The best winter-hardy Canadian rose varieties: description, photo and care

Sooner or later most of the owners of their own personal plots decide to plant roses on their plot.

But it is not always possible to preserve roses in harsh winters, when the weather jumps from sudden thaws to severe frosts.

Many breeders are trying to solve this problem. Especially it is possible to distinguish roses of Canadian selection, as they are able to tolerate frosts up to -40 ° C without shelter.

Description of what it is

Canadian roses are well-developed, lush shrubs with a height of 50 cm to 1.5 m. There are also climbing forms reaching a height of 3 meters. Plants are characterized by lush flowering from mid-June to the frost.

The foliage is deep green in color, there are practically no thorns on the plants. This variety of roses is famous for a variety of forms (from simple to double) and flower colors, there are varieties even with two and three-color petals.

Canadian roses are highly resistant to disease and damage by pests, tolerate partial shading. As practice shows, plants calmly tolerate wintering in difficult weather conditions, even without the use of shelter.

Freezing of the aerial parts of the plant may occur, but in the spring it quickly recovers. If the bush is covered a little in the fall, then the shoots and flowering in the next season will be more magnificent.

History of occurrence

The work on the development of Canadian frost-resistant roses began at the end of the 19th century, breeder William Sanders. Subsequently, its development was continued by Isabella Preston. She managed to create the most picky and cold-resistant rose, and become the author of more than 20 varieties of Canadian roses.

Significant influence was provided by the support of the Government of Canada, expressed in the financing of two laboratories involved in the cultivation of new varieties of frost-resistant roses. This led to the appearance of two varieties of Canadian roses: Explore and Parkland (Canadian park roses). Funding ceased in the late 80s, but also Breeding work is ongoing to produce new varieties.

Difference from other species

So why are Canadian roses so good and why is the demand for their seedlings growing every year?

  • Roses of this variety tolerate frosts from -30 ° С to -45 ° С without additional shelter.
  • Unpretentiousness in leaving. Plants are highly resistant to diseases and damage by pests.
  • Ease of reproduction and high survival rate during planting and transplantation.
  • Duration and splendor of flowering. The first buds on the bushes open in mid-June, and flowering continues until frost.
  • A variety of forms of colors and their colors: simple and double, with a different number of petals, and light colors are dominated by light saturated colors, as well as maroon shades. There are varieties of Canadian roses with two and three-color flowers.

Description and names of the best varieties of selection and their photos

Hope or Hope of Humanity

This Canadian rose variety is one of the most frost-resistant varieties. park roses. The bush is low, the shoots reach a height of 50-60 centimeters. The flowers are lush, double, dark red in diameter up to 8 centimeters. The variety is characterized by continuous flowering from June until the first frost.

Moden (Morden) blush

This is the most abundantly flowering variety from the Parkland series, and the most popular. Terry flowers, pale pink, in brushes up to 6 pieces. The bush can reach a height of 2 meters under favorable conditions. The leaves are deep green. The variety can freeze in harsh winters, but is quickly restored and blooms regularly.

We offer you to watch a video about the Modern Blush rose:


It amazes with its abundant flowering. Starting from the first month of summer and up to the first frosts, the rose is covered with a large number of bright red flowers and it seems that their number is much larger than the leaves.

"William Baffin" (William Baffin)

A variegated variety of Canadian roses. The height of the lashes can reach 3 meters. When growing, trellis or other support should be used. The flowers are bright pink, semi-double with golden stamens, odorless. Rose blooms all season. The foliage is dark, dense. The variety "William Baffin" is characterized by resistance to fungal diseases.

Video about the William Baffin Rose Variety:

"John Franklin"

Outwardly, it is a low, sprawling bush covered with rounded foliage and tassels of double flowers of a beautiful crimson-red color. Shoots reach a height of 120 centimeters. The petals of the flowers are pointed, which makes them look like clove flowers.

Video about the John Franklin rose variety:


Winter-resistant climbing rose. The bush is spreading, the height of the lashes reaches 1.8 meters. The flowers are bright red, densely doubled, collected in brushes of 3-4 pieces. Outwardly resemble peonies and have a delicate fruity aroma. During flowering, it resembles a flower waterfall. The variety is resistant to diseases, winter-hardy. Young shoots can freeze, but are easily restored.

Video about the variety of roses "Quadra":

Theresa Bagnet

A popular variety of Canadian roses. Has original buds of beautiful pink color. Abundant flowering continues throughout the season. There are no thorns on the stems of this variety. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness, tolerates frosts up to -30 ° C.

"Alexander Mackenzie"

It is a tall bush, the whips of which reach a height of up to 2 meters. The flowers are lush, double, in diameter are about 6 centimeters. Red flowers are collected in brushes of 10-12 pieces. Flowering begins in early summer and lasts all season.

Video about the variety of roses "Alexander Mackenzie":

Prairie Joy

This variety is often used for hedges, since it looks like a very dense bush, which can reach a height of 1.5 meters. The flowers are pale pink, collected in inflorescences. It blooms throughout the season.

Video about the variety of roses “Prairie Joy”:

"Martin Frobisher"

The variety was bred in 1962 and was the first in a large Explore group. Plant height reaches 1.5-2 meters. The flowers are small, in diameter up to 6 cm, pink, consist of an average of 40 petals.

Video about the rose cultivar Martin Frobisher:

Cuthbert Grant

One of the most popular varieties of Canadian roses. The bush is thick, erect. The height of the shoots is up to 1 meter. The foliage is deep green. Terry flowers, large, up to 10 cm in diameter, red with a velvet sheen. The variety is characterized by two-time flowering. The first wave in early summer, and the second in September.

Video about the Cuthbert Grant Rose Variety:

John Davis

The bush is thick, there are many thorns on the stems. The flowers of this variety are very sophisticated and resemble old roses in shape. During flowering, they change their color from bright pink to pale pink, with a creamy base of the petals. Flowers are collected in brushes of 10-15 pieces, blooms constantly until the frosts. The variety is very winter-hardy. It can withstand frosts up to -30 ° C without shelter.

Video about the variety of roses "John Davis":

Adelaide Hoodless

The climbing variety. Plant height reaches 2 meters. The lashes are flexible; support will be required for cultivation. Flowers from bright red to crimson. It blooms throughout the season. The variety is resistant to diseases and is characterized by high winter hardiness. The plant is able to withstand frosts down to -40 degrees.

Crimson Winter Jewel

The bush is low (40-60 cm). The flowers are saturated purplish-raspberry color, collected in a brush. Its unique color becomes more intense at dusk. Flowering is plentiful and lasts all summer. The variety is very winter-hardy and resistant to diseases and damage by pests.

Morden fireglow

Bush up to 1 meter, spreading. Deep red flowers literally strew the entire bush. Flowering continues throughout the season. The variety is winter-hardy enough, but the aerial part of the plant can freeze in especially harsh winters. In spring, the plant quickly recovers, blooms every season.


Canadian roses bloom throughout the season. The first buds open in early summer and continue to appear until frost. In the middle lane, Canadian roses bloom in two waves: the first time in early summer, and the second time in late August - September.

If you do not remove the wilted buds, then the bushes are decorated with numerous fruits, which gives them even more decorative. For more active flowering, in spring the plant should be fed with complex fertilizer and carry out sanitary pruning of old and dead shoots.

Basically, all canadian roses tolerate partial shade. But if the landing site is in the shade most of the day, this can lead to a decrease or even a complete absence of flowers. Careful choice of landing site will help to avoid this problem.

Use in landscape design

Canadian roses are actively used in landscape design: varieties with thicker and higher shoots - as hedges, and undersized - in flower arrangements, when decorating borders. The arbors twined with climbing varieties of Canadian roses look gorgeous. They can also be used to mask the walls of houses and other buildings.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and care in the open ground

Once the Canadian rose variety is selected, it is important to choose the right place for planting. It is better if it is an open and sunny place. Penumbra landing is allowed.

  • The soil.

    Canadian roses, in this, do not differ from other varieties of roses and prefer fertile nutrient soils. It is recommended to prepare the place and soil in advance. To do this, remove all weeds, add humus, peat, wood ash and complex mineral fertilizers. When planting, it is necessary to provide the plant with good drainage.

  • Planting by seed.

    This is a rather time-consuming process, and few gardeners choose this method.

    1. Soak the prepared seeds for 20 minutes in hydrogen peroxide.
    2. Spread the seeds on wet gauze or a cotton swab, wrap in polyethylene and refrigerate. After one and a half to two months, the first sprouts appear.
    3. We plant the seedlings in separate pots or peat tablets.
    4. Seedlings should be placed in such a way that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.
    5. Water as it dries, but do not overfill.
  • Temperature.

    Canadian roses perfectly tolerate low temperatures up to -35 ° C. In spring, upon reaching stable positive temperatures, the plant begins to actively develop. It tolerates high temperatures well, but additional watering is required. The optimum temperature is considered to be in the range from + 20 ° С to + 27 ° С.

  • Watering.

    Canadian roses respond well to regular watering. In dry and hot summers, you need to water more often. Watering is carried out strictly under the root.

  • Top dressing.

    Fertilizers are applied during planting in the prepared hole and in the spring during digging and loosening. They respond well to the application of humus, overripe manure, ash or complex mineral fertilizers. In the summer, it is recommended to apply phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

  • Pruning.

    Canadian rose bushes keep their shape perfectly and do not need forming pruning. Sanitary pruning is required in the spring to remove broken and damaged branches.

  • Transfer.

    They transfer the transplant well to a new place. It is better to carry out in the spring before the plant enters the phase of active vegetation.

  • Preparing for the winter.

    Canadian roses tolerate winters well and without shelter. It will be enough to carry out the hilling of bushes with a mixture of earth and sand in equal parts.

  • Reproduction. Step-by-step instruction.

    The main method of propagation of Canadian roses is cuttings.

    1. Cuttings are harvested in mid-summer. The cuttings are 25-30 cm long.
    2. All leaves, except the top two, are pruned.
    3. Cuttings are placed in a growth stimulator for several hours.
    4. Cuttings are planted with a slight slope, at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other.
    5. Water and cover with a plastic bottle or other protective material.
    6. Shade. As the soil dries, watering is carried out.

Diseases and Pests

Canadian roses show excellent resistance to diseases and pests. It is enough to carry out preventive treatment before flowering and at the end of the season.

For those who want to have a stunning and fragrant flower waterfall on their site, they can safely turn their attention to the roses of Canadian selection. These unpretentious but very decorative plants will become a real decoration of any garden.

Watch the video: How To Choose And Plant Climbing Roses. This Old House (October 2024).

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