Mortgage and mortgage loan - what is it and what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2019 + instructions on how to calculate a mortgage loan online

Today we will talk about mortgage and mortgage loan: what is it, how to calculate a mortgage online, what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2019, what mortgage lending programs are offered by leading banks.

The publication will be useful to anyone who has decided to apply for a mortgage or is just thinking about such an opportunity. It would be useful to read the article to people who want to expand their knowledge in the field of finance. Therefore, we recommend that absolutely everyone not to waste time, but to start reading!

So, from the presented article you will learn:

  • What is a mortgage loan and what are the advantages and disadvantages of a mortgage;
  • What are special mortgage lending programs;
  • What are the steps involved in arranging a mortgage;
  • The main conditions for issuing a mortgage in Russia;
  • What are the features of calculating payments on a mortgage loan;
  • Which banks offer the best conditions;
  • Who to contact for help in obtaining a mortgage.

In addition, at the end of the article, readers will find answers to the most popular questions about mortgage lending.

The publication turned out to be quite voluminous, so use the content.

About what a mortgage is, what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan at leading Russian banks, how you can quickly calculate a mortgage online, and also what mortgage programs exist - we will tell in this issue

1. What is a mortgage in simple words - an overview of the concept and its essence

What is a mortgage?

Mortgage - This is a special type of collateral that is designed to insure the lender against a possible non-return of funds. In this case, purchased property is used as collateral.

Traditionally, mortgages use real estate - apartment, residential building, share in the property.

When registering a mortgage, the property on the right of ownership belongs to the buyer. Moreover, due to the fact that it is a pledge, the creditor has the right in case of default by the borrower of its obligations sue real estate to your advantage.

In addition, the owner does not have the right to dispose of the property at his discretion. Without agreement with a credit institution, he cannot sell or donate real estate encumbered with a pledge.

1.1. The meaning of mortgages

The main characteristic of a mortgage is pledge. Its presence is an essential condition for the existence of this economic concept.

It should be understood that not only purchased property, but also already owned by the borrower can become a guarantee.

For example, banks are not always willing to agree on loans. housing under construction, because the ownership right has not yet been registered for him. So, it is impossible to impose an encumbrance.

The process becomes much simpler if the potential borrower offers to arrange an apartment already in his ownership as a guarantee.

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of real estate, you can sell the subject of pledge with the permission of the bank in order to repay the loan. Another option is to keep the burden until the full fulfillment of obligations. In this case, the borrower becomes the owner of two apartments.

Mortgage financiers understand two economic categories: pledge of property, as well as issued under it cash loan.

At the same time, a number of signs that are characteristic of a mortgage can be distinguished:

  1. design is governed by federal laws;
  2. target nature, that is, when applying for a loan for an apartment, it will not work to spend money on the purchase of something else;
  3. long loan term (up to 50 years);
  4. lower interest rates compared to non-targeted loans.

Theoretically, there is the possibility of obtaining a mortgage and the acquisition of other property (egluxury goods), as well as tuition and treatment fees. However, such programs are not popular in Russia.

1.2. The history of development

Historians agree that the term mortgage occurred a very long time ago - approximately in 5 000 year BC.

Then in ancient Greece they called the mortgage pillar, which was installed on the land of the borrower. It contained information related to the subject of the pledge. In addition, loans secured by real estate were issued in ancient Egypt.

In our country, mortgage in the modern sense appeared not so long ago. Buying apartments on credit against bail became possible only at the end 90years.

The impetus for this was the adoption of in 1998 mortgage law. It is to this day that he acts as the main legislative act that governs the execution of mortgage agreements.

1.3. The advantages and disadvantages of mortgages

For most residents of our country, mortgage registration is the only way to become the owner of an apartment today, and not in the distant future. This leads to a constant demand for mortgage programs.

Specialists highlight a number of the benefitsthat borrowers get when applying for a mortgage:

  1. Acquiring your own home with maximum benefit available to those who are eligible to receive preferential mortgages. In Russia, young specialists, the military, as well as citizens raising more than one child can take advantage of special programs.
  2. Solving housing problems as soon as possible. Using a mortgage allows you to abandon the long-term accumulation of funds for your own apartment. Also, the need to give huge amounts of money to a stranger monthly as rental payments disappears.
  3. For some, mortgage registration allows you to invest in real estate. Such property rarely drops in price, and in the long run the growth in the value of apartments does not stop. When buying a property, the borrower gets the opportunity to realize it in the future at a higher cost. At the same time, it will be possible not only to pay off the debt on the mortgage, but also to get tangible profits.

Despite the significant advantages, the mortgage has a number of disadvantages:

  1. It can be quite difficult to get a mortgage. Many credit organizations check borrowers so thoroughly that getting a positive decision becomes difficult.
  2. High size of overpayments. In connection with the registration of a mortgage for a long period, it can be equal to the original amount of the loan.
  3. The owner is limited in rights to dispose of collateral.
  4. The loan repayment period is usually quite long. Not everyone is ready to make impressive payments every month for 10-30 years.
  5. There is a risk of losing the apartment. If, for any reason, the borrower does not fulfill its obligations under the mortgage, the bank has the right through the court to pick up or sell the subject of the pledge at auction.

Statistics show that you can afford to buy a home on a mortgage can no more 5% of Russian citizens. At the same time, most of them draw up loans on concessional terms.

2. Is there a difference between the concepts of mortgage and mortgage?

Most citizens can not afford to buy an apartment for cash. This is why statistics show that more 50% all real estate transactions are made through registration of mortgage loans. In more detail about how to buy an apartment on a mortgage - where to start and how to proceed when buying a home on credit, we wrote in a previous article.

Not everyone knows that concepts mortgages and mortgage loan unequal.

Mortgage - This is an important component of the mortgage system, which involves a bank issuing a loan against collateral in the form of a pledge of real estate.

It turns out that when issuing a loan, a banking organization, in order to guarantee itself the return of the issued funds, prepares the purchased apartment as a pledge. It is real estate purchased with borrowed funds in the situation described above that acts mortgage.

Under mortgage understand a certain form of collateral. With her, the acquired property belongs to the debtor and is used by him, but an encumbrance is imposed on her.

It turns out that if the debtor refuses to make payments on the loan, the lender has the right to sell the property in order to repay the funds granted as a loan.

Overview of the main types of mortgage lending in Russia

3. The main types of mortgages and mortgages

Today, for many, mortgage lending is the only way to solve the housing problem. Therefore, the demand for this financial service is constantly increasing.

In such circumstances, in order to attract as many customers as possible, banks launch everything on the market. new programs. At the same time, a huge number of clients not only find it difficult to decide which program will be optimal for them, but they also don’t know what their fundamental differences are.

Mortgage loans - the concept is multifaceted, therefore, depending on various characteristics, a large number of classifications are distinguished:

  • for the purpose of lending;
  • depending on the loan currency;
  • by type of property to be purchased;
  • by the method of calculating monthly payments.

This is not a complete list, and each classification has a right to exist.

Some experts prefer to highlight mortgage groupsbased on its definition as real estate collateral.

According to this principle, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. mortgage on the security of the property owned;
  2. Much more often a loan is taken by those who have nothing, therefore a loan secured by purchased property is more popular.

If the mortgage is issued in the first way, the borrower receives the following benefits:

  • lower rate;
  • the possibility of misuse of funds.

When applying for a mortgage on the security of the acquired propertyon the contrary, the loan is exclusively targeted. That is, you can’t buy anything except an apartment with the money received, moreover, it must be approved by the bank. Read how to get a mortgage loan secured by an apartment in a separate article.

Today, a huge number of credit organizations coexist in the market. Naturally, this leads to enormous competition.

Each bank seeks to develop several mortgage lending programswhich will be unique and will be popular among borrowers.

Lending programs are called differently, but most often the names reflect production method or target. In the first case names are more of an advertising nature. In the second - they reflect the real purpose of the mortgage.

For the purpose of registration, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. Loan for the purchase of an apartment in the secondary market one of the most common today. It is characterized optimal conditions, favorable interest rate. In addition, this type of mortgage has a quick design. Many banks offer several varieties of mortgages for the purchase of housing in the secondary market, according to which certain benefits are offered for some groups of borrowers.
  2. Mortgage loan for real estate under construction makes it possible to purchase housing at the time of its construction. It should be understood that the developer must be accredited by the issuing loan organization. For the bank in this case, there is not only the risk of default, but also the likelihood that the construction will not be completed. Therefore, for similar programs highest bid. Naturally, this leads to an increase in overpayment. However, there is a plus for the borrower - an apartment can be purchased at a much lower cost.
  3. Mortgage for building a house issued to those who have a land plot. Such a loan allows you to build a private house.
  4. Loan for the purchase of suburban real estate allows you to become an owner townhouse, country house, the land or cottage. On the market there are proposals developed by credit organizations with the support of developers. Such programs provide an opportunity to buy residential properties in ecologically clean areas at affordable prices.

It turns out that the borrower, in order to facilitate the choice among the variety of mortgage programs, should decide what property will be used by him as collateral.

After that, in the bank’s branch, on its website or on the Internet resources for searching for loans, it is necessary to select a program corresponding to the goals. That is, it should be taken into account those programs that allow you to purchase the desired type of real estate.

Mortgage programs for young families, state employees, civil servants, young professionals

4. Special mortgage lending programs - an overview of the TOP-4 mortgage programs

In Russia, there are not only standard (basic) mortgage programsfor which anyone can apply, but specialaimed at assisting in the purchase of housing for certain categories of citizens. A distinctive feature of such a mortgage is government support.

1) Mortgage with state support

The purpose of mortgage lending with state support is to help solve housing problems, which is intended for socially vulnerable citizens.

These include:

  • families belonging to large families;
  • citizens brought up in orphanages;
  • low-paid public sector employees;
  • disabled people;
  • other categories of citizens who are not able to purchase housing without the help of the state.

To take the opportunity to apply for a social mortgage, citizens must be placed in turn to improve living conditions.

There are several types of assistance provided by the state:

  • a subsidy that can be used both to pay off an existing mortgage and to make an initial payment;
  • lower interest rate on a mortgage loan;
  • sale on credit of real estate at a reduced cost.

A citizen has no right to choose independently what kind of help he should prefer. This decision is made by local authorities.

2) Military mortgage

For servicemen who take part in the accumulative-mortgage system program, it is possible to use the program to purchase apartments "Military mortgage". Such lending is supported by the state.

To a special account, the military is transferred subsidiesthat are intended for the purchase of residential real estate. Moreover, with 2016 years, the military had the opportunity to choose the region of the acquisition of housing, as well as the type of property.

3) Mortgage for a young family

Another type of social mortgage is a mortgage for a young family. The action of this program was planned to cease in 2015 year. However, the conditions were edited and the mortgage for the young family was extended. At the moment, it is planned that the program will operate until 2020 of the year.

The right to use this type of mortgage is for families that meet the following requirements:

  • one of the spouses is younger 35 years;
  • official recognition of the family as needing better housing conditions.

The program provides for the possibility of using subsidized funds as a contribution on a mortgage loan. Moreover, the maximum amount of state aid is 30% of the cost of housing.

4) Mortgage for young professionals

This program is designed to help with the purchase of housing. employees budgetary sphereswhose age does not exceed 35 years. One of the programs in this category is Teacher’s Home.

Categories of citizens entitled to participate in the program are provided with a reduced interest rate and other preferential terms.

Those who plan to take advantage of the social mortgage program should be aware that in addition to federal programs there are also special programs in the regionsdeveloped by local authorities. It is in these organizations that you can learn about existing programs.

In more detail about the social mortgage for young families, military personnel and other public sector employees, we talked about in the previous issue.

The main stages of mortgage lending

5. Getting a mortgage loan - 7 main stages of obtaining a mortgage

Mortgage is a complex and lengthy process that requires the borrower to carefully analyze each decision made.

In order to facilitate the transaction process, banks are developing standard forms of documentation. To make mortgage lending as comfortable as possible for the borrower, he should be aware of the features of each stage of the mortgage.

Stage 1. Preliminary

Firstly the borrower must carefully analyze the conditions for granting a mortgage loan, as well as what rights and obligations he will receive in case of concluding a loan agreement.

Next step It becomes the calculation of the maximum possible to obtain the amount of the mortgage. Further, the features of lending are agreed upon, and a preliminary payment schedule is drawn up.

If the borrower is satisfied with all the points discussed, request or mortgage application.

From the point of view of a credit institution, the application is one of the main sources of information about the client and should include the following data:

  • desired mortgage terms - the amount, calculation scheme and size of the monthly payment and other conditions provided for by the form;
  • loan purpose - Real estate acquisition, construction, mortgage refinancing and others;
  • down payment;
  • customer information - Name, date of birth, address, education and others;
  • property availability data and existing obligations (loans, alimony);
  • employment information, salary and other income.

When choosing a loan program and the desired property important to considerthat in most cases the loan amount does not exceed 70% property valuepledged. I.e 30% of the price of real estate will have to be paid by own funds.

Moreover, most often, banks require you to place the down payment amount on their account opened.

To determine the maximum solvency, credit organizations take into account the borrower's income minus the funds paid monthly for other obligations.

It is generally accepted that the size of the monthly mortgage installment should be no more 30% of the amount of net income. It is on the basis of the amount received that the maximum possible loan amount is calculated in the future.

Also at the preliminary stage it is determined under which percent mortgage loan will be issued. It depends on the amount that the bank agrees to provide to the borrower and the loan conditions currently in force.

Stage 2. Collection and analysis of data on the borrower and subject of pledge

The purpose of this phase is to screen out potentially insolvent borrowers.

For this, the bank uses the following measures:

  • job verification;
  • verification of customer data and his credit history;
  • analysis of the reliability and size of the income and expenses indicated in the application;
  • assessment of the alleged subject of pledge.

At this stage, the borrower is also explained in detail what requirements should be met property, which will be purchased with funds issued in a mortgage. Most often, this is a high level of liquidity, the absence of encumbrance and other property rights from third parties.

Further, in order to classify the borrower as stable or unstable, re-interview. To do this, ask questions, the answers to which are evaluated in points.

If at the first stage there was no documentary confirmation of income, as well as property rights to the assets indicated in the questionnaire, relevant documents are requested.

The bank's security service carries out a thorough check of a potential borrower for a criminal record, the validity of the submitted documents.

Also, when changing a job in the last 2-3 years, it is often specified which circumstances led to such a decision.

Stage 3. Assessment of the probability of repayment of the mortgage

In order to assess the likelihood that a borrower will repay mortgage obligations, credit organizations use a special procedure called underwriting. During it, on the basis of income and property, the financial capabilities of the client are analyzed.

The following personality characteristics are also assessed without fail:

  • the availability of education;
  • seniority;
  • qualification;
  • the company in which the client works in terms of stability.

During the analysis, the following coefficients are also calculated:

  • the ratio of the obligatory expenses of the borrower to his income;
  • what is the share of payments on the planned loan in wages;
  • what percentage of the loan will be the cost of the sale of the collateral.

In addition, in the course of communication with the borrower and assessment of his credit history, his desire is determined to timely repay the obligations undertaken.

Based on the data obtained, special coefficients are calculated, the bank's risks are assessed when a loan is issued. The result is a compilation of a department that evaluates borrowers, recommendations to the credit department.

Based on the recommendations made, it is accepted decision give out or refuse in issuing a mortgage loan. Most often, a refusal follows when identifying the fact of providing false data, as well as problems with credit history.

If the client is stable, they can provide him with a list of conditions under which a positive decision will be made - to attract a co-borrower or guarantor, to submit additional documents.

Stage 4. Mortgage Decision

When all the preliminary steps have been completed, the borrower finds and provides the bank with the subject of the planned collateral.

Also, until the decision is made, the assessment and acceptability of the use of the presented property as collateral is carried out. This is compiled legal opinion.

All documents compiled during the analysis are collected in a single file and submitted for consideration. credit committeewho makes the final decision on the possibility of lending.

In case of approval, it is established how the pledge will be drawn up, about which notification for the borrower.

Stage 5. Conclusion of a mortgage transaction

At this stage, several agreements are concluded between the parties to the transaction:

  1. Between the borrower and the owner of the property for the purchase of which a loan is issued, is contract of sale.
  2. Between the bank and the borrower loan agreement. It must be indicated: the size and term of the mortgage loan, interest rate, on what grounds the contract can be terminated ahead of schedule and the property withdrawn, the priority of repayment.
  3. The pledge agreement (mortgage) must Be sure to register with government agencies. This agreement reflects what property is the subject of a pledge, its value. In addition, it is indicated that the main obligation is the loan, its amount and term, in which cases the collateral is transferred to the bank, whether it should be insured.
  4. Insurance contracts. To reduce the level of risk, banks require several types of insurance. Insured loans in the financial market have great liquidity. Often you have to insure the property transferred pledge. It is advisable that the amount of the insurance contract was not less than the size of the loan, taking into account interest. Often, the life and performance of the borrower are also insured.

The end of the stage of concluding a mortgage transaction is the transfer of funds to the seller in the manner provided for in the loan agreement.

Stage 6. Credit service

During this phase, the following activities are carried out:

  • making next payments;
  • verification of compliance of payments made to the schedule of loan payments;
  • bank accounting of credit operations;
  • calculation and transfer of insurance premiums;
  • work with arrears;
  • reporting on loans issued and repayable.

Stage 7. Closing a mortgage loan

This stage completes the mortgage deal. When all obligations are repaid by the borrower, his loan account is canceled. After that, the credit transaction is closed, and the property is removed from under encumbrance.

Thus, the mortgage ends. This must be recorded in State registry.

There is another option for the development of events when the borrower does not pay off the debt, thereby violating the terms of the loan agreement.

In this case, in a judicial or non-judicial procedure, the credit organization draws foreclosure on the subject of mortgages. The result is the sale of collateral, the proceeds go to pay off credit debt. If funds remain during this procedure, they are transferred to the borrower.

Thus, a mortgage transaction includes seven consecutive steps. Depending on the terms of the contract, the duration of the procedure can be tens of years.

Tips for choosing the most suitable loan program option

6. How to choose the right mortgage - expert advice

Mortgage loan is an obligation that is accepted for more than one year, usually for several tens of years. Therefore, the choice of program should be approached as responsibly as possible.

To select the most favorable conditions, it is important to conduct a thorough preliminary analysis.

Don't forgetthat often banks present certain loan parameters, using them as an advertising move.

Do not believe everything unconditionally, important check all credit parameters, and not just those to which banks pay attention of customers.

The following are expert advice on what loan parameters need to be studied in order to understand how beneficial it is.

Tip 1. Analyze interest rates

Traditionally, when choosing the right mortgage program, borrowers primarily pay attention to interest rate.

Today in Russia on average it is 12-15%, which is considered a fairly high level. Some of the highest overpayments on mortgages are explained, first of all, by a significant level. inflation.

In the near future, a change in the situation is not expected. Interest rate reduction to an adequate level 8% only happen after 15 years, the economy will be stable.

To make the comparison of programs more visual, it is advisable to pre-produce mortgage calculation. This can be done not only in bank branches, but also online, using loan calculator.

It is enough to enter the rate, term and size of the loan to see estimated monthly payment. But do not forget that standard calculators do not take into account various commissions.

In addition to the size of the monthly payment, the calculator allows you to evaluate overpayment rate. Not everyone realizes that when applying for a long-term mortgage - more 10 years, the overpayment may be equal to the amount of the original loan received and even exceed it several times.

Tip 2. Compare the size of the commissions.

All borrowers have an idea what is the size of the interest rate on the loan they receive. However, few are aware of how much they will be charged for servicing various banking operations. At the same time, in monetary terms, the borrower's expenses may amount to more than one thousand rubles.

Often, borrowers are tempted at a lower interest rate compared to other banks, without considering commission size.

At the same time, banks often indicate the level additional payments as a percentage per month, which customers often do not pay attention to during registration. As a result, over the years of servicing a loan, huge amounts of money are accumulating.

There are several types of commissions:

  • for servicing a credit account;
  • for making monthly payments;
  • for processing and issuing a loan.

All of them increase the amount of overpayment under the contract. Therefore, the availability of commissions should be clarified before signing a loan agreement.

Tip 3. Analyze insurance conditions

The law obliges when insuring mortgages to insure collateral. At the same time, banks often, in addition to compulsory insurance, include additional - debtor's life, health, and disability insurance.

It should be borne in mind that contributions, both compulsory and additional insurance, are paid by the borrower.

Often, for the year you have to make an additional order 1% of the loan amount. It is only natural that with a long maturity, the amounts run up quite substantial.

In principle, all types of supplementary insurance are voluntary and are issued exclusively with the consent of the client.

If the bank refuses to take out insurance, it may follow interest rate increase. Therefore, it is so important to clarify the availability of insurance, as well as the size of payments on them.

Before making a decision, is worth make a calculation and compare savingswhich is caused by the refusal of insurance, with an additional overpayment arising in connection with an increase in the rate.

Tip 4. Study the terms of early repayment

In most cases, borrowers make every effort to pay off a mortgage loan as quickly as possible.

Statistics show that there are frequent cases when a mortgage issued on 20 years, closes through 10, and sometimes much earlier. However, not all banks are satisfied with this state of affairs.

With the accelerated payment of mortgage loans, the credit institution loses huge profits. That is why lenders are making efforts to make early repayments unprofitable for customers.

There are several ways to do this.:

  1. moratorium, that is, a ban on payments at an amount higher than the schedule for a certain time period;
  2. commissions for early repayment;
  3. complication of the scheme early repayment.

Tip 5. Specify the conditions under which a loan agreement can be terminated.

Prior to signing the mortgage loan agreement, it should be clarified under what conditions the bank has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement.

Traditionally, credit organizations decide to terminate the contract in cases where the borrower 3 once a year allows long delays.

However, in some cases, even a one-time late payment can lead to significant problems.

Thus, when choosing a program for registering a mortgage, it is imperative to conduct an analysis of all the parameters mentioned. Without this, one cannot be sure that the best conditions are chosen.

Conditions for issuing mortgage loans on the example of the largest banks in the Russian Federation

7. Conditions for obtaining a mortgage in 2019 on the example of the most popular banks in Russia

Mortgages are based on federal laws. In this case, the conditions that banks make to borrowers, they determine independently.

Common to all programs are traditionally considered Russian citizenship, as well as permanent registration in the regionwhere a loan is issued and real estate is acquired. Nevertheless, issuing loans for the purchase of apartments in the secondary market, some organizations even treat these conditions quite loyally.

Sex of the future borrower also plays a secondary role. However, some loan officers prefer to give loans to men or women.

Higher education most banks attach great importance. Of course, officially credit organizations do not prescribe a diploma requirement in programs. However, this condition increases the level of reliability, since it is always easier for a person with a higher education to find a job.

Customers with a high risk of loan disapproval are also considered those who have the only source of income - own business. Therefore, often entrepreneurs are faced with a rejection of the submitted application.

Much more willingly are lending institutions issuing mortgages to those who have stable wages in reliable companies.

Next, we consider these and other conditions of mortgage lending in Russian banks.

Condition 1. Borrower Age

Banks prefer to issue mortgages to citizens of working age. Get a mortgage can those who have already turned 21 year.

The upper limit is traditionally considered retirement age plus or minus 5 years. But there are some features.

The upper limit of lending on average in Russia implies the end of all mortgage payments by 65 years. Maximum age is offered in Sberbank. Here you can pay a loan before reaching 75 years.

There are some features of determining the upper age limit and for design military mortgages. Retirement for military personnel begins with 45 years, therefore it is up to this age that mortgage loans are specially developed for these categories of citizens.

However, age is not an essential determinant of a mortgage. Banks pay more attention wage stability, the presence of property, as well as guarantors or co-borrowers.

Condition 2. Marriage and co-borrowers

The banks have the greatest trust family borrowers. This is especially true for those who have children, and the spouse works and receives a stable income.

Borrowers with 2 a child and more, and there is a right to maternity capital, they also have certain advantages. They can use state funds for the initial payment or repayment of a part of the main debt.

It turns out that having a family is a plus when registering a mortgage. However, in cases where the spouse of the applicant is on maternity leave, as well as if the borrower has too many dependents, the borrower may well receiverenouncement from issuing a mortgage loan.

As for the co-borrower, its presence increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. Co-borrower represents the person who is obliged to pay the loan on an equal basis with the main borrower.

Moreover, for the purpose of calculating the maximum loan amount, the income of these two persons is taken into account. As co-borrowers usually attract spouses or close relatives.

Condition 3. Duration of employment

An important parameter that is taken into account when registering a mortgage is the length of service. Traditionally, the applicant should work in the same company or in one position not less than six months.

Moreover, the total experience over the past 5 years should be no less 12 months. The greatest location banks have for those who have fixed wage and stable place of work, ideally public service.

Condition 4. The amount of income

One of the first conditions that bank employees pay attention to is the amount of income received by a potential borrower. In many ways, the amount of the obtained mortgage, as well as the size of the monthly payment, depend on it.

It is legally established that the amount of payments on a mortgage loan must be not more half of total income. In other words, the funds received should be sufficient to meet the natural needs.

You can increase the level of trust on the part of a credit institution by documenting the existence of various profitable assets. It can be securities, gold etc property.

When considering the size of income, some credit organizations take into account the following parameters:

  • total income of the two spouses;
  • salaries of relatives who are involved as guarantors or co-borrowers;
  • Other income. Which will be able to officially confirm (for example, rental payments).

It should be borne in mind that credit organizations evaluate not only the level of income, but also the accuracy of payments on former or existing loans. It turns out that the probability of failure increases significantly if there are delinquency facts on current loans.

If the loan, for which there were minor delinquencies, has already been closed, you can try to prove to the bank that the delays in payments were due to difficult circumstances. for exampleYou can submit a certificate of illness or reduction.

Condition 5. Required Documents

One of the most important conditions, without which it is impossible to get a positive solution, is to provide full package of necessary documents. Moreover, they should not only be properly decoratedbut also pass a test on authenticity.

For example, to arrange a mortgage in Sberbank will be required:

  • loan application;
  • identity document of the borrower and his spouse, children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate or other official document confirming the level of income;
  • copy of the work book;
  • documents for property that will act as collateral for a mortgage.

In most banks, the list of documents is approximately the same.

Condition 6. Down payment

The amount of own funds that must be paid to pay for an apartment to obtain a mortgage varies in different banks.

Should knowthat within the framework of a single credit institution there may be several mortgage programs that involve a different amount of down payment.

On average, the level of down payment in banks is 15-30% However in Sberbank conditions are more loyal. So, according to the program "Young family" down payment is provided in the amount of 10% For families with children, it is reduced up to 5%. In more detail about the mortgage without down payment, we spoke in the last issue.

Condition 7. Term of the mortgage

The term for which a mortgage loan will be issued is agreed between the borrower and the bank. During this time, all payments on the loan must be made in full.

The term is influenced by several factors:

  • borrower income level;
  • required loan amount;
  • customer age.

Maximum termon which you can get a mortgage, in Sberbank makes up 30 years. Some lending institutions agree to grant such a loan at 50 years.

Minimum term traditionally equal 10 years. Programs that provide for full repayment within five years are much less common.

Those borrowers who need funds for a shorter period of time can be advised to take a consumer loan instead of a mortgage.

Condition 8. Mortgage Interest Rate

The average interest rate in Russian banks is 12-14% in year.

More loyal conditions apply for regular customers of the bank, as well as for those who issue a mortgage for social programs.

Clients should be attentive to those banks that offer to get a mortgage at a lower percentage. Often in these cases, overestimated commissions.

Condition 9. Payment Procedure

Theoretically exists 2 options for making monthly payments:

  1. differentiated;
  2. annuity payments.

In the first case payment is gradually being reduced, in the second - Payment is made in equal amounts.

In Russia, the scheme using annuity payments. That it is offered by most banks.

Condition 10. Insurance Contributions

Russian law provides for the obligation to insure mortgages. But often banks introduce conditions for additional insurance.

They introduce the condition of insurance into credit programs customer life, him working capacity, as well as mortgaged property. In this case, it’s best to choose comprehensive insurance, since its cost will be lower.

Thus, there are a number of conditions for mortgage lending, which the borrower must familiarize themselves with at the stage of choosing a bank.

Mortgage calculation (mortgage loan amount) using the online calculator

8. How to calculate a mortgage online - an example of calculating the amount of a mortgage loan

Already at the stage of deciding to buy housing on a mortgage, future borrowers are wondering what the size of the monthly payments will be, and how much the overpayment will ultimately amount to.

Most large banks provide everyone with the opportunity to independently make all the necessary payments using mortgage calculator in mode online. However, certain difficulties often arise.

It would seem that everything is simple - just enter:

  • the rate for the selected program as a percentage;
  • method of payment;
  • loan term (usually in months);
  • the cost of the apartment;
  • down payment amount.

When all information is entered, the calculator will calculate amount of payments and overpayments.

For example, the following parameters are specified:

  1. apartment cost - 3 one million rubles;
  2. loan term - twenty years or 240 months;
  3. rate 13%;
  4. no down payment;
  5. annuity payment scheme.

As a result, it turns out that the size of the monthly payment is 35 147 rubles. Overpayment will exceed 5,4 million rubles, that is about 180%. It is acceptable or not for the borrower to decide for himself.

It should be borne in mind that when calculating using a mortgage calculator, they are often not taken into account commissions and insurance payments.

It is even more difficult to make reliable calculations when the client regularly makes amounts that exceed the amount of payment for the purpose of partial early repayment of the debt.

From the parameters that are entered in the mortgage calculator, it can be seen that the sizes of payments and overpayments are affected by the program parameters set by each bank independently.

To facilitate the selection of optimal conditions, we provide a table of mortgage conditions offered by large Russian banks:

Credit organizationThe name of the programInterest rate,% per yearDown payment, in%Max. termMax. loan amount, million rubles
RaiffeisenbankApartments in new buildings111025 years15
GazprombankMortgage with state support11,752030 years20
SberbankWith state support122020 years8-15
UnicreditMortgage is calling122030 years-
VTB 24Buying a home in the primary or secondary market13-151515 years8-75

9. Early repayment of a mortgage (mortgage loan) - is it profitable or not?

Most borrowers try to repay a mortgage loan as soon as possible. This is explained by huge overpayments.

It is easy to calculate that buying an apartment in a mortgage on 20 years, the borrower will repay 2 times a larger amount than he takes from the bank. And this is not the limit, if there is no down payment, the rate is above average, and the period is maximum, the overpayment will be even more.

Some argue that inflation will eat up part of the overpayment over time. However, in spite of everything, it is huge in any case.

Practice showsthat many bank customers, when they know the size of overpayments, refuse to arrange a mortgage. Those who nevertheless decided to make such a commitment, try to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Do not forget that in Russia it is most often used annuity scheme making payments, which involves a very slow repayment of principal. In the first months and even years, interest on the loan is paid.

The main debt itself is reduced very slowly. This situation does not suit borrowers, so they begin to produce prepaymentsin which the amount of debt is reduced much more noticeably.

But such decisions are unprofitable for banks, because in this case they lose huge profits. Therefore, they make every effort to ensure that borrowers refuse early repayment.

To this end, the following measures have traditionally been applied:

  • prepayment moratorium involves a ban on such payments for several years;
  • commissions are introduced accelerated repayment of the main debt;
  • fixed amount of early payments;
  • debt relief procedure is complicated - most often you need to write a statement on a specific day, then come for a new repayment schedule.

Experts recommend not to rush to early repayment. It is best to conduct a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of such actions before committing it.

Do not forget that today a specific amount has more value than it will have tomorrow, taking into account inflation.

10. TOP-5 banks with the best conditions for mortgage lending

Today, almost all banks offer several mortgage programs. Many of them are characterized by very favorable conditions. About where it is more profitable to take a mortgage, we previously wrote in one of our articles.

However, to independently search for the perfect program will have to spend a huge amount of time. A great option is to use the ratings of banks compiled by experts.

One of these ratings is presented below in the form of a table:

Credit organizationCredit program nameMaximum loan amount, million rublesMaximum termRate
1.Moscow credit bankMortgage with state support8,020 years7-12%
2.PromsotsbankSet your bid20,027 years10%
3.SberbankAcquisition of finished housing for young families8,030 years11%
4.VTB 24More meters - less rate (purchase of large-sized apartments)60,030 years11,5%
5.Russian Agricultural BankFor reliable customers20,030 years12,50%

11. Professional assistance in obtaining and obtaining a mortgage

Making a mortgage loan is a difficult and lengthy process. It causes particular difficulties for those who do not have a legal or financial education.

Such categories of citizens, in order to save time, effort and money, can be advised to seek the help of professionals who are called mortgage brokers. They help find mortgage program, which will be most profitable in specific conditions.

Most major real estate agencies have in their staff mortgage brokers, and sometimes a whole department. In addition, the market operates specialized companiesfor which assistance in obtaining loans is the main activity. Also, with their help, you can take a loan with bad credit history without income certificates and guarantors.

In Moscow, leaders among such companies are:

1) Freedom

Freedom promises his client to achieve a maximum rate reduction of 1% from banks.

In addition, cooperation with this broker allows you to get rid of commissions for issuing mortgages.

2) Mortgage Selection

The company guarantees that applications submitted through it to Moscow banks will be accurately approved.

The broker has been operating in the market since 2012, providing assistance to both legal entities and individuals.

3) The ABC of Housing

The ABC of Housing - one of the largest real estate agencies in Moscow, began its work in 1997.

During this time, 8 branches were opened throughout the capital.

4) Capital Real Estate

Capital real estate helps arrange a mortgage as soon as possible by providing a minimum of documents.

Many brokerage companies are developing a branch network in Russia, going beyond the capital. In any case, you can always find a reliable mortgage broker in fairly large megacities.

12. Mortgage Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 📣

In the process of studying the issue of obtaining mortgage loans, future borrowers inevitably face a huge number of questions. Finding answers to them requires a fair amount of time and effort.

Therefore, we decided to make life easier for our readers - the answers to the most popular questions about the mortgage will no longer have to be searched on the Internet. We cited them at the end of this publication.

Question 1. How to calculate the mortgage online using a loan calculator?

Assess the main parameters of a mortgage loan in the mode online allow special calculators. In this case, you can use both those that are posted on the website of a particular bank, and those that are on our website. You can calculate the mortgage through our mortgage calculator.

Using such programs, you can calculate:

  • amount of monthly payment;
  • the total amount of all payments for the full term of the loan;
  • size of overpayments.

To determine the named values, you must enter in the fields of the calculator:

  • loan amount or the cost of the apartment and the size of the down payment;
  • loan term - usually indicated in months;
  • interest rate for the selected program;
  • payment scheme.

Payment schemes come in 2 types:

  1. annuity;
  2. differentiated.

If you choose annuity payments, monthly will have to pay a fixed amount. However, only their composition is different. First, the interest occupies the bulk of the payment, gradually their content decreases, and the repayment of the main debt increases.

For differential system payouts the opposite situation is characteristic - the amount of payment is different every month, it gradually decreases. At the same time, accrued interest and equal shares of the principal debt are repaid.

In Russia, most banks use annuity payments. However, experts warn that they are characterized by a large amount of overpayment. Therefore, in cases where the borrower is given the right to choose, it is better to prefer differential circuit.

When all the data in the calculator window has been entered, it remains to press the button calculate.

In fact, all calculators work approximately the same. However, banks post on their sites those that are already tuned to their own terms of mortgage lending.

It is also important to pay attention to the possibility to include in the calculation size of commissions and insurance payments, since they have a significant impact on the size of overpayments.

Question 2. Is it worth taking a foreign currency mortgage?

Some borrowers believe that there is a benefit from arranging a mortgage in foreign currency.

Most banks offer rates for similar programs, which minimum 3-4% lowerthan with a ruble mortgage. It would seem that over the many years for which such loans are issued, this saves significant amounts of money.

However, do not forget that today the exchange rate is changing rapidly and not always predictably. Such leaps can lead to a significant increase in the payment amount in ruble terms, and sometimes to the inability of the borrower to fulfill its obligations.

Such situations inevitably lead to the fact that future borrowers are wondering if the currency mortgage is safe today.

It should be borne in mind that when issuing a mortgage in foreign currency, the borrower assumes not only credit, but also currency risks.

This was fully felt by the borrowers who issued a loan in the currency of all 3-4 years ago. Since then, the rate has grown approximately 2 times.

As a result, many foreign currency borrowers found themselves in a situation where the funds earned by them became insufficient to pay off monthly payments. And there are no guarantees that in the future the jumps in the value of currencies will not happen again.

It turns out that it is profitable for most borrowers to arrange mortgage loans in rubles. The only ones who can benefit from a foreign currency mortgage are citizens whose wages are calculated and paid in foreign currency. They can save on conversion.

Those who have already issued a mortgage in foreign currency are worried whether the situation with a sharp jump in the exchange rate will repeat. In this regard, they are trying to decide whether to transfer the loan into rubles.

Experts recommend trying refinance a mortgage. However, it can become much more profitable. interest-free loan for a minimum period with friends. These means should pay off the mortgage.

After removing the encumbrance from real estate, a ruble loan should be issued against its security and the debt should be repaid. But here there are difficulties — not everyone has friends who are ready to borrow such large sums of money. We have already talked about where to borrow money urgently in a previous issue.

In addition, there is no guarantee that when you try to get a loan secured by real estate there will not be a waiver from the bank, no.

Question 3. How to get a mortgage repayment subsidy?

For many, a mortgage loan is the only way to become the owner of their own housing. However, to get it, you need to confirm a sufficiently high and stable income.

Naturally, not everyone has such an opportunity. For less affluent people provided state assistance in obtaining a loancalled subsidy.

Subsidies are allocated both federalso on regional level. You can get detailed information about the possibilities for obtaining state aid at local authorities.

Before 2020 years eligible for subsidy are:

  • large families, that is, those in which more than two children are raised at the time of obtaining a mortgage loan;
  • young familieswhere both spouses have not reached the age of 35;
  • single-parent familiesin which the spouse is less than 35 years old;
  • families of public servants.

The decision on the possibility of providing a young family with mortgage subsidies is entrusted to the youth department formed by the city administration.

To get government support, you need to go through a number of stages:

  1. Ensure that the family in question is eligible for a subsidy;
  2. Specify in the youth committee which particular package of documents should be provided in a specific situation. The list is determined by the parameters of each individual family, as well as the acquired property;
  3. Collect all the necessary documents and transfer them to the youth department.

After that, it remains to wait until it is accepted decision to include in the subsidy program. It is mandatory to be documented. Subsequently, this particular paper may be needed to appeal to the court and other instances.

Despite the fact that the package of necessary documents is individual for each specific case, There is a standard package that includes:

  1. A document that confirms the decision made by the housing commission on the need to improve the living conditions of a particular family;
  2. Copies of documents (passports) of both spouses. You may also need identity documents from other family members who live with spouses.
  3. Copies of each child’s birth certificates.
  4. Copy of marriage certificate. For an incomplete family - a certificate of divorce.
  5. For single-parent families, a document confirming the eligibility of children with one of the parents is also required.
  6. For both spouses - documents confirming income (certificate 2-NDFL, from the pension fund), as well as employment (a copy of the work book or a certificate from the employment service).

Families that qualify for a subsidy should be prepared to receive it. long and difficult.

Firstly, the process of preparing all the necessary documents takes a lot of time and effort. Moreover, in most cases, government bodies are in no hurry to make a decision. They check the submitted documents with particular care.

Despite any difficulties, a real opportunity to receive a subsidy exists. For many, it becomes real financial assistance in acquiring your own apartment. That is why you should not be afraid, it is important to confidently move towards the goal.

Question 4. Mortgage by virtue of law and by virtue of an agreement - what is it?

Legally mortgage is the key to real estate. Its main purpose is credit risk insurance.

That is, in those cases when, for some reason, the borrower ceases to fulfill its obligations, the lender has the right to sell the property, and the proceeds to send the debt.

In accordance with applicable Russian legislation two the types of grounds that lead to mortgages:

1) Mortgage by law provides when it does not occur upon agreement of the parties to the pledge transaction, but when the facts established by law appear. Also called such a mortgage legal.

It can occur in the following cases:

  • acquisition of real estate - a house, land or apartment, using borrowed money;
  • construction of housing with funds taken on credit;
  • when providing a loan or installment plan by the seller of real estate to the buyer.

In all these cases, the mortgage is executed by the contract of sale of the property at the expense of borrowed funds. Such an agreement is subject to state registration.

Upon completion, the borrower is officially recognized as the owner of the acquired property. However, it is actually pledged to a credit institution. This is recorded in the column. "restrictions" certificate of ownership "pledge by law".

2) Mortgage by virtue of an agreement. It arises as a result of the conclusion real estate pledge agreement. Such an agreement is not a separate obligation, it is an addition to the loan agreement.

A distinctive feature of a mortgage by virtue of an agreement is the transfer to the lender as collateral of property that is already the property of the borrower.

for example, the citizen owns real estate, and he wants to get a loan for a large amount. At the same time, a mortgage agreement is drawn up simultaneously with the loan agreement, and a pledge arises by virtue of the agreement.

Thus, the main difference between the two types of mortgages is the goals use of credit funds:

  • Mortgage by force of law arises at registration targeted loansthat can be used exclusively for the acquisition of real estate.
  • In contrast, when making mortgages by virtue of an agreement issued loan not is targeted. Therefore, the borrower has the right to spend money at his discretion.

In Russia, most often, borrowers use a mortgage specifically for the acquisition of a property that will be issued by the bank as collateral. Therefore, mortgages by law are much more common.

Question 5. What is the minimum amount of a mortgage loan and how is it calculated?

Traditionally, the size of the mortgage loan is calculated based on the value of the acquired property. You can get the maximum 100% from this amount. The minimum size is also limited - traditionally it should not be smaller 30% the cost of the apartment.

It should be understood that the price set by the seller is not accepted as the price of the property during mortgage lending.

Mandatory verification of the assigned cost of housing. She carried out appraiser, which conducts an inspection of the property and gives its own opinion on the appropriateness of the assigned price.

Practice shows that a huge number of factors affect the size of a mortgage loan:

  • the size of the market, as well as the estimated price of the property;
  • borrower age;
  • down payment amount;
  • income level.

First of all, we will consider how the level of a mortgage loan is affected by the borrower's salary level.

A limitation is established by law - monthly payments should not exceed half of the debtor's income. Such a rule is beneficial for the borrower as well, since with a different ratio it will be very difficult to fulfill the obligations undertaken.

But when calculating a possible payment, not only the salary received on hand is taken into account. Bank employees calculate the borrower's net monthly income.

In this regard, compulsory expenses are important, which directly affect the free amount of funds in the borrower's budget. Bank employees are especially attentive to the so-called social payments - alimony, utility costs, taxes and other.

Don't forgetthat the burden on the family budget when applying for a mortgage loan is not only in monthly payments, but also in insurance payments. They should also be considered.

If the income received during the calculations is not enough to obtain a mortgage for the desired amount, you can take the opportunity to attract co-borrowers. In this case, the income of several people is already taken into account, but each of them will have to collect a standard package of documents and go through the full verification procedure.

In fact, one should take into account not only the estimated value of the acquired property. In cases where the amount in the hands of a potential borrower is greater 70% of the price of the apartment, it makes sense to consider other lending options.

You can try to arrange not a mortgage, but consumer credit. In this case, you can save. Despite the fact that the percentage on non-targeted loans may be higher, you should consider lack of most commissions, as well as insurance premiums.

13. Conclusion + video on the topic

Thus, for many, a mortgage is the only way to become the owner of your own apartment.

Important in advance to study all aspects of lending, compare existing programs on the market. In this case, you can expect that the purchase of real estate will be carried out with the greatest benefit for the borrower.

In conclusion, we recommend watching a video about what a mortgage and a mortgage loan are, and also what is the procedure for obtaining such a loan from banks:

We wish you good luck in financial matters, so that the repayment of a mortgage loan takes place as soon as possible!

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Watch the video: How to Get a Home Loan Without Income Documents (January 2025).

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