises on Tuesday and Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00.

How to get to Namur from Brussels

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In Belgium, the most convenient mode of transport is the train. Trains very often run in all directions, and the cost of tickets can be considered average in Europe.

So, upon arrival in Brussels, in the terminal hall you need to find a pointer with a paravozik and an arrow indicating the desired direction, that is, to the ticket office. At the box office you need to buy a ticket to the city of Namur. If a ticket has already been bought online and printed, there is no need to look for a ticket office.

Then take the train to Brussels to the Bruxelles-Luxembourg stop. From the same stop to Namur, an Intercity train leaves every hour. The train reaches its destination in 51 minutes, for tickets you need to pay 6 € - 10 €.

By taxi

Perhaps the most convenient way to go is by taxi, and directly from the airport. If you order a transfer, the driver can call at the hotel or meet with a sign at the airport. Transfer service will cost 120 € - 160 €.

By car

You can drive to Namur (Belgium) on your own by car. The route between these cities will take 5 liters of gasoline, which will cost 6 € - 10 €.

Sights of Namur on the map.

Watch the video: Belgium: Namur and its Citadel (October 2024).

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