Natural healer - earthen pear or Jerusalem artichoke. Photo, benefit and harm, folk recipes

Jerusalem artichoke, or earthen pear, is a unique product. This herbaceous plant, which looks a bit like sunflower, is different in that tubers grow in the ground. In our country, he appeared in 1800. The birthplace of Jerusalem artichoke is North America.

Jerusalem artichoke is unpretentious in care, as it is resistant to droughts and frosts. This vegetable was grown for consumption: for the preparation of pickles, low-calorie dishes, as well as animal feed.

Valuable qualities and possible harm to humans

Earthen pear has many useful properties, due to the presence of inulin in it - a sweet carbohydrate, but the whole benefit of the vegetable is not limited to this. In addition, it contains:

  • cellulose;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • various amino acids;
  • B and C vitamins;
  • daily dose of silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron.
Jerusalem artichoke is famous for its large amount of antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. It helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach, has a laxative and diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory property.

An earthen pear can be harmful if it is hypersensitive, which is an absolute contraindication to eating a vegetable. Also, the roots of the plant with excessive use can cause bloating and gas in the stomach. At this, the harm of Jerusalem artichoke ends.

Is there any benefit for children?

The child's body needs proteins as a building material for growth. Usefulness for babies is explained by the fact that the substances contained in Jerusalem artichoke:

  • improve appetite;
  • normalize the stool;
  • eliminate flatulence;
  • increase resistance to infections;
  • hemoglobin synthesis improves;
  • compensates for the lack of vitamins in the spring-autumn period;
  • cancer prevention.

For women's health

Jerusalem artichoke found its application in cosmetology. A special slurry is prepared from the roots, which is applied to the face. This mask helps smooth wrinkles, relieves irritation and reduces inflammation on the skin of the face. The fruits of the plant are recommended for use when bearing a child.

For the body of men

Jerusalem artichoke is of particular importance to the male half of humanity. A high protein content helps to strengthen sexual strength, prevent the development of prostate adenoma. The vegetable copes well with chronic fatigue syndrome, so it is recommended for athletes and men who engage in heavy physical labor.

What is it - photo

See what the plant and its tubers look like:

What are the medicinal qualities of a vegetable?

In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes with Jerusalem artichoke. For medicinal purposes, not only tubers are used, but also the leaves and flowers of the plant. They contain substances that help restore damaged cells and increase tissue elasticity.

A decoction of leaves is often used to treat wounds, treat eczema and rejuvenate the skin. Such the drink is recommended for removing salts from the body. To prepare such a decoction, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Such a decoction also helps to cope with inflammation in the joints.

We offer you to watch a video about the healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke:

How is it used in treatment?

Jerusalem artichoke application:

  1. To lower cholesterol. The fruit of the plant contains probiotics, which are responsible for the synthesis of triglycerides, which are responsible for the processing of fats and lipid control. Root crops help cleanse blood vessels, improve the functioning of the vascular system and are used to prevent pathologies.
  2. For the nervous system. Vitamins of group B concentrated in one tuber cover the daily intake of these vitamins in the adult body. Thanks to the constant intake of tubers or syrup, the psychoemotional state is normalized, and sleep problems disappear.
  3. For the gastrointestinal tract. In earthen pear there is a large amount of dietary fiber, pectin and mineral compounds. When applied, problems with the gastrointestinal tract pass - Jerusalem artichoke acts as a brush that removes decay products from the walls, proteins are also better absorbed, and cramps go away, which is relevant for gastritis and ulcers.
  4. In the treatment of diabetes. Fresh fruits of Jerusalem artichoke with constant use contribute to a decrease in blood sugar, and also due to inulin, the production of own insulin occurs, which reduces the dependence on medications. To normalize blood sugar, you can eat one root vegetable or drink half a glass of juice half an hour before meals three times a day. You can also make an infusion.
  5. Liver cleansing. Jerusalem artichoke restores the filtering functions of the liver and cleanses it of toxic substances. This is especially important for people who consume alcohol, fatty and fried foods.
  6. Immunity strengthening. Inulin, contained in Jerusalem artichoke, increases the body's resistance to viruses. Jerusalem artichoke syrup is included in the autumn-spring period. This is recommended for people who often change their place of residence or who have a weak immune system from birth.
  7. For the prevention of anemia. As mentioned above, a vegetable is rich in iron. It saturates the body with oxygen, affects the quality and coagulation of blood. Helps strengthen immunity, increase hemoglobin.
  8. Hair condition improvement. Also, due to the iron content, hair cells and bulbs are saturated with it and as a result, hair growth is stimulated, and the hair structure is improved.
  9. Skin condition improvement. The leaves of the root crop are saturated with organic acids, which contribute to the restoration of damaged cells, smooth wrinkles, reduce inflammation. Assists in the fight against warts.
  10. Jerusalem artichoke with weight loss. The content of more fiber stimulates the digestive tract and the body cleans itself. Due to the swelling of the fibers in contact with water, the feeling of satiety is prolonged, respectively, the number of consumed foods and calories is reduced.

    Jerusalem artichoke binds fats without accumulation and processing, so the body is cleansed of them, as a result of which the vegetable is useful for natural weight loss. Eating a pear also stabilizes blood pressure, improves the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

  11. With hypertension, anemia, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and with frequent headaches recommend decoctions of fresh or dried fruits. Method of preparation: for one liter of water, 5 fresh root crops or 3 tablespoons of dried are needed, cook for 15-30 minutes and take 3 times a week.
  12. To maintain healthy teeth the product contains a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and silicon, so Jerusalem artichoke juice is recommended to everyone from small to large. With regular consumption of the drink, caries disappears. If you are worried about toothache or gum disease, experts recommend rinsing your mouth with infusion of the fetus.
  13. With tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases freshly squeezed Jerusalem artichoke juice will help. But it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Drink such a drink daily 2-3 times on an empty stomach.

How to take an earthen pear - recipes

The healing broth is made from fresh or dried tubers. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Three tubers or three tablespoons of Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Litere of water.
  • Pan.

Cooking process:

  1. Place chopped fresh or dried tubers in a saucepan, add water. Cooking fresh tubers takes 45-50 minutes (until soft).
  2. Then wrap with a towel and let it brew for 40 minutes, then strain and, if necessary, add boiled water to a liter.
  3. Cool.
The daily consumption rate is a liter of broth. It is more convenient to take every three hours. Keep refrigerated.

Universal infusion:

  1. Grate the tubers of the plant on a coarse grater.
  2. In a liter of boiling water add four tablespoons of the resulting mass.
  3. Insist for three hours.
  4. Take instead of tea.

It is used to normalize pressure and general well-being.

We suggest watching a video on how Jerusalem artichoke is used in the treatment of various diseases:

In this way, Jerusalem artichoke can be safely called a source of nutrients and a cure for many diseases. It can be found everywhere, from markets to some supermarkets. All the useful properties of an earthen pear block one single minus - individual intolerance.

No wonder in Europe it is used not only as a medicine, but also make various delicious dishes from it. For example, in France, Jerusalem artichoke is boiled, stewed and fried. Therefore, if you want to improve your health, then feel free to contact the Jerusalem artichoke for help!

Watch the video: Front Yard Aloe Garden Tour: How to Harvest, Transplant & Divide Pups (October 2024).

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