Matte cuisine: a touch of conservatism

From the very beginning, many people involved in the design of a kitchen are faced with a rather complicated, but very important choice - what should be the ideal kitchen, glossy or matte? Undoubtedly, a glossy kitchen always looks more presentable and elegant, but many are repelled by the impracticality of such surfaces. Any marks and scratches gape on the gloss like a mark, and such a kitchen requires several times more maintenance. Matte surfaces are much more practical and convenient, they are easy to wash and harder to spoil, but in order to create a truly original, not only convenient, but also eye-catching matte kitchen, you should carefully think through all the details and put a lot of time and effort into the work.

Matte kitchen, all the pros and cons

Why are many people increasingly inclined towards choosing matt surfaces? First of all, it’s easy to clean. Even on a dark matte surface, traces of children's sweating palms, stains from detergent or just dirt will not be as noticeable as on a shiny gloss. The only problems that can arise when cleaning this kind of kitchen are traces of fat, but if you do not postpone the cleaning and do not wait until the fat becomes part of the countertop, you can forget about this inconvenience.

Gloss, undoubtedly, is a brilliant reflection of the hostess’s ability to keep the house clean, but any, even the slightest scratch can ruin the whole look of the kitchen. Matte surfaces are protected from such excesses; defects on them are less noticeable.

Most often, problems arise due to the ability of matte surfaces to visually reduce space, which can completely ruin the look of the kitchen in small spaces. In addition, when choosing a matte kitchen, an important role is played by which tones the future color scheme will rely on - dark or light.

Large spaces

The kitchen, often the heart of the home, should be perfectly planned. Many owners of large, spacious kitchens, having acquired the latest technical innovations and arranging kitchen furniture, are faced with the problem of excess space. I’m storing the knick-knacks on the pedestals from this feeling is difficult to get rid of, and the statue between the stove and the refrigerator will look ridiculous. Matte surfaces will be a real salvation for people faced with similar problems, because dark (not necessarily black) matte furniture visually reduces space. Getting rid of the feeling of emptiness, the kitchen will become much more comfortable, and its inhabitants will not have to spend time, effort and money on its redevelopment.

Small kitchens

Small, multifunctional, well-arranged kitchens most often become the highlight of small apartments or small, cozy country houses. In this case, the main feature of matte surfaces is reversed, becoming a big problem for the designer. In fact, even such situations do not remain hopeless. Small matte kitchens should by no means be piled with excess kitchen utensils, and make it completely dark or light. The best solution is to completely abandon contrasting colors, using only textural elements, for example, decorated in marble or wood. Such surfaces will retain all the features of the matte finish, and will not deprive the small kitchenettes of such precious space for them.

Dark kitchens

In addition to the foregoing, the shades of matte surfaces play a very important role. Dark matte coatings are suitable for people with a measured, calm pace of life, because their calling is to soothe and relax. Such a kitchen is not suitable for people who have only fifteen minutes for lunch, it will attract to itself, inspire certain thoughts, relax and rebuild a person’s life rhythm for themselves. In such rooms, rest is much better, and the meal becomes measured and truly exquisite, because no one begins to rush anywhere, and everyone just enjoys life.

Bright open spaces

Matte kitchens decorated in light (very often white) colors have the exact opposite effect on humans. This kind of design can be compared to invigorating coffee - refined, elegant, sophisticated, but at the same time invigorating, pushing for action, indicating a solution to problems. Such cuisines are very good for families without children who spend little time at home but want luxury to surround them. Most often, such people are active and proactive, so everything around, including the kitchen, should support their endeavors and aspirations.

The best solution - large window and matt surface

If the future kitchen boasts a large window, and the main emphasis on lighting the room will be placed on it, a frosted kitchen will be the best option. Calm and measured, bathing in the sunshine, such a kitchen will be the most lively and comfortable, regardless of what colors it is decorated in and in what size room it is located. Dark opaque surfaces will not heap up and escalate the situation if sunlight is enough for them, so they can be installed without a twinge of conscience even in small rooms, and bright kitchens will only become more comfortable and fresh from the rays of sunlight penetrating through the leaves.

Watch the video: HSN. Chef Ming Tsai Celebration - 01 AM (October 2024).

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