Where to invest in 2019 - 13 ways to invest money + expert advice and investment examples

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine RichPro.ru! Today we will try to uncover the question "Where to invest the money." Indeed, the difficult economic situation in the country's economy makes us constantly worried about our own financial resources.

Therefore, we are constantly faced with many questions, first, where to invest in order to save and not to lose, then already, where to invest in order to earn, in order to receive monthly income, etc.

Detailed instructions: where to invest money to make it work and bring monthly income

If there is even a small amount of accumulated capital, then there is a real fear of its loss. That is why we are trying to be more literate in matters of investing funds, exploring various opportunities for profitable investment.

Of course, many of us are far from politics, a large economy and state management methods, but this does not deprive us of the opportunity to study the experience of successful people, to look at expert advice, determining the best way to invest in order to generate income. Such a detailed review of the situation will help determine the most profitable area of ​​investment money at the moment.

From this article you will learn:

  • Where to invest in 2019, so as not to lose - expert advice;
  • Where to invest money to earn (so that they work) at a high percentage with a guarantee - the basic principles of investing money ;;
  • Consider where you can invest in Russia + real ways of investing money, depending on the size of the amount of money.

Rules for investing money

1. Where to invest in order not to lose - 5 basic rules of investing

So all the same, how to invest money so as not to lose it and what needs to be done so that they work and generate income? We present richpro.ru on our website5 investment rules, which must be taken as a basis. They will be kind to you. "handbook", which will help to make the most faithful actions to save and save money.

These rules have been developed through experience gained and have proven their effectiveness over the years.

Rule number 1. Free money

This is the first rule stating that you can invest (invest) only those funds that are available after all basic obligations and needs have been fulfilled, that is, we are talking about money not taken on credit / debt, etc.

Never take money to invest on credit or debt. It should be understood that subsequently an unsuccessful investment can lead to bankruptcy and limit the ability to return finances at the appointed time.

In addition, the incorrectly calculated economic budget of your own family will cause additional difficulties for you. Indeed, sometimes emerging domestic problems require urgent solutions.

Remember that private loans, credit debts can not only rewrite your good history, but also ruin the relationship with close relatives, obligations to which will remain unfulfilled.

But if you still decide to use a loan, then our article on where you can get a loan without failure even with a bad credit history is to help you.

Rule number 2. Regular income

When investing your own money, it is important to realize that you can only rely on the money that manages to be earned in the usual way, without resorting to the results of investments. We already wrote about where to make money without investments in this article.

Divide these revenue items into 2 parts, one of which is constantly increasing capital, remaining untouched, and the second ensures personal existence and is replenished monthly from stable sources.

Rule number 3. Investment plan

Compose it in advance by defining clear parameters. Consider all your possibilities and ways, try to choose 2-3 types of investment. At the same time, it is important to understand that the actions you have outlined can be adjusted taking into account the changing economic situation in the country. That is, a well-built investment plan should be flexible and relevant.

Try to make sure that all available cash is not invested in one single project (investment method). The greatest efficiency will be the investment of funds in several projects. Even if profit cannot be achieved in a certain area (there will be a loss), other types of investment will correct the situation.

Rule number 4. Do not spend your profit

This rule suggests that the money earned should form and increase your capital. Many experts advise more likely to withdraw earned money from investing in other investment objects.

Build your own investment portfolio and look for new, most profitable sources of investment.

Rule number 5. Control your money

Try to be interested in the movement of your own funds and assets as often as possible, paying attention even to minor nuances. This will avoid a lot of mistakes and problems, and will also make the right decisions on the contribution of their money.

In addition, you should be very careful about doubtful and super profitable investment offers. Carefully check all possible information on these types of investments.

Do not forget that cases fraud significantly more frequent and immediately determine the veracity of the intentions of the company / person is not always possible.

Inquire about the company that plans to cooperate with you. Browse various reviews on the Internet and learn the experience of other people who have a history of investing in it.

Try to make preliminary calculations, pay attention to the totals. Too fast and high profits should alert you.

Remembering these simple rules, it will be easier for you to navigate your own abilities. It should be understood that only a thorough study of the situation and the proposals received will help to become a more competent investor.

We are used to trusting the words of our acquaintances, parents, relatives, but the situation is changing daily and yesterday’s profitable contributions may turn into a risk of loss today. That is why you should rely on your financial literacy.

According to experts, the monthly income we receive must be divided by 3 components:

  • the main - this is the money spent on the purchase of food, clothing, payment of housing expenses.
  • funded - it is approximately 10% of the amount received. Here, expenses are assumed to purchase a car, a trip on vacation.
  • working - the entire remaining amount, which can be disposed of at personal discretion. It is she who is the source of future investments.

As you can see from the scheme, there is little money left for investing, but it is they that can increase many times with the right approach.

Even if there is a situation in which a very profitable project fell into your hands, and there is not enough own funds for it, try to find other investors / co-investors. By joining forces, you will create a common fund, which is called financially the pool, thereby giving a start to the business itself for higher interest.

These situations are not rare and people very often seek to find like-minded people who have a cash reserve. The general idea is able to give an incentive, and the capital raised is a good return.

2. Where to get money to invest profitably - tips

Sometimes it seems that the word "Investment"implies a large financial amount that is difficult to find right away. (Our article" Where to get money right now "to help you). That is why we try to put banknotes in a box, keeping them at home until better times.

In fact, this position wrong, because any free money should work for you, attracting new financial resources. If we talk about such a method as the preservation and increase of capital using a bank deposit, then the initial amount of investments can be 1000 rubles.

It’s important to just choose the right one bank deposit and terms of use. Read about what types of bank deposits are available in a separate publication of our magazine.

Yes, currency purchase, precious metals, art objects, and even more so own business require a more significant amount from you. But here there is a way in which you can gradually collect the missing finances.

First, teach yourself how to save. Try to shop correctly, creating your own profit. We recommend reading the article - “How to save money + expert advice”

And secondly, put off monthly10 % from income received on preservation. Thus, you will create a clear structure of the distribution of funds and in a few months will come to the intended result.

Profitable ways to invest money so as not to lose, save and earn

3. 13 ways to invest money so that they work and generate income

Let's try to consider the most relevant options for investing our own funds, identifying their advantages and disadvantages.

Method number 1. Bank deposit (which bank is better to put money at interest)

This is the most common method that is available to anyone who wants to invest their money. Its whole essence is that a contract is concluded on the basis of which all the money you deposit is not only saved for a certain time, but also multiplied, according to the specified rate.

Investor (contributor) acquires confidence in that he will receive income, the amount of which can be calculated in advance. This method of working with money is beneficial for both parties.

Method of investing money No. 1 - deposit

Youreplenishing the contribution, we work to increase it, and banktaking money, carries out a lot of operations that give him their benefits.

So, your contribution under 10% given for a loan with debt obligations to another client in 20 % and, exactly one year later, the money returned will make up a significant difference (income) to this institution.

You can choose the most optimal deposit for yourself, either independently or with the help of a consultant who is always guided by offers relevant to the given period.

Another significant advantage such a method can be called deposit insurancerecently introduced in connection with the regular bankruptcy of credit organizations. Now your contribution is the size of 1 400 000 rubles subject to compulsory insurance, and therefore return in any case from the state.

That is, if your investment amount exceeds this specified threshold, then you can split the moneyusing the services of several banks.

Despite such positive aspects, there are significant minuses. So, initially for the invested funds the smallest percentage of all investment methods is established and may be from 0.1% to 9%, which varies depending on the conditions of the proposal.

In addition, the unstable financial situation in the country leads to a constant depreciation of cash (inflation). But, even in this case, your small profit will help to avoid significant losses, while maintaining capital at the same level.

Which bank is better to put money at interest in 2019 - expert opinion

When deciding for yourself which bank it is better to invest your money in and where to open a bank deposit (deposit account), we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP-5 banks of the country, paying attention to the reliability rating of these banks.

A bank is more reliable if the state is the main shareholder (controlling interest). It is unlikely that the state will be interested in the bankruptcy of its own banks.

Reliable banks include egsuch banking giants as Sberbank, VTB , Russian Agricultural Bank and some others.

So, TOP-5 banks in which you can safely invest money at interest:

  1. Sberbank
  2. Russian Agricultural Bank;
  3. "VTB 24";
  4. Gazprombank;
  5. "Alfa Bank".

In a separate article, we also wrote about which banks offer the most profitable deposits for individuals this year.

The reliability rating of banks changes slightly over time. But first 3 (three) bank they are almost always in their places, as these are large banks with state financial support, that is, reliability at the highest level in the country. Here you can choose a contribution with replenishment, capitalization of interest, as well as prolongation. You can read about capitalization and prolongation of a contribution in one of our publications.

Method number 2. Investment in mutual funds

People who are a little familiar withstock exchange, stocks, bonds and work with securities prefer to invest in mutual funds (mutual funds).

In fact, this combination only sounds complicated, but has a simple foundation. It represents a collective investment of funds and their further management. All money is collected in a common fund, and then with the help of a professional manager, they are sent according to the chosen method of use.

The principle of mutual funds

AT most we ourselves very rarely own real information related to the economic indicators of even the most successful organization. Therefore, the ability to acquire any security paper is enough, but to competently manage it is not.

Important! By investing money in mutual funds, we get the opportunity to purchase those stocks, bonds, gold or currencywhich have fallen slightly in price, but are able to gain their positions in the future, determining good growth and a significant share of profit.

To achieve such an ideal situation, specialists in investment funds must be well versed in the economy, not only at the level of their country, but also in general, in the world. It’s important to know the basics technical and fundamental analysis, view news feeds and be able to properly respond to constant changes.

It is very difficult for an ordinary consumer to obtain a complex of such knowledge, and even more so to actively manage it, so there is a need for the services of a specialist. This is the essence of investing in mutual funds. You give your free money to managers who have great experience and good statistics.

Thereby, advantage investment fund is that at any stage you are provided with maximum support and various options for investing, from which you can choose the most optimal.

There is no need to immediately plunge into all the subtleties and nuances, learn daily methods of trading on the exchange, it is enough to trust your funds correctly. In addition, you can gradually thoroughly delve into the ongoing activities by purchasing additional shares of the same organization on your own.

It should be understood that the activities of any management company are subject to constant monitoring by the state, and this is confidence for you in honest cooperation.

It is precisely such tough measures in the legal field and legal issues that protect our investment rights as shareholders.

For the most part, a company that values ​​its reputation only accepts verified employees with a special certificate to manage attracted contributions.It is also important that the amount of your initial investment is practically unlimited. It can start from 1000 rubles.

All available capital can be distributed initially between several mutual funds, which will allow you to create your own portfolio, limiting you to a share the risks.

Following the logic, the situation turns this way: if even one investment fund puts your money at risk and brings you lesion, then the other will help restore the lost amount and most likely will provide income.

Even if the fund is recognized bankrupt, then your property invested in this investment will not be allowed to be auctioned by law. If necessary, the results of an independent audit, which is carried out daily, can always be requested. So, with the help of a registrar, the fund’s own rights to invested units and all property are recorded. And every year, the company's accounting is audited.

The negative side this method can be called your own indiscretion, when a young unverified specialist who takes up the case, "fails" you and your expectations.

Checking in advance its actions is quite difficult, so there is a risk of losing accumulated money.

The only right solution it may become your desire to learn a lot more about the mutual fund in which you plan to invest. Try to analyze the situation, look for reviews, read the forums, insure yourself.

Method number 3. Real Estate Acquisition

Investment Method 3. Real estate purchase (office, residential, etc.)

This method has always been the most effective for investing money. It should be understood that the acquired property (apartment, etc.) almost never loses in value. We have already told how profitable to buy an apartment and what you need to know when buying an apartment, in a separate article.

Over the next few years, its value will gradually increase. Sometimes this happens in sharp leaps, often just a systematic increase, but always gives its owner the opportunity to be in plus. In more detail about real estate investments, as well as the pros and cons of this method of investing, we wrote in the past material.

In addition, the purchased option can always be rent out, and this is already a way of passive income, which leads to further accumulation. Experts noted that for investment purposes it is best to purchase simple rooms or one-room small apartments.

An example of an apartment, buying which you can rent from 20 thousand rubles a month in a large city

The leased premises of two such objects are many times more expensive than one area consisting of 2 rooms.

Also, it is easier to repair a small quadrature, giving it a presentable appearance, and to furnish it with your furniture. If you operate in the language of numbers, then renting a purchased room will bring us 10-20% per annumthat maximizes the return on investment through 6-8 years old, and after this begins the period of obtaining net profit.

But renting an entire apartment brings only 5-7% per annum and this is a longer return period. In addition, the existing method of daily rental housing gives the most favorable prospects, but entails the need for constant work on search for people living and repairswhose implementation will become more frequent.

You will need to provide not only the best conditions, but also the prestige of the location of the room in the area. Home equity investing has a lot of advantages. This is stability, and the possibility of further residence and the return of invested money at any convenient time.

It should be understood that sell property You can always. (How to do this quickly, read the article - “How to quickly and profitably sell an apartment?”). In addition, you can easily give your square meters transfer to them by inheritance or bequeath to a specific person.

Disadvantage Such a method should be considered the high cost of the object and difficulties in making a transaction. So it’s not always easy to collect the amount from 500 000 rubles, and even a loan taken from a bank imposes a ton of obligations on you. But having money on hand is not the key to a successful result.

In the modern world there are many schemes used scammers when selling housing. And your initial conviction may subsequently turn out to be a hoax.

Therefore, the vigilance shown is very important when searching for premises, checking documents and working with lawyers.

About types of real estate investing, see the video below:

Method number 4. Precious metals

A very common way of investing was buying gold. It is purchased in special bullion and, as a rule, is stored in the same banks, creating a special account.

Over time, the prices of this instrument may, as growand fall, but for the most part they provide the owner with precious metals profit. It is not difficult to purchase it even on the day of the treatment itself.

If the transaction occurs in an anonymous form, then VAT in fact sales or purchases not charged. But the formation of metal in the ingot suggests tax payment value added 18% (VAT).

In addition to gold, it is actively sold silver, palladium and platinum. In fact, the entire income of the depositor is formed due to the growth in the value of precious metals in world markets. If necessary, accounts can be replenished in cash equivalent of the value of this investment tool.

Closing the contract, under its terms, the bank has the right to give you not only financial resources, taking into account the increase in the amount, but also the ingots themselves. By the way, very often accounts closed ahead of time do not entail payment of accrued interest.

Benefits this method is that he protects savings from inflationprotects the owner in case of any unstable economic or political situations in the country. In addition, it can be traced here. high liquidity use, that is, a quick transfer to cash, as well as a stable increase in value on them.

Gold, like a precious metal, is always in value. The cost of gold is subject to slight fluctuations, but in the long run it rises in value.

Of disadvantages can be called the need to create special storage conditions, purchase and sale only through the banking system, and capital gains are growing at a slow pace.

In addition, when working with this method, you need to follow several basic rules.

Firstly, the acquisition of precious metals is important in the most favorable period. Try to identify the main decline in prices.

Secondly, it is worthwhile to understand that such investments pay off only in the long term.

And thirdly, proceeding with the main actions, try to study the market in advance, deal with the peculiarities of the extraction and consumption of each metal, and also analyze expert forecasts.

Obtaining gold gradually depletes its reserves, which makes it possible to make the price more expensive after a period of time.

Method number 5. Business

The investment method is No. 5. Business Creation and Development

The creation and development of one's own business, as well as the acquisition of an already completed project involves special risks in the initial stages. In general, of course, the sphere of investing funds is considered profitable, but it can be very difficult to achieve such a result. We already wrote about how to start a business in our issue, which provides detailed instructions on how to open, what to pay attention to, and popular business ideas as examples.

Important not only correctly calculate the amount of investments initially, staff availability, purchase of goods and other expense items, but also take into account the rental of the premises, the cross-country ability of the planned place, and even the cost of the average check, which gives occasion to talk about the profitability of the event.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can disrupt the original plans. This is the presence of competitors, poor relations with suppliers, equipment modernization, changes in Russian legislation, and much more.

Advantage Such investment can be considered the possibility of joint ownership of the business, collegial management of it and the search for a niche for the poorly occupied competitors.

Under such conditions, as well as competent business management, you can not only get a good income, but also be sure of its constancy.

Negative side a similar method is called the absence 100% guaranteed. Your invested funds may, in the end, not only not return, but also impose special obligations to eliminate debts resulting from activities.

Any area of ​​business requires special attention, constant work and personal dedication. You will have to either constantly monitor the course of affairs with the money invested, or independently participate in them, achieving positive results.

In more detail and in detail about investments in business, we wrote in our past material.

Method number 6. Purchase of securities

Investing in such instruments becomes profitable in the long run. The main types of them in your portfolio can be called stocks, bonds and Eurobonds.

Method of investing money №6. Purchase of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.)

Consider each acquisition in more detail.

So "stock" - This is a security that makes it possible to confirm your right to a share in the capital of the company. It allows not only to receive dividends, but also to participate in the management of the enterprise itself.

The main advantage such an acquisition can be considered a huge profit, based on the growth of its price. The whole scheme of storage and control of such papers is now in electronic form, therefore it is very convenient to use.

We also recommend watching a video about earnings on stocks:

Also, when working with securities, many companies open their controlled firms in offshore zones (“offshore”). What is offshore we have already written in our previous issues.

Negative point experts call the high risk of storing these tools. Such an acquisition is at your own risk. No one gives good guarantees of the success of such an event.

"Bonds" their owners increase capital gradually. Its growth occurs at a slow pace, but makes it possible to become stable. In the general portfolio of securities, they are most likely to be acquired for diversification, that is, expansion of the assortment.

They reduce risk and are suitable for those users who are able to expect a long period of adding initial funds.

Eurobonds most often issued by corporations and the government in the face value of foreign currency. The initial bid for their acquisition is 1000 dollars.

Main advantage a similar method of investing is the value difference of currencies. Due to this, you can get a good income and sell bonds at any time without loss of interest.

Disadvantage of this method is that it is very difficult to choose the right ones yourself stocks or bonds in your portfolio. You will have to resort to the opinion of professionals and experts.

Only they, understanding the real economic situation of our country, as well as understanding all the nuances of work in this area, are able to advise and choose the most optimal solution for you.

Method number 7. Private Lending (P2P Lending)

Another way, now receiving the most widespread. This is a method in which money is provided to the borrower on special conditions. It is important to draw up a contract correctly, evaluate everything the risks and losses, study the personal data of the person with whom you have to work.

Your advantage consists in high profitability. The provision of credit obligations from one natural person to another for a short period allows you to get up to 50% per annum. But the disadvantages of this method are also serious.

There is a possibility of non-repayment of borrowed funds. Even a very thorough search for borrowers does not guarantee their honesty.

Method number 8. Currency purchase

Such a method of investing can be carried out both with the help of banks (banking institutions, branches, etc.), and by involving brokerage companies for trading in the Forex currency market. One of the best brokers is ForexClub.

If In the first case you just need to provide an identity document, then in the second - A special contract is signed, which may initially carry additional risks. In one of the articles of our magazine you can learn how to start trading on Forex and what you need to pay attention to when choosing a Forex broker.

That is why it is important to choose the right specialists with significant experience in this field of work. The most popular currencies today are: American dollar, Euro, japanese yen, Swiss frank, and pound sterling.

Main advantages This method can be called some points.

Firstlyprofit increase is achieved in 100% and more, which allows you to increase the initial capital, enriching yourself daily.

Secondly, if you know the dynamics of the growth of the exchange rate, then it becomes possible to protect yourself from inflation. You can choose your own currency, determine its changes and predict further consequences.

Thirdly, the acquisition for you is not limited in time. This process can be scheduled for any period of personal free time.

AND, fourthlyBy providing constant access to the Internet, you yourself are able to control the situation, monitor the course change, determine the effectiveness of your further actions.

We also advise you to read the article - “Is it worth buying dollars and euros now”, which describes the factors of growth and fall of the currency, as well as forecasts on the rates and expert advice.

Disadvantage with these advantages, only one is the unpredictability of the currency. In order to make the right decision, you need to carefully monitor the changes, be able to correctly predict the behavior of quotes and try to bet on various types of funds.

So, experts advise to instantly increase your starting capital, invest in dollar or Euro. (What will happen to the dollar in the near future we wrote in the last issue, which provides advice and expert opinions).

If you have priority safety of fundsDespite the difficult political situation, pay attention to pounds or Swiss frank.

Of course, buying them is more expensive, but this operation gives stability, because their position is more stable in the foreign exchange market.

☝ Also, recently, the popularity of cryptocurrency investments has been growing. We talked about them in detail in the last issue.

Method number 9. Investing in art

This is one of the most stable ways. save your money, but also significantly increase them. For this, it is important not only to really understand the art, but also to attend special events, choosing their future customers.

This method has both a lot of advantages and its disadvantages. As you know, the art market has existed for a long time and everyone can become its participant, regardless of gender, age, or even religious prejudice.

First and significant plusworking with masterpieces is very simple acquisition procedure works.There are no special formalities, licensing, special checks. The investor selects a future acquisition by catalog or directly visiting the gallery itself. He is called the price of his favorite canvas according to the established price list.

If necessary, an expert is invited to confirm the authenticity of the work. Such a specialist can be provided both by the organization itself and from a circle of personal preference. The work they like is carried out by the purchase operation and is given to the investor in his arms.

By the way, it is believed that investing in such sources becomes the most profitable in periods of crisis, wars or extreme situations. This is a kind of protection of capital, providing in the future and profit.

This method can be considered long-term, because only after a long time it is possible to receive significant dividends.

But against the background of these advantages, we can distinguish a number of disadvantages. To begin with, this market has low liquidity. Auctions are held with frequency 1-2 times a year, and the sale itself may take from 6 to 18 months.

In addition, the availability of buyers who are able to pay you the required amount is very limited and it is important to convince them of the importance of the acquisition. Many lending institutions refuse to lend to their customers, even if they are trying to secure them with the same art objects.

No piece not able to bring to its owner interim income, such as renting an apartment or buying shares, but the costs can be significant. The owner must ensure not only the correct storage conditions, but also insurance, guard, delivery.

In addition, sometimes it happens that the period of price increase is replaced by its stability and waiting for a long time the owner can simply get a small profit. Even at well-known auctions and bids does not exist 100% fake protection. Often the staff of experts there is very limited and it is not physically possible to verify all works of art physically.

Many experts advise taking this method of investing capital very seriously. Try to ensure for yourself the maximum possible methods of checking the works for authenticity, attract those employees who will give a guaranteed result.

It is worthwhile to understand that only a canvas that has not been put up for sale for a long time and spent it in one collection has serious chances to increase its value.

Method number 10. Internet projects

With the development of modern technology, such a direction of investment on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular.

Way to invest money №10. Investing in Internet projects

It basically has 2 areas, which may be of interest to both a novice investor and an experienced specialist.

Firstly, a worldwide network allows you to create innovative web resources that are regarded as startup. By the way, what was a startup we wrote in our last article.

In a general sense, these are sites with unique content that are built specifically for subsequent sale. (We also recommend reading the general article - How to create a website yourself for free).

Secondly, you can invest in creating your own website, which will become the foundation of your business and will begin to bring additional cash on a regular basis.

AND, third, financing of those projects that seem most profitable to you.

We will examine in more detail in each direction in order to understand how beneficial it can become later.

In the first case you will need come up with an original idea, which will be able to interest the future buyer with its profitability. Having worked it out more carefully, it’s important to understand even the smallest details.

Next, specialists are involved who are able to bring the idea to life, and your task is to exercise control at each stage of the work. Later, a scheme is formed that realizes this business project and tests it.

Your invested funds are returned back with recoil. The amount of profit received on hand entirely depends on the degree of study of the created Internet site and its attractiveness for future owners.

Second case has a more common beginning and is beneficial for a number of reasons. Creating your own online business is possible even with a small amount of capital.

You save on trading floors, warehouses, staff, but you have the opportunity to access a wide range of users and engage in implementation at a convenient time.

Investing in this type of activity is less risky than creating a business in reality. But the development of such a direction and the multiplication of initial financial sources completely depends on your employment, interest and intentions.

Third way investments funds through the space of a worldwide network is also associated with doing business, only people able to prove the effectiveness of their start. There are many sites on which people place their projects with a specific description of cost and level of profit.

Investing in sites. An example of selling a site from the Telderi exchange. The lot indicates the average monthly income and expenses and other information for buyers (investors)

They offer you to invest in it, promising a certain share of shares, on which later it will be possible to earn income or to earn money for their sale. Registration of such obligations takes place by a special type of agreement worked out by specialists.

Investing in Internet projects - This is a direction that should be studied very carefully, because you can not predict the result in advance. Of course, there are risks here.

And perhaps disadvantage this method can be called unpredictability. Experts estimate that from 10 offersnominated for consideration only 4 able to become profitable.

Method number 11. Binary options

This is the fastest way to profit from invested funds. It is based on two components: risk-taking and clear detailed study economic situation.

Method number 11. Investing in binary options

Your task isto provide the correct forecast for the price of the asset used. For example, a person is most comfortable working with stocks. By purchasing an option on them, he makes a bet on the fact that, for example, exactly in a day their cost will be much higher than indicated at the moment.

After the specified time, the result is evaluated. In the case when the assumptions are confirmed, the profit margin will fluctuate. from 65-85%. This is a significant increase in invested capital.

But do not forget that you can not guess. Exactly then is lost 80-100% bids. We already wrote in detail about options in our issue - “What are binary options, a scam for suckers - the opinion of experts and real feedback from beginners.”

At first glance, it might seem that generating income in this way is just a game of chance. This is actually not the case. It is worth a little deeper into the created system, and you will begin to make forecasts more correct, and this as a result increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the bet.

Investing in binary options, it is worth considering that they have a lot the benefits.

Firstly, those trading tools that will be offered to you have a wide range and provide the right for a huge choice. So anyone, even a novice investor, can work with standard currency pairs as well as precious metals, stocks of various companies, oil and other assets.

Secondlyyour level arrived and possible risk predefined. In general, you can calculate in advance how much you can get as a result of a positive outcome of the case and what can be lost if the situation is not solved correctly.

Some trading floors offer their consumers to independently set the percentage of the future outcome.

For example, setting the numbers 80/70, you lose 80% of the bet without guessing it, or gain 70% of the initial capital.

Thirdly, to any interested investor easy access is always organized at any time of the day. That is, there is no need to download and install additional programs, pass control levels or somehow confirm your personality.

It is enough to get to the official website of the trading platform and you can track the results, make new bets, analyze the situation. In addition, all trading continues. every minute, without interruptions on weekends, holidays or night time. Thus, your desire to start earning money on invested money can come true at any second, just find free time.

AND, fourthly, the trading interface is created in such a way that it will be understood at an intuitive level even to the most uninitiated beginner. All intermediate price fluctuations of your chosen instrument are removed, giving only the final result for the time you set.

There are 2 main principles here: CALL UP - a deal to buy (profit from rising prices) and PUT DOWN - a deal to sell (income when the price falls). Despite the number of advantages described, it’s worth understanding that binary options, like any other type of capital investment, they can have some disadvantages.

We list some of them. So, the only failure made by you is able to select up to 90% invested capital. And this is sometimes a very significant amount, and it takes approximately 3-4 successful transactions.

In addition, it is not permissible to interrupt transactions in advance or refuse them. Even if you understand the fallacy of your actions, and a worsening forecast constantly confirms your guesses, you can only hope for a miracle, expecting the final result.

Also, the program itself assumes the absence of credit obligations. That is, you can only invest available cash that you have available. On the one hand, this is even good, because, as a rule, a novice contributor is included in excitement and able to spend more than he intended from the start.

But, on the other hand, there are some types of transactions or the stability of the economic situation, when a positive result can be predicted in advance, and this can lead to substantial earnings.

Only at this moment there is very little money in your account. Working with binary options is not only capable save investment, but also significantly increase them, you just need to correctly understand the situation and study in more detail the scheme of work with each tool.

Method number 12. PAMM - accounts

This is another way to manage your finances, which allows you to entrust personal savings to a specialist. In more detail about PAMM accounts - what it is, how to open and choose a PAMM account for investment, we described in one of our articles.

The method of attachment No. 12. Investing in PAMM accounts

It’s worth immediately understanding what the difference is between a unit investment fund (Mutual fund) and PAMM - account.

If in the first case the manager has full access to your funds and can dispose of them at his own discretion, without liability even in the event of losses, then the second option involves only the presence of a deposit, work with which can be carried out only by coordinated actions.

PAMM Account it is intended for trade, conclusion of transactions, but only in a technological way. Moreover, all the funds provided for investing in this account can be checked not only at any time, but also stop the actions of the manager at any time.

The main advantages of depositing money in this way are:

  • The ability to earn substantial profits through the skillful actions of a specialist. As you know, such accounts provide access to the most profitable investments.
  • Minimum investment threshold. Some of these accounts may start at 100 dollars and that is why they become not only attractive, but also accessible to a large circle of people.
  • Full control. Thanks to the automated system, the account holder can easily and quickly analyze the ongoing activities, and all calculations are performed automatically.
  • Easy choice of manager. Throughout all work processes, not only his statistics, but also the history of operations is published for each PAMM account, which makes it easy to view the situation today, contact your manager and, if necessary, replace him.
  • Portfolio Formation. As in the situation with mutual funds, the occurrence of risks is always possible. That is why it is necessary to insure yourself by creating several accounts with different assets.
  • Liquidity of operations. At any time, if necessary, you can not only deposit your funds, but also withdraw them. The whole operation takes no more than a day, but gives confidence to the owner that there is control and even the most complex transactions can be stopped during the period of their implementation.

Method number 13. Investing in yourself

This is another way to invest money. It is considered very advantageous in the sense that even the smallest knowledge gained when attending courses can become a serious platform for further start.

In general, this type of investment has 3 main areas.

1. Health

Even if it seems 18 years, you have no problems in this area, rest assured that they will appear without due attention. And your well-being in adulthood depends on how well you take care of him now.

Therefore, investments in this sphere can be considered proper nutrition, vitamin intake, walks in the open air, visiting doctors for inspection.

2. Appearance

This is a constant work on yourself. In order for you to be properly perceived, you need to monitor clean clothes, own flavors, skin integument, with nails and hair.

Of course, there is no need to constantly visit expensive salons and spend all funds on procedures, but also to arrange meetings when the external image looks like a greasy greasy cat is also useless.

Try to join the sport in order to have a beautiful figure and a taut belly, watch your hairstyle, and even more so with unpainted hair roots, sign up for manicure and pedicure procedures.

Timely monitor the condition of the skin and at least get the necessary creams that help fight wrinkles, pay attention to your wardrobe. Try to choose for him things of good quality in a strict business style. Do not forget to wash and iron your things in time.

3. Knowledge

The fulfillment of the two main first points entails further personal growth. Now it’s important to read books of various kinds, scooping for yourself something important.

Make it a rule to read daily at least 50 pages. Sign up for useful courses, trainingsvisit presentations (for example, such as “How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence”, etc.)try to communicate with new interesting people.

If you can watch the training video, use it. Schedule a trip to another country or city, choose excursions with which you can study history, various types of architecture.

Believe me, there is nothing informative in visiting a beach or a bar. It’s also nice to get into the museum, theatre, cinema, Botanical Garden or even zoo.

Investing in yourself - This is knowledge, experience, skills, abilities to apply the whole range of acquired skills in practice at the right time for you. After all, it was not in vain that wise people said: “Do not carry knowledge behind you, and you never know what information is useful to you today.”

We also recommend that you watch the video, which describes 18 ways where you can invest in order to receive monthly income:

4. Where to invest at a high interest rate with a guarantee - 7 principles of investing to earn

We wrote above about where you can invest money with a guarantee, therefore we suggest that you also familiarize yourself with the principles of investing.

The basic principles of investing money at a high percentage with a guarantee of income

Principle 1. Long-term Perspective

Imagine a situation in which the market, which has become so familiar to you, just closed and its activity decided to resume only after a few years. Where would the money be invested?

Try to think ahead without resorting to daily quotes, the mood of other investors, fluctuations in the cost of raw materials and finished products. So, for example, take the purchase of shares in a well-known company "Coca Cola". Even at the time of its conquest of the market, they were worth 40 dollars.

The increase in the price of sugar in those years made the value of the security fall to its minimum. There was a stir in which they were sold for almost nothing, but today we understand how profitable these purchases were then. Agree that this is a great example where you can invest to earn money. This prospect can be offered to you by the shares of another company, buying gold, antiquesand even apartments.

Principle 2. A thorough study of the financing tool

Before you give even a small amount of your hard-earned money, try to make an in-depth analysis of the chosen method. Chat with those who are already working in this field, consider their experience. This principle applies particularly to such areas as mutual funds, stock markets, PAMM accounts.

Principle 3. Own opinion

It is not enough to simply have information even collected very carefully, it is important to be able to cut off all that is unnecessary and look at the future perspective.

Try not to succumb to an overwhelming opinion from the outside, develop your character, determining your outcome and the result of investments.

Principle 4. Know how to stop

Sometimes it happens that work in one direction ceases to be profitable and there can be many reasons for this.

Consider other options, look for more promising investments, learn to close unnecessary pages.

Principle 5. Take your time

When making investment transactions in the modern world, we rely mainly on the help of the Internet. It seems and more effective and faster. But this position is initially incorrect. It’s important to understand in the intricacies and nuances, determine the outcome of the matter and only then make a decision.

After all, the question of where to invest money at a high percentage with a guarantee requires taking into account all the outcomes of the event (from receiving large losses to obtaining a decent income).

Principle 6. Choose Winners

It should be understood that even against the backdrop of the difficult economic situation in the country, there are such companies that give good performance and are developing very stably. The task of the investor is to find access to her shares and get them for the success of their business.

Principle 7. Think Tomorrow

This principle of investing is that if you are very lucky today, you should not stop there, withdrawing all the money to buy expensive things.

Continue your business, look for new sources, tools, ways, collect your portfolio. Only this method of action will lead to a stable positive result.

5. Where to invest to receive monthly income - 5 useful expert advice

We wrote above where to invest in order to earn income every month, therefore we suggest that you also familiarize yourself with the advice of experts who have experience in investing.

Since earning our money, we try them not only save, but also increaseand in a crisis, lack of stability and a difficult economic situation, a feeling of fear arises in the country, accompanied by a sense of loss.

So, expert advice on where to invest in order to earn money and not lose it:

Expert Advice # 1. Try to minimize the risk for part of your investments.

Separate from the total amount of capital 30% and give yourself a guarantee that they will be invested without loss. In this way, experts consider Bank deposit, purchase of art, gold bullion acquisition, precious metals and real estate.

The main essence of the advice is that for any further arrangement of affairs, you will be able to save the starting amount, and if possible, you will also earn on this.

Expert Advice No. 2. Create a steady passive income

If this is your principle, pay attention to the purchase of stocks or bonds, and indeed securities.

By the way, even buying your own square meters, which are then leased, will also allow you to receive monthly income. You can read in more detail in our article - “How to create passive income - ideas and sources of passive income”

Expert Advice No. 3. Separate investment methods (Diversification)

It is important to understand that storing all the money in a single project is very inefficient, diversify your investments. That is why, having provided stability, try to find a profitable business sector or become a co-investor in a business that, in its own opinion, will be very winning.

Expert Advice No. 4. Highly profitable investment

For thrifty and thrifty people, this way of investing should be the most extreme, because in fact it is associated with big risks. Your appeal to mutual funds or to PAMM accounts, and even more so to binary options, will allow you to instantly receive income, and will jeopardize the entire initial capital.

Expert Advice No. 5. Check information

Before you invest your money you need to carefully and thoroughly study the investee. To make sure that the expected return is correct, perhaps you are offered to invest in an object with doubtful return.

6. Where not to invest, so as not to burn out - the main mistakes of investing 📛

Despite many warnings and a huge amount of information on the Internet, people who want to invest their own money make a number of mistakes that lead to an undesirable result.

Very first and important The point is that newcomers give their finances at random, agreeing with the arguments of acquaintances, relatives and even third-party representatives of the global network. Of course, the probability of earning income still remains, but it is reduced to a minimum.

Second mistake can be called an emotional state. There are frequent cases when, inspired by the example of a comrade, a person tries to imitate his behavior, repeating every step of investing, but without a clear calculation and pre-thought out prospects instead of increasing funds, we get them the loss of.

Another wrong thing considered a rush. People are in a hurry in choosing an investment tool, as well as in the desire to pick up the first results. As everyone knows, profits do not grow on trees. That is why it must be expected. Give yourself time to understand the intricacies and objects, learn to act systematically.

Real examples of investing for profit are ways to invest from 100-500 thousand rubles to 1,000,000 to earn

7. Where is it better to invest money to earn money - real ways + examples of investing a small amount of money to make a profit

Even the smallest earned capital is already becoming an object of further reflection. It is, as it were, a small door that opens the way for you to the world of big investment.

So, let's consider where it is profitable to invest money, starting with a small amount in 5000 rubles and ending 1 million.

An example of investing money No. 1 (from 5000 rubles)

So, having a small amount of money on hand, for example5000 rubles, you can try to risk them by investing for the first time in binary option, PAMM Account or Mutual fundbut even such actions must be deliberate.

On the one hand, the fact of a negative result will not be as sad as if it were another more significant amount.

But, on the other hand, even such money can be successfully invested in buying a currency or replenishing a bank account.

By the way, you can be puzzled by the promotion of your own site or leave it as initial capital for choosing a different investment tool.

An example of investing money No. 2 (from 10,000 rubles)

Amount in 10,000 rubles gives more interesting perspectives. It also allows you to work with the banking structure, although the expectation of a profitable result can drag on for a long time.

They are still enough to buy an inexpensive web site that you can really promote on your own, and then sell it to the future owner. By the way, making a site popular, you can attract advertisers there, making up your passive income.

Example of investing money No. 3 (from 25000-30000 rubles)

Having on hand 25000- 30000 rubles pay attention to Mutual funds and PAMM accounts, where already the level of earnings will be more significant. It would be nice to buy shares in the company. Perhaps now they are not so attractive, but after 5-7 years will definitely rise in price.

You can already become a co-investor or even the owner of a small business on the Internet.

An example of investing money No. 4 (from 50,000 rubles)

Amount in 50,000 rubles investing is much harder. Most likely, not everything will turn out right the first time. But the important rule for you to follow is this is diversification, that is, the distribution of money in various directions.

Be prepared for what is likely 25% from this money will remain in a high risk zone and not return back. You can put part of the amount on a bank deposit or purchase securities.

It is also not difficult to entrust their management to a specialist who, with the help of his knowledge, will determine the best directions. Best if it is a PAMM account.

Example of investing money No. 5 (from 100,000 - 500,000 rubles)

Received 100-500 thousand rubles it’s already convenient to place in a bank account. This will give significant results, because the percentage of deposit offered by the bank is much higher. You can aim at purchase of precious metals, foreign currency or invest in business.

In any case, do not forget to divide big money into small components. It should be understood that storing your capital in a box on a cabinet is gradually depreciating it, but even the simplest bank account can save you from inflation and other losses.

Before you invest 100 000, 200 000, 300 000 or 500 thousand rubles you need to allocate directions for investment.

for example, 100 thousand are invested in a bank deposit, the rest is invested in currency or business development, etc. For more information on where to invest 100,000 rubles to earn in the current year, read our last article. And then we continue the topic and talk about investing larger amounts of money.

An example of investing money No. 6 (from 1,000,000 rubles or more)

One million rubles is already a significant amount for investment. Here you can consider any of the methods described above for investing your money. The larger the amount to be invested, the greater the gain or loss, even the smallest fluctuation in the value of the asset (in which the money is invested) significantly affects the size arrived and loss. Therefore, it is recommended to invest in reliable financial instruments.

What can you buy in a million or where to invest it?

For a million rubles, you can buy an apartment at the construction stage or a small studio apartment (room), you can give it in trust, etc.

Let's consider in more detail where you can invest large amounts of money:

1. Trust management

In this case, you trust your money to specialists who are experts in the field of investing, making money and increasing money. At this stage, your activity and role is terminated by signing the relevant documents.

You will need to regularly monitor the results of managing your money. Before transferring funds to trust management, pay attention to the experience and experience of the manager (management company) and, of course, recent statistics on profitability.

It is recommended to choose those who show good results for a long time, for example, 20%.

Important! You should NOT trust companies whose profitability is “leaps and bounds”, that is, 1 year profitability 50 percentin another - 30 %.

2. Real estate (land)

The purchase of land, apartments and other real estate has always been considered a reliable and successful investment in order to increase invested capital. Naturally, in the economy there are periods when the cost of housing falls, but, as a rule, these are temporary phenomena. And a great opportunity to buy another asset in the form of real estate.

Buying a property, you invest money in real tangible assets that are not afraid of financial disasters (inflation, defaults, etc.)

For this amount you can buy both a room (a small studio apartment) and apartments under construction

3. Business

You can also invest in your own business or enter the capital of another business project, receiving a share of the business.

Choose a business idea, calculate all the costs and possible profitability (draw up a business plan) and start entrepreneurial activity.

4. Purchase of shares (securities) of foreign companies

A private investor can buy securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) on the stock exchange through investment companies that provide brokerage services.

Conclude an agreement with a company (broker), which has licenses to carry out activities and has a positive history in the provision of brokerage services. This brokerage company has earned the trust of private investors.

We offer you to get acquainted with reliable methods of investing, where a large amount is required:

8. Conclusion

The well-known expression that money must constantly work has relevance at any time, so try to invest even the smallest free funds so that it brings you a return.

Dear readers of RichPro.ru magazine, we will be grateful if you share your knowledge, opinions and experience on the topic of publication in the comments below. Good luck and a profitable investment!

Watch the video: Why You Are Trading Stocks Wrong. How To Save Money For Investing In Stocks (October 2024).

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