Making a bed from pallets, important nuances of work

Modern designers when arranging interiors of bedrooms are increasingly using non-standard solutions, apply original ideas for decor, and adapt unusual materials for this in the process of making furniture. Incredibly popular recently is a bed of pallets, which, despite the material used, can be very beautiful, comfortable and practical.

Necessary materials and tools

The level of comfort of a bedroom is very important in terms of human health. During sleep and rest, you need to properly restore strength, and for this, the musculoskeletal system needs reliable support. At the same time, the aesthetic side of the bedroom design is no less important, because it determines the general mood and atmosphere of the room. To get both of these characteristics in one bed is quite possible, but if you do not want to spend a decent amount of money, you will have to think about it. But do not get upset, because today there is an ideal option - a bed of pallets, which can be made independently and without the help of an experienced furniture maker. You can also make beds from pallets with lighting.

To work, you need to stock up with the necessary materials and tools. For work you will need:

  • pallets measuring 120x80 cm;
  • primer and paint for wooden surfaces;
  • fine sandpaper, grinding machine, drill with a special grinding nozzle;
  • roller, brush for paintwork;
  • measuring tape, with which measurements of the space and individual parts of the bed are performed;
  • pencil and paper to create a drawing of the future design;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • hammer;
  • nails, screws.

Tool kit is standard. You do not need to purchase or rent expensive units, so the cost of the future design will be low.

Pallet size

Creation technology

There is no single instruction on how to make a bed of pallets with your own hands. This process in each case has its own characteristics, since the flight of the wizard’s imagination is unlimited. Let us describe the main stages in creating individual structural elements of the future sleeping bed from wooden pallets.


Pallets are an excellent material for making a reliable and strong foundation for a berth. The standard size of this material is 120 * 80 cm. The technology for making a bed from pallets with your own hands provides for the implementation of preparatory work. First you need to carefully inspect the pallets for contamination. If clean material is selected, it is simply wiped off from dust. If pallets were in use, they will need to be cleaned of adhering dirt and dust. Use a broom, a brush and a damp cloth to work faster, and the result was the highest quality. If the assembly will be carried out outdoors, you can use the garden hose to wash the pallets. Next, the material must be allowed to dry.

After final drying, the material needs to be properly sanded. Use fine sandpaper, a special grinding machine or a brush for the drill. Work with tools will be faster, and the result will be better. Wooden surfaces are carefully treated so that a makeshift bed is as safe as possible during operation. A poorly crafted tree can leave splinters on the skin. At the end of the grinding process, wipe the wood again with a damp cloth. Next, you will need to perform priming and final surface finishing with varnish or paint.

To create a single bed or sleeping place for a child, 2 pallets are required, which are laid out on the floor one after the other. Then the berth will have the following dimensions: length - 240 cm, width - 80 mm. If you use 3 pallets, 2 of which are stacked with the long side to each other, and the third is stacked on top, then the dimensions of the sleeping bed will be different. Their length will be 240 cm, and width - 120 cm. We measure the area of ​​a berth in both cases. In the first, it will be 1.92 sq. M, and in the second - 2.88 sq. M. The first option is more suitable for a school student or teenager, and the second - for a baby with a mother.

To create a low double bed 240 * 160 cm for adults, 4 units of material are needed, for a high one of the same size - 8 pallets. If you plan to create a double bed of Euro pallets measuring 240 * 240 cm, you will need to get 6 or 12 pallets. The presence of six units will make a low base, and 12 - high. Pallets must be folded in two rows of 3 pieces on the floor, fastened together using self-tapping screws. Then, on the first row 6 more pallets are laid out and are also fastened together.

SandingPrimerPaintingBars under the baseStacking pallets


Before making a bed of pallets on your own, think about whether to equip the structure with legs. Their presence will make the sleeping bed taller, which increases the comfort of furniture for people of short stature, heavy weight, with sore joints. A low bed of pallets looks easier, does not burden a narrow space, but it will be problematic for an elderly person to sit down and get up from it.

To make the legs of a sleeping wooden bed, you should use wooden blocks or make four cubes from cut pallets for installation in the corners of the base. If you want to give mobility to the structure, install it in the center of the bedroom, it is worthwhile to choose supports for the product in the form of wheels. You can purchase them together with the fasteners that are relevant for a particular model in a furniture store. With these legs furniture can be moved around the room if necessary.

Keep in mind that the load level on the wheel supports reaches a maximum when several people lie on the berth at the same time. For this reason, it is necessary to select high-quality wheels so that they are able to withstand significant weight.

Strengthen the legs with metal corners


A bed of pallets with an original headboard looks stylish, elegant. You can supplement the sleeping place with an original detail on your own, using improvised materials. Such a detail can be a hard or soft headboard with an original decor or a non-standard shape.

To create a headboard, 1-2 pallets are required. They are mounted vertically at the head of the base. If desired, the back can be fixed not on the base, but on the wall surface. The disadvantage of this solution is the need for drilling the wall. In addition, it would not be possible to rearrange the pastel to another place without dismantling the headboard and minor wall repairs.

If this is required by the design project, you can create a soft headboard for a bed of pallets. To do this, cover the pallet with foam rubber, sheathe upholstery with a building stapler. Among various kinds of upholstery, the following options for the manufacture of soft headboards are most often preferred:

  • fabric (velvet, brocade) - such luxurious-looking materials will look even more interesting in combination with the aesthetics of wooden pallets;
  • eco-leather - affordable, practical, beautiful material, which will be very easy to take care of in the bedroom;
  • genuine leather - in combination with pallets, this expensive material may seem inappropriate, but such original ideas are quite applicable when creating a unique bedroom design.

The soft headboard is mounted on the wall, decorated in various ways. The main function that such an element will perform is to create a decorative accent. But do not forget that when leaning your back on the soft upholstery of the bed, a person feels additional comfort. For the sake of this fact, it is worth a little tinkering with foam and upholstery.

Create Highlighting

A bed of pallets with illumination gives the bedroom an extra comfort at night, fills the space with an atmosphere of love, promotes relaxation, brings a romantic lightness. Therefore, experienced designers are advised to use LED strips, luminous cords or just stand-alone fixtures in order to complement self-made furniture from wooden pallets.

Pick up two luminous cords, each 185 cm long. Connect them to the plugs and place them at the bottom of the base around the entire perimeter of the structure, so that when you turn on the lights, the illusion of soaring the bed above the floor is created. Make sure that each of the contacts goes deep into the channel into which the wiring is placed. Protect the free end of the cord with a cap. Next, connect the duralight to the electric cable and check if the system works.

The main thing is to position the backlight switch so that you can use it without getting out of bed. Lighting, cord, switch can be found in the store.

Decoration Methods

Do-it-yourself pallet beds are decorated in various ways. We describe the most popular technologies in the table.

Decor TechnologyThe part of the bed that is decoratedApplication Feature
VarnishingBase, headboardVarnish protects wooden surfaces from negative factors, prolongs furniture life, emphasizes the beauty of the natural pattern of wood.
Paint applicationBase, headboardPaint allows you to completely or partially hide the aesthetics of a wooden surface.
UpholsteryHeadboardAllows you to give the design even more originality, beauty. A bed of pallets with a soft headboard is distinguished by a unique look, a special style.

After the pallets are cleaned of dirt and polished, they will need to be treated with a primer. Next, you can proceed to the use of the finishing composition: varnish, paint. The product is applied to wide wooden surfaces using a roller, and through the use of a brush, hard-to-reach areas are painted. Products are left in the room without drafts for final drying, and then used to make furniture with their own hands.

The crib from the pallet can be painted in bright colors, the teenager's bed in laconic colors, and the model in the garden house for guests can be varnished.



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