Ways to get rid of furniture bugs, useful tips

Such small blood-sucking parasites, like furniture bugs, choose secluded places of human apartments for habitation. These insects are synanthropes, that is, living next to a person and to some extent dependent on him. Insects dominated the Earth long before humans appeared. Over millions of years, bedbugs have acquired truly unlimited adaptive abilities. For this reason, it is very difficult to fight them - insects quickly develop resistance to poisons, and mechanical methods of extermination are ineffective due to the high reproduction rate.

Where do they come from and how do they look

The naive misconception will be the idea that furniture bugs are permanent residents of dirty apartments of asocial people who have fallen, and in a clean, well-kept apartment they can not be. About 95% of the bedbug population lives in the human dwelling. Insects migrate between houses, instantly living in the territory they have penetrated.

Ways of penetration of bugs into the apartment:

  • from neighbors - through cracks in the walls, ventilation shafts, garbage chutes, windows, doors, electrical wiring channels. Bedbugs crawl through any openings, which are plentiful in the house;
  • with new things - furniture, books, clothes, appliances and other household items. Bed bugs like to live in the system unit of a computer, it is dark and warm there;
  • the owner himself brings bugs with clothes, a bag, a suitcase from the infected room. Moreover, you can "catch" a bug from a very decent overseas hotel.

To “capture” the apartment, one fertilized female bug is enough, they breed very quickly, in geometric progression. They feed on human blood, prefer to live next to food - inside beds, sofas, pillows. Most often, bugs are found in the furniture on which people sleep.

The furniture bug has a wide, flat, rounded brown body. He has a short antennae, no wings, six legs. The size of the nymph (adolescent) is 1-3 mm, the adult 4-5 mm. The blood-borne adult insect has a burgundy, bloated, pointed abdomen. A satiated nymph is distinguished by a scarlet thick abdomen. It is necessary to have a good idea of ​​how furniture bugs look to distinguish them from other insects. Each type of insect has its own way of fighting, based on the life cycle and physiological characteristics.

Furniture bugs, as in the photo, can not jump and fly. They emit a specific sweetish smell, by which they find each other and their nests.

Furniture bugs breed very quickly

Signs of the appearance of insects

If furniture bugs are suspected in the apartment, searches begin from the bedroom. The main nests of bloodsuckers are located near sleeping people. Look in mattresses for beds and sofas. Pay close attention to joints, seams, decorative details and creases. Sniff - the smell exuded by furniture bugs is similar to the aroma of fermented berries. Get up at night, turn on the light sharply. Throwing down the sheet, examine the surface of the mattress for small brown insects. In the morning, spots of blood and crushed bugs are found on bedding. Parasites are active in the period from 3 nights to 8 in the morning, as they are afraid of bright daylight. But a hungry insect can bite a sleeping person in the afternoon. Insects attack animals very rarely, only experiencing acute hunger.

Bedbugs are capable of a long hunger strike. For almost a year they can not leave the apartment, falling into suspended animation, wait for the return of the owners of the breadwinners.

In a state of suspended animation, bugs can be for monthsWhere furniture bugs can hideBite Places

What are dangerous bites

The oral apparatus of furniture bugs is adapted for piercing human skin and sucking blood from capillaries. They have no other way of eating. A feature of furniture bugs is a chain of 3-4 bites at a distance of 1 cm from each other. They bite men less often, "leaning" on women and children. Piercing the skin, the bloodsucker injects an anesthetic substance, so the moment of the bite itself is painless. Bedbugs cannot infect humans, although they contain dangerous viruses and bacteria. Places of pokuski itch, itch intensely, which leads to infection of the calculations conditionally pathogenic microflora. Children have an allergy, up to Quincke's edema. Some impressionable people are afraid to go to bed, cannot fall asleep, bring themselves to a neurosis. Bedbugs have difficulty moving through their hair. They prefer the "bare" parts of the body - the back, stomach, neck, chest, arms.

Especially dangerous bites of furniture bugs for children

Ways to fight

After the detection of blood-sucking parasites in the apartment, the question inevitably arises: "How now to get rid of furniture bugs?". To destroy them, use the following methods:

  • repelling agents - strong concentrated odors of wormwood, tansy, vinegar, turpentine, acetone compete with the signal smell of bugs (thereby a sweetish aroma). They can only disorient insects for a while, slightly reducing the rate of reproduction. They will not have a significant impact on numbers;
  • processing the apartment with high temperature using a steam generator or fan heater. The air in the apartment must be brought to +60 Celsius, kept at this level for up to 3 hours. A complex, costly method;
  • freezing of an apartment or individual items. A safe method for humans is to maintain a temperature of -20 Celsius for 5 days. Applicable for a private house, but not for an apartment. You can take out furniture, bedding in the cold;
  • masking tape for flies - people are temporarily sleeping on the floor (on an air mattress, for example), a new sleeping place is glued around the perimeter with ordinary masking tape for flies. At night, bugs in search of food go to the smell of the human body and stick to the trap. You need to catch parasites for at least a week;
  • insecticides are the most effective means of control. Ready aerosols or concentrates are released for the preparation of the solution. There are powders (dusts) and crayons. From bugs, it is better to use aerosol treatment or combine dusts with aerosol.
DustSteam generatorPlantsDuct tape

Insecticide treatment

When there is an apartment next door - a hotbed of furniture bugs, the best option would be a common house treatment. If you can’t agree with your neighbors, block access to bedbugs to your apartment. Repair cracks at the joints of wall plates, behind skirting boards, inside door frames, window openings. Protect the ventilation hole with a fine mesh grill. Use mounting foam, putty, silicone putties, rubber seals.

The next stage of preparation is to free the room as much as possible. People and pets (cats, dogs, birds, fish), move for a day to another apartment. Pack products, clothes, shoes tightly with polyethylene, put them in boxes, and take them to the balcony. Free the furniture from things, move it away from the walls by a distance of 50 cm. Home textiles, bedding, remove the curtains, wrap tightly with bags. After processing, wash all textile items at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, then iron on both sides.

Even in a one-room apartment, aerosol consumption will be significant, a standard balloon is not enough. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase a concentrate and prepare a working solution from it, following the instructions. Pour the finished solution into the spray gun. Protect yourself with protective clothing, a mask, gloves, shoes. The process of how to get bedbugs off furniture is very time consuming.

The poisonous substance is carefully sprayed on the treated surface, special attention is paid to:

  • pillows and mattresses of beds, sofas, armchairs. Joints of parts, wooden or metal frame, decor elements, folds of fabric sheathing, internal cavities are sprayed without sparing forces and means. The rear walls, the bottom and the floor under the furniture are also good to handle;
  • external and internal surfaces of bedside tables, tables, cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves with books. Go through all the shelves, pull out the drawers, do not forget about the door hinges, the bottom and rear walls. Remove and sprinkle books;
  • parquet, linoleum, laminate at the joints, at the joints with skirting boards. Skirting boards walk along the entire length, carefully irrigating the cracks;
  • paintings on both sides, carpets on the wall and on the floor, wallpaper, small cracks in the walls;
  • household appliances, especially the refrigerator, washing machine, computer. It is necessary to process the back walls, the bottom, remove the panel of the system unit housing and spray inside, as bedbugs can also live there.

After processing the apartment, wait at least 4-5 hours. Windows, doors tightly close, shut off ventilation and exhaust. After 5 hours, wet cleaning is performed. Dead furniture bugs are collected with a vacuum cleaner. Floors, doors, windows with window sills, furniture are washed with soap and water. Make through ventilation of the room. All that can be washed is washed at the highest possible temperature. Door frames, window frames, and the inside of sofas are drawn in chalks of the Mashenka type.

Reprocessing from bugs is carried out after 15-20 days. It is necessary to destroy those parasites that during the first treatment have not yet emerged from the eggs. Insecticides do not act on eggs of furniture bugs.

Modern chemicals

If the decision on how to get rid of furniture bugs has already been made, take care of the selection of a disinfectant. A variety of poisons are available in the form of aerosols, gels, solutions, powders, crayons. Before choosing a remedy, consult a specialist, read reviews, talk with people who have successfully gotten rid of bed bugs.

A drugRelease formEfficiencyActive substanceToxicitySmellPrice
GetConcentrate for dilution with waterHighChlorpyrifosHighNo800 rubles per 100 ml
TetrixConcentrate for dilution with waterHighCypermethrin metaphosHighCutting2000 rubles per 250 ml
CucarachaConcentrate for dilution with waterHighCypermethrin malathionAverageStrong1,500 rubles per liter

Import analog


Powder or concentrate for dilution with waterHighMalathionHighStrong resistant150 rubles per liter
CarbosolReady aerosolAverageMalathionAverageCoffee100 rubles per spray 300 ml
ForesightConcentrate for dissolution with waterAverageFenthionAverageStrong unstable250 rubles per 50 ml
PyrethrumPlant PowderLowAlkadoids herbs camomileLowWeak600 rubles for 300 g
Delta zoneConcentrate for dilution with waterAverageDeltamethrinAverageweak700 rubles per 50 ml
RiapanPowderAveragePermethrinAverageModerate100-200 rubles per package 125 g
RaidReady aerosolAverageCypermethrinAverageStrong200 rubles per bottle in 300 ml
KombatReady aerosolAveragePermethrin tetramethrinAverageMint pleasant300 rubles per bottle in 300 ml

As a rule, the most effective remedies are toxic. They act quickly, killing bugs in one application. However, for people, pets, drugs are also poisonous. After applying such funds, it is necessary to rinse the apartment well, ventilate. A strong pungent odor is absorbed into the furniture for a long time, especially textile. You can eliminate it by weathering in the fresh air. Allergy sufferers should be extremely careful and choose an odorless bug remedy.

If you are not self-confident, use the services of professional pest control. Only contact trusted organizations that have proven themselves in the market for such services. Conclude a formal contract, write down the scope of work, payment terms, liability of the parties, warranty obligations. The pest uses equipment to generate cold and hot fog. “Fog” is a solution of a powerful poisonous agent that is supplied under high pressure, penetrating the smallest cracks. With a strong infection of the apartment with bugs, the furniture for processing is dismantled in parts.



It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of bedbugs in an apartment than to fight them. Upon returning from vacation, wash your clothes at high temperatures, check your suitcases for insects. The greatest threat is the neighborhood with the apartment distributor of furniture bugs. Until the outbreak has been eliminated, the parasites will climb from there to other neighbors.

Fighting furniture bugs in the apartment is difficult, but quite feasible. Success is guaranteed subject to the instructions for the preparations and measures of personal safety.


Watch the video: How to wipe out insect in wooden furniture? - Wood Worker Tips (October 2024).

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