How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar - a step-by-step plan for beginners

Before learning to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar from scratch, you should ask two simple questions. The first - what is a horizontal bar and where to get it? And the second - why is this needed? After answering these questions, you can begin to train.

So what is a horizontal bar? The structure is a gymnastic apparatus for performing various exercises, including pull-ups. This is the ability of muscles to lift a person’s weight. Having a horizontal bar, everyone will be able to evaluate their strength, and if it is insufficient, develop it. The horizontal bar is simple in design and can be easily installed in the apartment. In sports stores, the shell can be picked up for any home.

What is the use of exercise? Even in ancient Rome, special attention was paid to physical education. Sport is relevant today. And with regular classes on the crossbar, you can achieve the following:

  • Nurture stamina and increase muscle strength.
  • Get rid of congenital flaws in the figure.
  • Lose weight.
  • To give ligaments and joints strength, including tensile strength.

And most importantly, the horizontal bar strengthens and develops the spine, the main support of the human body.

Preparation and Precautions

Any new business begins with preparatory work and identification of possible dangers. The same should be done before starting training on the horizontal bar at home. For beginners, it is important not to rush, so as not to harm the body.

Consult with doctors first, because not everyone can engage in power sports. Exercises on the horizontal bar are contraindicated for persons with the following diseases:

  • Spinal curvature, scoliosis.
  • Spinal disc herniation.
  • Spinal disc protrusions.

People suffering from osteochondrosis, classes should be conducted in a gentle manner.
When the doctor’s permission is obtained, the preparatory phase begins, which includes the following points.

  1. Correctly determine the height of the projectile. The crossbar should be at the height of outstretched arms, taking into account the distance for a small jump. The height is selected so that you can freely hang on the horizontal bar with outstretched arms, not reaching the floor.
  2. Before starting classes, prepare the body. Every day, for 1.5-2 minutes, hang on the horizontal bar without performing exercises. To do this, first, the height of the crossbar should be lowered by 70-90 cm from the floor. This exercise is performed in a reclining position. Hands grab the crossbar, legs extend at an angle to the floor, the heels are on the floor. In this position, just hanging, but you can slowly pull up. With increasing training, the height of the crossbar changes.
  3. After 3-5 days, you can go to training with an expander. To do this, set the normal height of the crossbar, and attach a long expander with a large loop at the bottom to it. Put your feet in this loop and grab the bar with your hands. In this position, the expander will stretch. If you start to rise, the expander spring will push the body up. Thus, the load on the hands is reduced.
  4. As a preparation, you can use push-ups from the floor.
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Grip selection and execution rules

Grip is a way of pulling up on the horizontal bar. There are several types of it. With each option, different muscles develop, so it is recommended to change the grip during exercise. I will list the most popular types.

  • Straight. The hands are positioned so that the palm of the hand is turned towards the crossbar and can be covered from above. With this option, the most is the load on the muscles of the back and shoulders.
  • Back. The palms of the hands are turned towards the face, and the crossbar is clasped from below. With this pull-up, the greatest load on the biceps.
  • Combined. When pulling up, one hand grips the crossbar with a direct grip, and the other with a reverse grip.

When pulling up, the distance between the arms on the bar is of great importance. Depending on this distance, the grips are divided into narrow and wide. With a narrow distance between the hands is determined by the width of the shoulders of the performer. With wide - the distance is always greater than the width of the shoulders. With different grip widths, different muscles develop. Therefore, changing the width, you can train all the muscles of the arms and back.

Walkthrough for Beginners

The first stage - 1-5 pull-ups

Go to the first stage when you finish the preparation phase and you can pull yourself up once. The task of this stage is to develop muscles from scratch in order to freely pull up 5 times in one approach.

To achieve this goal, the turnstiles recommend the following lesson plan.

  1. In the process of training, increase the number of approaches. Start with 10-15 sets of 1-2 pull-ups in each. The interval between sets should be from 20 to 40 seconds.
  2. Pull yourself up with different grips.
INFORMATION! You can achieve 5 full pull-ups in one approach in 1 month of training at home.

The second stage - 5-10 pull-ups

If the first stage has been successfully completed and 5 pull-ups are no longer a problem, proceed to the second stage, the goal of which is to achieve 10 full pull-ups in one approach.

To achieve the goal, you can apply an exercise called the "ladder". It is performed as follows.

  1. First, one pull-up is done in one approach, followed by a break of 5 seconds.
  2. After the break, 2 pull-ups are done in 1 approach.
INFORMATION! Thus, gradually increasing the number of pull-ups, you can reach 10 times in 1-2 months of training.

The third stage - 10-30 pull-ups

When the goals of the second stage are achieved, you can move on to the third. The third stage is the achievement of 30 pull-ups in 1 approach. The task is not easy. To do this, it is recommended to pull up with extra weight. They can serve as a special vest weighting. If it is not, you can put some kind of cargo in a backpack, for example, a bottle of water or dumbbells. In this case, the minimum number of pull-ups in one approach is 10 times, with a subsequent increase of 1.

INFORMATION! To achieve the result, you need 1-3 months of everyday lessons.

The fourth stage - over 30 pull-ups

The fourth stage involves an increase in pull-ups over 30 times. For this, a training program is drawn up, including a six-day cycle per week. One day is a day off. In the process of training, rest between sets should be 2-3 minutes. Classes are held continuously. Even if there was a pass, then when renewing, you need to strive to catch up as many times as planned. If this fails, you should start from the previous week and catch up.

INFORMATION! The time to achieve the goal is affected by age, physical condition, the presence of diseases, primary physical preparation. Some fitness trainers claim that you can learn to pull up 30 times in 30 weeks.Video guide

Types of horizontal bar exercises at home

If it is not possible to visit the gym, then the horizontal bar can be equipped at home. This is not so difficult, because you can buy equipment in sports stores and install it yourself. For classes at home, you can apply the following types of exercises.

  1. Classic pull-up. The usual type of pull-up is performed with a direct grip. Hand grip width is greater than shoulder width. Such an exercise is performed without rocking the body and jerking. To make it easier to perform, it is recommended to cross legs. Lifting is done only at the expense of the muscles of the arms and back. Successful lifting is considered when the chin is fixed for a moment above the crossbar. After that, you can lower and return to the starting position.
  2. Pull back grip. The technique of exercise is the same as the classical one, only the grip changes - the palms turn towards themselves.
  3. Wide grip pull-up. Exercise provides the initial position of the hands, when between them the maximum possible distance. In this case, the grip should be straight. The rise occurs on exhalation and only with the help of hands. Lower to the starting position on inspiration.
  4. Dead pull. Continues until the head of the performer touches the crossbar. After fixing the body in this position, you can slowly lower to the starting position, when the arms are fully extended.
  5. Half moon pull-up. This view prepares the performer for pull-ups on one arm. It is carried out by a wide grip. The first rise is done with the body shifted to the right side, the second - to the left side. Lift up only when the chin touches the hand. Having fixed the touch, you can lower.
  6. One-handed pull-up. Exercise is difficult. Strong muscles are required to perform. This option is not to everyone's taste, but by and large, is not needed. But if you manage to master it, then you have good strength and endurance.
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Features of pull-ups for girls

Learning to pull up on the horizontal bar is a little more difficult for a girl than a man. This is due to the fact that women have a different physiology, less muscle mass and strength. Especially weak muscles of the shoulder girdle, so usually women do not tighten.

If you really want it, turnikmens recommend sticking to the following scheme. At first, just hang on the bar. It does not matter if you have enough strength to catch up or not. Just grab onto the bar and hang. Choose a low crossbar - legs may touch the floor or be tightened.

After two or three weeks of everyday hanging, you can try to tighten the muscles of the hands and strive to tighten. All exercises should pursue one goal - pull up 1 time. After achieving the goal, it is necessary to develop a program to gradually increase the number of pull-ups.

How are professional turnstiles pulled

The training of professional turnstiles is aimed not only at strength exercises, but also at improving performance techniques using gymnastic elements. The program of such training consists of the following sections:

  • Warm up. For warm-up, various exercises are performed that prepare the muscles for subsequent loads. Practice has shown that a good warm-up of muscles raises the level of training by a quarter.
  • Determining the list of exercises and their sequence of execution on the horizontal bar.
  • Determining the number of sets to complete each exercise.
  • Calculation of the duration of classes. Duration depends on the number of exercises and sets. When calculating, the time is laid for rest between sets and different exercises.
  • Determining the frequency of classes. The frequency is selected for each artist individually. It is determined by the intensity of the loads in previous classes, as well as the ability of the muscles to recover.
  • Drawing up a diet and a list of necessary products.

Useful Tips

A few useful tips that are recommended during training.

  • Get tight using muscle strength so that the body does not sway.
  • Rise smoothly, avoiding jerking and inertia.
  • Consider lifting as your chin is above the crossbar.
  • Get down smoothly. Make sure that the ascent and descent times are the same.
  • Breathe smoothly and calmly. The exhale should be on the rise, and the breath on the descent.
  • Hold the case upright.
  • Perform all exercises slowly.

Pulling up on the crossbar is not necessary for many in life, but remember the eastern proverb "if you know that your sword will be useful to you only once, carry it all your life." Think about strengthening your body. This is especially true for young men. Being strong, agile and in good physical shape has not stopped anyone.

Watch the video: How to Increase Pull-Ups : Advanced Exercise Tips (October 2024).

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