All about the rose of Cordan: how it looks, photo varieties, especially care

Rosa Cardana is a decorative culture that can grow both in the house and on the street. The peculiarity of the flower in splendor and abundant flowering.

It is used to decorate not only the garden, but also any interior. When caring for this capricious plant, it is necessary to take into account its specificity.

The beauty will delight with her bright flowering, but for this, she needs proper care.

What does this plant look like?

Rosa Cardana is a small flower that serves as a border decoration or breeding in a pot. Flowering lasts 5-6 months - from May to October. The height of the bush is 30 cm, the leaves are small and light green.

The buds of the classic type can be of such colors: white, pink, red and yellow. Throughout flowering, the plant does not emit any aroma.

History of occurrence

Homeland - subtropics and temperate regionswhich are located in the northern hemisphere. The flower was bred by W. Kordes' Söhne for indoor cultivation.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

In addition to its beautiful appearance, the Kordan rose quickly begins the flowering phase and has excellent resistance to transportation.

Varieties and photos

Next, we describe the subsort of this type and consider them in the photo.


Luxurious bush with large and richly double flowers. The plant resists rain, blooms profusely, tolerates heat and will stand fresh cut for a long time.


Miniature roses look gentle and are not inferior in beauty to classic roses.

Cardan's mini rose is distinguished by the splendor and beauty of the bush, and also by abundant flowering.


When and how?

Flowering lasts from late spring to mid-autumn. At this time, the bush is covered with red, pink, yellow and white flowers.

Care before and after

For better flowering of Cardan roses, it is necessary to prune its wilted inflorescences. If this procedure is performed on time, the period is extended and the flowering intensity increases. If you leave withered flowers, then seeds form in them over time, which take away strength from the bush.

What to do if the buds do not open?

Lack of flowering may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Not enough nutrient land. To resolve this problem, you need to make top dressing containing:

    • phosphorus;
    • potassium;
    • calcium.
  2. A lot of overgrown. The presence of a large number of shoots in the root zone can lead to a lack of flowering. Thinning should be dealt with from the onset of warm evening days. Strong thickening also attracts pests and fungal diseases, as a result of which the bushes refuse to bloom.
  3. Wrong landing place. The formation of buds will be absent if a poorly lit place is chosen for the rose.

Use in landscape design

Rosa Cardan can be used for hedges. And although the plant does not emit aroma, this is not its disadvantage, since when grown at home, it will not cause allergies. You can plant mini bushes for decoration:

  • flower beds;
  • borders;
  • arbors.

Also, a rose can be combined with other colors:

  • petunia
  • mini cloves;
  • daffodils.

How to care, step by step instructions

After the purchase

Immediately after acquiring a flower, the first 2-3 weeks will be the most difficult for it. Adapting to a new place, he can discard all leaves and buds. But with proper care, after a month the plant will bloom again.

To get rid of probable parasites, immediately after buying a flower, you need to wash it under a warm shower and treat it with a universal preparation, it is better to transplant when the rose has not bloomed or is blooming. The most gentle method is transshipment, which will keep the roots intact.

The soil must be nutritious, with good drainage.. After planting, the plant is treated with a growth stimulator.

We offer you to watch a video on how to help the rose of Cordan adapt after purchase:

Choosing a landing place

Rosa Cardan loves well-lit areas, but with diffused sunlight, as direct rays will burn the leaves. If you grow a flower at home, it is best to put it on the south window, but with shading in the daytime. In winter, you will need to take care of backlighting, since the total daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.

The soil

It is best to grow a rose in loamy soilwhich is endowed with organic matter with good drainage. Before planting, the soil must be improved with manure and clay.


Landing should be carried out at the end of February:

  1. Separate planting material from the pulp of the fruit.
  2. Pour hydrogen peroxide into the container, put the seeds on a sieve, which is then lowered into the solution. It will disinfect planting material and protect it from mold in the future.
  3. Soak cotton pads in hydrogen peroxide, lay seeds on them and cover with a moist cotton swab.
  4. Put the seeds in a bag, close it and put it in the refrigerator. After 2 months, you will notice the first sprouts.
  5. Sprouted grains can be planted in peat tablets or disposable cups.
  6. When caring for seedlings, it is necessary to provide 10 hours of lighting. Water the sprouts as necessary when the soil dries. Fertilize in small quantities.
  7. In spring, you can plant plants in open ground or transplanted into a larger pot for indoor cultivation.


The most comfortable temperature for a rose is 15-20 degrees. She loves airing, but without drafts.


  • Moisturizing the soil should be regular and plentiful.
  • Do not allow stagnation of moisture, so all excess fluid from the pan is drained.
  • Before watering, check the soil with your finger for moisture.
  • Use for irrigation you need well-maintained and warm water.
  • In winter, water the flower every 2 weeks.
Properly organized watering contributes to long and plentiful flowering.

Top dressing

Rosa Cardana positively responds to fertilizers. During its active growth, liquid complex formulations must be applied once a week. In winter, feeding should be discarded, since at this time the flower rests from rapid growth.

How to crop?

All flowers wilted during flowering need to be cut, as this stimulates the appearance of new ones. Before wintering, a complete pruning of the plant is carried out. Procedure:

  1. Disinfect with a knife a knife that should be sharpened well.
  2. Cut off young and adult shoots, leaving 3-4 buds.
  3. Remove all crooked, frail and thickening bush shoots.
  4. The places of cuts should be treated with crushed activated carbon.

How to transplant?

You need to transplant the rose immediately after its acquisition. Procedure:

  1. Lightly wet the flower in the pot. This is necessary in order not to destroy the lump of the earth and not to injure the roots.
  2. Put drainage in a new container at the bottom using expanded clay, and also make holes for water.
  3. As soil mix, special soil for roses is suitable, which you can buy in a flower shop.
  4. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot, transfer it to a new container by transshipment, spread the roots and sprinkle with earth.

Transplantation into open ground occurs according to a similar scheme, it is only necessary to prepare a landing pit, the size of which coincides with the size of the root system.

We offer to watch a video on how to transplant a rose of Cordan:

Preparation for winter

Rosa Cardana, which can be grown on the street, is not very afraid of minor cooling. But pruning before wintering, and then cover and insulate the flower with burlap or wood sawdust.


The rose of Cardan is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

The seed method was considered earlier, but the cuttings are as follows:

  1. For reproduction, use a branch on which at least 3 cuttings.
  2. The cut is performed at an acute angle with pre-sanitized scissors.
  3. Soak the resulting shank in a solution for growth (Kornevin) for 15 hours.
  4. Prepare the pot, fill it with drainage and nutritious soil for roses. Plant the stalk in a pot or immediately in open ground, only cover with cut plastic bottles to create a greenhouse effect.

Diseases and Pests

For what reasons does it dry out?

A flower can start to dry immediately after purchase, as it acclimatizes or for more serious reasons:

  1. Improper care:

    • increased humidity in the room;
    • improper watering.
  2. Dangerous pests:
    • mite;
    • aphid;
    • thrips.

Why wilt?

This problem occurs for the following reasons:

  • Lack of moisture. Due to untimely watering, the leaves lose their elasticity.
  • Increased fertilizer dosage. Leaves begin to fade due to increased nitrogen concentration.
  • Disease. Leaves change color and fade. Common diseases: powdery mildew, spotting and rust.
  • Pests. Most often, the sawfly is the culprit of wilting leaves. Its larvae penetrate into the stem, and apparently no damage is visible.

Why drops leaves?

If the leaves fall off immediately after purchase, the reason is acclimatization.

Within 2 weeks, the flower will adapt to a new place of growth. You do not need to do anything, just choose a well-lit place for the plant and water it.


This may be the result of the defeat of the mosaic virus by the rhesus. It is not transmitted from plant to plant, but spreads during vegetative propagation. Small yellow spots appear on the leaves, which in time form a mosaic pattern. For treatment, remove all affected parts and burn.

Rosa Cardana is a mini-plant that is universal in terms of cultivation, as it is suitable for the street and apartment. The flower is capricious in care, but if you strictly follow all the recommendations, the bush will delight you with lush and plentiful flowering.

Watch the video: Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God (October 2024).

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