Who needs to be examined in 2019

In 2013, the medical examination began - this is a grandiose program that extends to citizens whose age has reached 21 years. In 2019, the program will continue.

What is medical examination

The concept of medical examination covers activities organized by the health system. The goal is to identify chronic pathologies and other health problems. Based on the results of the work carried out, control is established to help reduce the mortality rate.

Medical and preventive services are provided for citizens, while the population is counted, monitoring of individuals is established if the conditions for the disease are found.

Paid or free program?

The clinical examination program is free, but for this you will need a medical insurance policy to be examined at the clinic at the place of residence.

Paid procedure is carried out in the following cases:

  • If you want to save time by staying in lines.
  • If the clinic does not have the necessary equipment and appropriate doctors.
  • If it is not possible to take tests, since there is no laboratory.
  • If there is no medical insurance policy.

The procedure itself is carried out in a regional clinic, where the patient belongs to the place of registration. It can also be carried out by private hospital complexes with permission to conduct such events. If you need to undergo a medical examination, you need to contact the registry, and then visit the local doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Clinical examination is a necessary event, since its main goal is to reduce the risk of developing oncology, vascular and heart diseases and other pathological changes in the body.

According to statistics, in Russia people are sent to a hospital, after the disease has become chronic, it is much more difficult to eliminate its causes. The main positive aspect of the program is the solution to this problem. The identification of pathology at an early stage is important for the citizen and for the country. An equally important advantage is that even unprotected sections of the population will be able to use such services for free.

The disadvantages of the clinical examination include:

  • A great burden is placed on medical staff, since not only those who undergo routine medical examinations go to the clinic, but also those who contacted for health reasons.
  • Some citizens do not know that it is possible to have an examination for free.
  • Part of the population does not understand what the event is for, because today they are not bothered by anything.

Along with all the positive and negative aspects, the procedure is optional, and everyone has the right to choose. Nevertheless, doctors emphasize that it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, as it is aimed at dynamic monitoring of the state of health. Even if you just take the tests, it is possible that dangerous pathologies or the beginning of the development of diseases can be detected.

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What years fall under the medical examination in 2019

In 2019, it is proposed to undergo a medical examination for the following age categories:

  1. Starting at the age of 18, this includes those born in 2001.
  2. Next, you need to minus each time for three years, for example: 2001 - 3 = 1998, this also turns out the year of birth.

So you can get to 1920 year of birth.

For example: 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1983, 1980, 1977, 1974, 1971, 1968, 1965, 1962, 1959, 1956, 1953, 1950, 1947 ... 1935, 1932, 1929, 1926, 1923, 1920.

Even if a person is 100 years old or more, he can undergo a medical examination, since there are no age restrictions.

How to get a medical examination quickly and easily

To undergo a medical examination quickly, it is recommended to take the following steps:

  1. Decide for yourself whether or not to go for an examination, even if health does not bother. The motivation should be something like this: if you identify minor deviations, you can quickly eliminate them.
  2. Talk with your immediate supervisor at work, such a desire should be supported by him. Losing a few working days for examination is much more profitable than spending a month on sick leave, although no regulatory requirements have been established.
  3. Determine when to undergo a medical examination, decide how to go to the clinic. There are two ways to sign up for an examination: go to the clinic yourself or get an insurance company. Insurance will help to organize everything quickly and without queuing.

What tests and which doctors to undergo

During the medical examination, a number of examinations are carried out and the following tests are performed:

  1. A blood test is general and for biochemistry.
  2. Urinalysis and feces.

Instrumental examinations are assigned as follows:

  1. Electrocardiogram.
  2. Fluorography.
  3. Mammography (for the fair sex, over 40 years of age).

According to the results of analyzes, additional examinations are sometimes prescribed: ultrasound examinations, rheoencephalogram, ECHO-KG and others.

Which doctors you need to visit:

  1. The local therapist, who gives the direction for the tests and determines the list of doctors who need to go.
  2. Oculist.
  3. Otolaryngologist.
  4. Surgeon.
  5. Neurologist.
  6. Gynecologist (for women).

After analysis, additional consultations may be prescribed:

  • Cardiologist.
  • Dentist.
  • Urologist.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • And others.
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Useful Tips

Why do we need a medical examination, because this is an optional event? Only by passing tests and visiting doctors can the presence of pathology be established and its causes eliminated in the early stages.

Useful Tips:

  1. This preventive measure is recommended for everyone starting at the age of 18 and every three years.
  2. When visiting doctors, you should talk about all the problems so that they prescribe as many tests as possible. Perhaps even paid procedures will be able to go through the budget option.
  3. If the doctor for some reason begins to offer a paid examination, it is worth going to the head doctor for a consultation. If this does not help, you can contact the office of the insurance company.

The medical examination procedure is simple. Let the causes of the pathology be eliminated in the root, rather than develop into a chronic disease.

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