Begonia has dried leaves and flowers: why is this happening and what to do?

Begonia is one of the most beautiful flowers. Moreover, the variety of its species is so great that there are plants for growing in flowerbeds and gardens, as well as for breeding in room conditions.

The range of shades of flowers and the leaves themselves also does not cease to amaze. Everyone will surely find a suitable option for themselves.

A plant needs a stable level of air humidity of at least 60%. Therefore, if you are going to have this beauty, learn the rules of care.

What is this plant?

The plant, first found on the island of Haiti and named after the governor of this island Michel Begon (also has other names - Emerald, Imperial). The whole family includes over fifteen hundred species. There are one and many years.

Develop to the size of shrubs and shrubs. Usually the leaf plates of this flower have an asymmetric original shape. Their hue is always very saturated, and the pattern formed due to the veins creates a unique effect. No features in the growth of Begonia are observed.

On a note. Begonia is very unpretentious in leaving. And following all the recommendations, it practically doesn’t get sick.

But, unfortunately, everything is not always cloudless. Begonia leaves can undergo attacks of diseases and pests and begin to dry, or even completely fall off.

Causes of the phenomenon

For indoor plants

Why does the leaves dry around the edges?

  1. Draft. With the onset of hot days, inexperienced gardeners try to air the flower by exposing it to a loggia or near an open window, thereby placing Begonia in conditions that are unacceptable to her.
  2. The sun. Given the fact that we have a tropical plant in our hands, we try to give it as much light as possible and put it in the most illuminated place in the house. But in return we get burned and dried leaves. The cause of this phenomenon was the direct rays of the sun.
  3. Dry air. Typically, this factor occurs in the winter period due to the fact that heating appliances that very dry the air begin to work. Read about proper care for begonia in the winter here.
  4. Lack of fertilizer. Or an improperly selected complex of nutrients.
  5. Attacks of pests and diseases.
  6. Stress. After all, a flower is also a living creature. And therefore, it can react to a careless attitude towards it or a sharp change in the growth conditions.
  7. The composition of the water. When the wilting of the leaves begins with the appearance of brown pigmentation on them, we can safely say that the reason is the chemical composition of the irrigation fluid. You can read about how and how to water this plant here.

For dwellers in the open ground

  • Too warm and arid weather.
  • Lack of irrigation.
  • Lack of weeding of beds.

What is the reason for the drying of flowers and buds?

The most common reason why inexperienced gardeners dry flowers is to spray directly the flowers with water. They do not survive this and instantly begin to dry, and eventually disappear. therefore carefully make sure that water droplets do not fall on the buds.

Reference. But if the air is too dry, Begonia will not be happy with this either, and she will begin to drop the buds.

And the last reason flowers can dry out is too frequent and plentiful watering. Adjust the soil wetting mode.

How to stop?

  1. If your plant is in a draft, immediately change the location for it.
  2. During hours of maximum sunlight, create a shadow or partial shade for Begonia. Or move it to a permanent place on the east or west side of the room.
  3. Humidify the air. But we do not recommend doing this by spraying. It will be better if you put a container of water near the flowerpot. It is also advised to periodically lay a claydite tray under the pot. Sometimes you can do with a simple rearrangement of the plant away from radiators that dry the air.
  4. Lack of nutrients can become the root of the problem of drying leaves, especially during the period of active growth and flowering of Begonia. Therefore, do not forget to pamper your beauty every ten days. To do this, use complex liquid fertilizers purchased in special stores. Pay attention to the composition of the fertilizer. The percentage of nitrogen in it should be minimal, since it is not suitable for flowering plants. About how to feed begonia for abundant flowering, read here.
  5. We will talk about possible diseases and pests separately below.
  6. Stress for a flower can change the temperature, watering regime, lighting, transplanting into a pot too large (how to choose a pot for begonia and properly care for it in a pot, read here). Even completely harmless pinching of the sprout can lead to stress. Of course, begonia must be cut periodically, and some propagate only by cuttings. But here it is important to know where to "bite off a tidbit."
  7. Water for irrigation should be prepared. If you take from the central water supply, let it settle for a day. And it is better to use rainwater to moisten the soil.Attention! Filtered is not recommended, since not only harmful, but also useful elements disappear after filtering.
  8. Garden crops often water and moisten the air around them in the manner described above. Read about proper care and propagation of garden begonias here.
  9. Do not forget to remove weeds that clog the plant and prevent it from developing.

Diseases and Pests

  • Gray rot. Signs of appearance are gray watery spots. In addition to dried leaves, it is characterized by flowers and stems covered with mucus. To stop this parasite, treat Begonia with 1% Bordeaux liquid or a copper-soap solution. You can also use benomyl.
  • Powdery Mildew You will recognize it by white blotches that quickly grow and cover the entire area of ​​the leaf plate and cause it to dry out if you do not begin resuscitation: treatment with a solution of foundationazole or serastan.
  • Ring spotting. Thrips and aphids can become the carriers of this infection. Symptoms: the appearance of yellow-green small spots, which gradually turn into large bronze spots. If this disease is detected, Begonia is recommended to be destroyed, since treatment will not give positive results.
  • Bacterial spotting. On the back of the leaf, brown, slightly watery spots form, which over a certain period increase the area of ​​damage to the stems and flowers. To prevent this virus from appearing on your plant, spray it with copper chloride solution 2 times a month.

You will learn all the details about the diseases and pests of begonia in this article.

What to do for prevention?

There have probably not been any particularly new tips for preventing leaf drying out over the past decades. Everything is as old as the world. Simply observe the optimal conditions for growing Begonia:

  1. the place is bright, but without direct sunlight;
  2. regular watering without chemical impurities;
  3. inadmissibility of drafts;
  4. optimal temperature conditions (18-2 degrees of heat);
  5. well-selected complex of fertilizers.
Note! If the lowest leaves begin to dry in Begonias, you should not worry at all. This is a natural process of dying off old plant leaves.

You need to start to sound the alarm only when this unpleasant phenomenon takes on a massive scale. Just pinch off the fading leaves, and then the young foliage will get more nutrients and it will become more oily and saturated.

If the Emerald Flower is completely dry - how to reanimate?

It happens that not one or even several leaves dry, but all at once. Do not rush to say goodbye to your plant right away. Perhaps only the terrestrial part of the flower has deteriorated, and the rhizomes have remained alive.

  1. Remove the flower from the flowerpot and look at the roots for rot and parasites. If most of them are in good condition, remove the damaged ones and put the rest in new soil.
  2. Get rid of all drying leaves, buds and stems, nourish the soil, and then cover the pot with a plastic bag or wrap.
  3. The main thing is to place the flowerpot in a suitable place - consider air temperatures and lighting.
  4. Spray with Epin every seven days.

If, while studying the roots, not a single living creature was found there, then, unfortunately, the flower cannot be saved.

Recommendation. If possible, get rid of this soil, because pests can live there, because of which the plant died. It is better to pay and buy a new soil mixture than to destroy a young plant each time.

Interesting Facts

  • Begonia tubers can be eaten and they have a citrus flavor.
  • This flower is a state symbol in North Korea - it can be seen even on the flag of this country.
  • Plant seeds beat all world records in size. From a bag weighing 30 grams, you can get about 3,000,000 sprouts.
  • In ancient times, Begonias were used to polish sword blades.
  • One of the main beneficial properties of a flower is the ability to purify the air and increase immunity. Therefore, Begonia is often placed in rooms where children are. especially allergy sufferers.

All about whether it is possible to keep begonia in the house, we wrote in this article, and about the useful and harmful properties of this plant for the house and people, read here.

I hope that after reading this article you finally made sure that the described The plant is ideal for beginner growers and busy people. After all, caring for the Imperial Flower does not take much time and is not difficult. So go for it!

Watch the video: How to Prune Begonias (October 2024).

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