What are the varieties of radish? The importance of the right choice, description and photo of varieties of vegetables

Radish is a very popular vegetable all over the world, and especially in Russia. For those who want to enjoy fresh, and most importantly, their radish, it will be useful to learn about the variety of varieties of this product. This article describes in detail radish varieties for cultivation in different regions of Russia. Information is also provided on the nuances and features of growing this root crop in open ground and greenhouses.

The importance of making the right choice

Most the first healthy vegetable that bears fruit after a cold winter is radish. It is very important to choose the right variety so that when growing in a greenhouse or in the open field, you get a tasty, rich crop and not waste time.

Many factors must be considered before going for seeds. This climatic conditions, and soil fertility, and planting conditions (greenhouse, apartment, open ground), and the purpose of cultivation. There are apparently no radish varieties, so each gardener will be able to choose the right one for himself.

Consequences of the error

If you make a mistake when choosing a variety, then the sad result will not be long in coming.

  • Vegetables can disappear altogether due to inappropriate climate or the lack of necessary trace elements in the soil.
  • It can freeze if planted heat-loving varieties in the more northern regions of our country.
  • It can "go to the arrow", and grow only in the tops, which, as a rule, is not eaten.

There can be many consequences, but the result is one: the crop is lost, the gardener is upset, time is lost. To avoid this, you need to correctly and carefully choose the radish variety, given its main characteristics.

The dependence of choice on climate and the purpose of cultivation

Our country is huge, and various climatic zones exist inside it. The average weather conditions greatly affect the choice of radish varieties. For example, in Siberia, spring comes a little later than in central Russia, so the varieties are more suitable:

  • "Ksenia".
  • Mokhovsky.
  • Saxon.

They ripen quickly, give excellent fruits and are resistant to frost, dryness and humidity.

The purpose of cultivation is different for everyone, but it can also tell which type of radish to give preference to. There are certain classifications of this vegetable: the period of the growing season, fruit color, taste, etc. If you grow this culture for yourself, then popular varieties are suitable:

  • "18 days."
  • "Basis".
  • "Albina."

If you grow up for sale, you can choose not ordinary. If they need to collect both seeds and fruits, then one-year varieties should be selected, since biennials will give seeds only for the next season.

What are the varieties of radishes: description and photo

The following is a description and photos of popular, both early-ripening and later varieties of vegetables for growing in open ground and in greenhouses.



With proper care, the root crops ripen in 16-18 days. Productivity up to 2.5 kg from the 1st quarter. meter. Fruits in a variety from April to September. Plants are not prone to bloom. Fruits are dense, roundish-oblong, slightly flattened above and below, bright red; ripen all together.

We suggest watching a video about Alyosha radish:


Matures on day 18-20. The radish itself is round, smooth, red-crimson in color, with delicate pulp, white or pinkish. It tastes slightly edgy. "Heat" is also suitable for winter sowing. To do this, the seeds are planted deeper - about 3-4 cm. It can be planted in open or protected ground.

We offer you to watch a video about the variety of radish Heat:

French breakfast

Popular variety growing season 21-23 days. Cylindrical root crops reach a length of about 6-8 cm, have a red-crimson color, turning into white at the tip. The pulp is tender, juicy and white. This variety is famous for its main advantage - disease resistance, and therefore stably gives a good harvest.

We offer you to watch a video about radish variety French breakfast:


Ripening period is 20-25 days. In the greenhouse 18-20 days. It resists flare, has a strong immunity to various diseases. The radish is round, smooth, bright red, the flesh is slightly sharp, juicy and white.


It is able to give a harvest for 16-19 days. The tops of it are 10-15 cm, the fruits are bright red, weighing up to 35 grams. In the 1st quarter meter can grow up to 4 kg of radish. The pulp has a sweet taste. This variety grows well in the summer heat, planted several times during the season. Its root crop does not crack and is resistant to shooting.


Variety with low tops. Root crops at full maturity reach 4-5 cm in diameter; have a thin white ponytail and shiny red skin. It tastes slightly spicy, with a small bitterness and a characteristic smell of radish.

18 days

According to gardeners, the tastiest radish from the early varieties. It justifies its name: it ripens in 18-20 days. Root crops of a cylindrical form, have not sharp juicy pulp. It is grown in closed and open ground.

We offer you to watch a video about the radish variety 18 days:


One of the most unpretentious varieties. The term of technical ripeness is 20-24 days. Productivity 2.5-3 kg per 1 square. meter. It has round or elliptical root crops with a smooth surface. Color red-raspberry, weight up to 24 grams. The flesh is pale pink or white, moderately sharp, does not bite.

We offer you to watch a video about the variety of radish Zarya:



It tolerates short daylight hours in the early spring. Root crops are standard, round, red, up to 3 cm in diameter, weighing up to 23 grams. Ripen for 20-24 days. Rosette of leaves erect, yellowish-green. Productivity up to 2.5 kg from the 1st quarter. meter.


Not very sensitive to daylight hours. It is permissible to grow it during the spring and autumn periods. It fully ripens on the 30th day. The leaves of the tops are gray-green, narrowed to the base, grow compactly. The fruit color is traditionally red, rounded, with a convex head. The pulp is juicy, medium sharp.


Matures in 25-28 days. Fruits are small in size, up to 3 cm in diameter, all equally uniform and red. They grow synchronously - this is the hallmark of Rondar. The yield is high, the plant develops compactly, which allows it to be sown tightly.


The growing season of the variety is 26-28 days. Productivity up to 2.5 kg per 1 square. meter. The culture is cold-resistant, withstands small frosts. The plant of this variety has tops 15-18 cm high; the number of leaves is from 5 to 7, lyre-shaped, richly green. On the leaf blades on both sides there is a rare, short pubescence.

The root crop is red-crimson in color, up to 4.5 cm long and up to 5 cm in diameter. The surface is smooth. The flesh is juicy, pinkish or white, but prone to rapid sagging. The fruits taste sweet and slightly sharp, their mass reaches up to 28 grams.

We offer you to watch a video about the Rubin radish variety:


This variety is characterized by medium bitterness of root crops, high productivity (1 kg per 1 sq. Meter), good immunity to diseases. The growing season is 20-25 days. Harvested crops can be stored for up to one and a half months.

We offer you to watch a video about Champion radish variety:


Ripening period is 25-30 days. Root crops are bright red, small, slightly flattened in shape. Pulp with weak bitterness. Productivity from 1-4 kg per 1 square. meter. The variety is resistant to flowering, sagging, but may be affected by cruciferous disease. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Late ripening


The variety is famous for its high productivity, loves fertile, sandy loamy soil. Resistant to disease, pests and heat. Root crops of 4-5 cm in diameter and 3-4 cm in length. Color bright raspberry. Total yield up to 2.5 kg per 1 sq. Km. meter.

Red giant

Root crops of this variety resemble carrots in shape. The color is dark pink, with white transverse grooves and tip. The radish is sweet, dense and without voids. Weight 50-150 grams, length 12-16 cm, diameter 2-4 cm. The ripening period of this crop is 40-50 days, yield 2.5-4.5 kg per 1 square. meter.

We offer you to watch a video about the variety of radish Red Giant:

Shooting Resistant


Matures in 15-18 days. Do not shoot. The variety has a remarkable yield. Root crops of the same size, red, rounded. Juicy and crisp pulp does not stiffen even with a long shelf life.

It is necessary to timely harvest the crop from the garden, as the fruits that are overripe become bitter and hard.


This culture is resistant to dry and hot weather, practically does not respond to daylight hours. Suitable for long-term storage and transportation. Its productivity is always high - under favorable conditions and suitable courtship, 2.5 kilograms of radish per 1 square meter.

Root crops of a round form, slightly rough, with a bright yellow color, like "gold". The white flesh has a slightly island flavor, juicy and white in itself. This the variety grows best in greenhouses and greenhouses, but also suitable for other types of soils.

We offer you to watch a video about the variety of radish Zlata:


The variety is high yielding. The ripening period takes 25-30 days. The root crop is raspberry-red in color, round, in length up to 5 cm, in diameter up to 3.5 cm. Weight reaches from 20 to 22 grams. The pulp is dense, snow-white or pink-white, the taste is slightly sharp. For the cultivation of this variety, you should choose sunny areas, where snow first falls in the spring.

This radish loves loose soil, in heavy and dense it will shoot. It is worth liming acidic soil, otherwise the radish can get sick with a keel. "Mercado" is very demanding on regular watering, without them, the fruits are rough and bitter. In hot weather, you need to water daily.

We offer you to watch a video about the Mercado radish variety:



Ripening of this early ripening variety occurs on 20-25 days. Him main feature - non-firing variety. Shooting is absent even with a long daylight. The radish is round in shape, dark red in color, it has a juicy white flesh. For "Sora" inherent in a small tops, because of which you can make a dense sowing. This radish is sown from March to September and gives a single crop.

We suggest you watch a video about the Sora radish variety:


The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. Matures in 18-23 days. With proper care, the root crops are dense, even, without voids. Crispy flesh is of medium sharpness. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and in open fields.


Highly productive Dutch radish hybrid. Its root crops are round or flat-round in shape with a thin and short white nose. Reach 3-4 cm across and 30-40 grams in weight. Coloring can be either dark pink or deep red. The pulp is mostly white, but sometimes it can have a reddish tint. The variety is resistant to cold and flare.

The best views for different climates


For an apartment:

  • Breadwinner.
  • Hussar.
  • Early Red.

For open ground:

  • Ksenia.
  • Mokhovsky.
  • Violetta.

For greenhouses:

  • Helro.
  • Warta.
  • Champion.


For an apartment:

  • Ladies whim.
  • 16 days
  • Heat.

For open ground:

  • Firstborn.
  • Beauty.
  • Helios.

For greenhouses:

  • Zlata.
  • The globe.
  • Greenhouse Gribovsky.

Moscow region

For an apartment:

  • Carmen.
  • Celeste
  • Sachs.

For open ground:

  • Ruby.
  • French breakfast.
  • Presto.

For the greenhouse:

  • Silesia
  • Wurzburg 59.
  • Rowa.

Depending on color


  • Mulatto.
  • Violetta.
  • Blue frost.
  • Ripe cherries.


  • White pearls.
  • White Nights.
  • Mokhovsky.
  • Octave.
  • Raffaello.
  • White Fang.
  • Ice icicle.
  • Firefly.

Where and for how much can I buy seeds for growing in open ground or a greenhouse?

Radish seeds for growing in open ground or in a greenhouse can be purchased both on the market and in online stores with home delivery. Prices range from 10 rubles to 5,000 thousand. It is better to order in online stores, because there you can see the rating, reviews, photos of the future harvest.

The choice of radish varieties is a serious task. And if you responsibly approach its solution, a wonderful and rich harvest is provided!

Watch the video: Fruits and Veggies for KidsVegetable and Fruit SongEat Your Rainbow (October 2024).

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