The use of geraniums in sports nutrition: pros and cons

The home plant geranium is an unpretentious houseplant with pinkish, white and red flowers. There are many varieties of geranium, each of them has healing properties. For some time, the plant was forgotten, it did not show much interest.

Although the useful features of geraniums have been known since ancient times. The court healers made various ointments, rubbing, tinctures. In the course were leaves, inflorescences, stems.

The resulting mixtures treated open wounds, suppurations, burns.

What it is?

  • Geranium is from Greece. Translated, its name means "stork".
  • English breeder George Tradescan first bred a variety of royal geraniums.
  • According to legend, it was this type of plant that saved the king from insomnia.
  • The court ladies made jewelry from geranium flowers for their outfits, the gentlemen, in turn, prevented him from rolling back his sleeves for aroma.

Now geranium is undergoing a rebirth. The plant has found wide application in medicine, sports, and cosmetology. The miraculous properties are explained by the fact that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of essential oils. But after all, not only leaves are useful, but also the roots of geraniums. From them prepare decoctions and tinctures used in diseases of the stomach, intestines.

Useful qualities

A houseplant is able to disinfect indoor air. By providing an antibacterial effect, geranium can eliminate germs. Also, the flower refreshes and fills the room with a light aroma of roses in the house, which also has a calming effect on the human nervous system (for more details about the dangers and benefits of geranium in the house, see this material).

With the addition of ether, geraniums themselves make fresheners. The flower has a deterrent effect for mosquitoes, moths, flies.

In medicine, use geranium:

  1. Regulates the internal work of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Stimulates blood flow.
  3. It is a wound healing, antibacterial property.
  4. Cope with headaches. Helps with migraines.
  5. It is used as an antipyretic.
  6. Prevents the appearance of edema.
  7. Lowers blood pressure.
  8. Used to maintain immunity.
  9. It helps with toothache and pain in the ears (more information about whether geranium can be used for pain in the ear can be found here).
  10. It is used for gynecological diseases, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.
  11. Improves mood, aromatherapy is useful in times of depression.

In cosmetology, geranium also plays an important role. On the basis of essential oil, masks are made for combination, oily and problem skin (more about where else geranium oil can be useful can be found here). The use of these agents reduces the release of subcutaneous fat, and the antibacterial properties of the plant prevent the appearance of acne. The skin becomes smooth and toned.

Decoctions of leaves and flowers of geraniums help reduce hair loss, strengthening of hair follicles, densification of their structure.

The use of plant extract in sports

Geranium has a number of useful properties, so it is also used in sports, and more precisely, in sports food. Physical activity is often associated with muscle sprains, wounds and abrasions, and thanks to the analgesic and antiseptic properties of the flower, it heals faster.

In its properties, geranium is quite similar to caffeine, affecting the human nervous system. People involved in sports use it as a dietary supplement. Advantages of the product:

  • concentration of memory and attention;
  • increased stamina;
  • increased physical activity;
  • decrease in pain threshold;
  • muscle growth stimulation;
  • fat burning.

Athletes who consume remedies with geranium extract become stronger and more resilient. Weightlifters can lift more weight, athletes can run, jump faster and even students can be more assiduous, focused.

Important. Geranium extract affects the body up to ten times stronger than caffeine. Moreover, without toxic substances and being absolutely safe for human health.

Being on a sports diet, geranium extract can be taken a couple of times a day. However, during the competition, use is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between training and the competitive process, because it is unlikely to pass the doping control.

You can find out more about what geranium extract is, its properties and side effects, and whether it is banned in Russia, here.

Fat Burning Pills for Athletes

Fat burners are a group of sports nutrition products. The purpose of this product is to reduce body weight. These additives are used by bodybuilders, people with lipodystrophy to get the cherished cubes on their stomachs. Fat burners really accelerate the process of weight loss, while muscle growth increases markedly.

The spectrum of action of such additives is wide enough, which explains the large assortment on the market. Fat burners are also distinguished by sex: for women and for men.

For the right choice of fat burners, it is important to carefully read the composition. These may include:

  1. caffeine and its substitutes;
  2. geranium;
  3. green tea;
  4. tyrosine and its derivatives;
  5. omega-3 acids.

The principle of action of all these substances is to activate the nervous system, reduce appetite, and diuretic effect.

List of popular pre-workouts

Among the products for training, pre-workout or, as it is also called, pre-workout with geranium is considered the most popular. Such complexes contain an organic component of 1,3-dimethylamylamine, which is obtained from oil and stalks of geranium. This substance has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

A geranium-based pre-workout complex is a powerful charge of energy for an athlete, some kind of stimulation. However, it is important to use the drug with care. Half an hour before playing sports, you should drink 2-3 tablespoons. And at the very beginning of the use of the product, it is better to take ½ standard portion, look at the condition and give it an estimate. Are there any side effects described in the instructions for the drug.

Disadvantages of these geranium precursors:

  • heart palpitations;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • insomnia.

The most popular pre-workouts:

  1. Mesomorph APS Nutrition.
  2. Black Annis Gold Star.
  3. Krank 3D Pitchblack.
  4. Arez from Intel Pharma.
  5. WTF Labz Fucking Jack.

They can be bought in online stores on the websites of manufacturers, official suppliers, in pharmacies and sports nutrition stores. The price of such drugs ranges from 15,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Training complex DMAA

Certainly geranium is often used in the manufacture of complex preparations. One of them is DMAA, which has a scandalous reputation. This drug is prohibited in many countries, but in Russia can be purchased quite legally. The average cost of 2 thousand rubles.

In the course of studies, it turned out that DMAA belongs to light stimulants and is recommended for people with an active lifestyle.

The main characteristics of the drug:

  • Energetic, increases energy endurance during training.
  • Fat burner.
  • Raises the mood.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Stimulant, bioadditive helps to focus, increase the threshold of the body's capabilities.

Side effects:

  1. mild nausea
  2. bad sleep;
  3. dizziness;
  4. tachycardia;
  5. shiver.

To date, complexes with geraniums are prohibited for professional athletes. However, manufacturers improved the old formula of the drug, removing some components, but this did not affect the quality.

Training facilities are generally safe for athletes who do not have health problems. However, the regular use of stimulants can lead to depletion of the central nervous system and a decrease in athletic performance.

Geranium, of course, is a medicinal plant with a lot of useful properties. But everything should be used in moderation, strictly according to the instructions, observing the indicated dosage. And then get the long-awaited results.

Watch the video: The Good and Bad about Diet. Bearded Chokra (October 2024).

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