DIY Craft Swing Guide

In a world of constant hustle and bustle, one sometimes wants to relax, relax. The most ordinary swing can help with this. Since childhood, so many positive emotions have been associated with them. Spending a lot of money on their purchase is not necessary. It is quite possible to make a swing with your own hands at home. To do this, it is enough to have a desire, free time, a certain set of materials and tools.

Basic requirements

Before starting work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a number of requirements, compliance with which will create a quality product. Since garden swings are considered rather traumatic, it is necessary to take care that no curious situations overshadow the rest. All items must be reliable. And during operation it is impossible that there are objects nearby that can become an obstacle to the maximum swing progress.

As a rule, children like to swing. But sometimes adults are not averse to rest after hard workdays. When deciding how to make a swing, it is imperative to provide for a high load capacity and maximum dynamic load. Having a solid swing frame is an important safety condition.

Depending on where the swing will be installed, choose what to make of them. Most often they are used in a summer house in the garden, in the open air. Building materials, respectively, must be resistant to atmospheric conditions. Then they will last a long time. Do not forget about the appearance. In order to give a do-it-yourself garden swing made by your own hands, you need to choose materials that are easy to care for.

After analyzing all the requirements and determining the parameters, you can choose the type of product. The installation method distinguishes:

  1. Mobile If the exact place for their installation does not exist, then it is better to opt for a portable model for the cottage. Then the swing can be rearranged to any convenient place.
  2. Stationary When creating a do-it-yourself swing, the installation location is determined once, it remains unchanged throughout the entire life cycle.

According to the principle of the device, they distinguish:

  1. Outboard. The seat is attached to the frame by means of suspensions.
  2. Wireframe. They are characterized by a solid frame welded from pipes or made of wooden beams.

As for building materials, the most popular are garden swings with their own hands made of metal, wood, or a combination thereof. All of the above designs meet the requirements to one degree or another. However, if safety comes first, the best option would be a stationary metal frame swing. They in relation to other options have greater stability and carrying capacity.


Choosing a model for home use

The choice of model is a purely individual matter. It all depends on personal preference. But since there is usually not too much free space at home, most often preference is given to do-it-yourself child-made swings according to individual drawings. Today, there are many popular home options for children. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.





Compactness, mobility, simplicity of production and installation

High probability of falling out, fragility


Simplicity of design, versatility

Inadequate security

High chair

Safety, mobility

Holds only one person


Possibility of simultaneous use by two children

The need for a large amount of free space

The boats


Quick wear (if made of plastic)

As a rule, to save space, almost all children’s swing for the house have a suspended type of construction. They are attached to the ceiling by means of suspensions. They can be made at home. Choosing a project should be based on the age characteristics of the child and the availability of building material. The easiest way to make a swing in the form of a hammock at home. To do this, a durable fabric is purchased that will replace the seat, and a pair of ropes.

HammockBenchHigh chairBalancersThe boats

Rules for creating your own project

On the network you can find many typical projects with dimensions and drawings. However, they do not always fit organically into the interior and correspond to personal taste preferences. Therefore, there is a need to create your own project. This is a very responsible and time-consuming undertaking. Hand-drawn drawings will fully meet the needs. In order to finally get a quality product, you need to thoroughly consider the following points:

  • model;
  • number of seats;
  • type of base and method of attachment to the ground;
  • quality of the bearing motionless frame;
  • type of movable structure;
  • seat configuration.
ModelNumber of seatsType of foundation and method of attachment to the groundThe quality of the carrier frameSeat configurationType of movable structure

The following swing models are distinguished:

  1. Gazebo. Such a street swing will appeal to hospitable hosts. The model is designed for a large company, so it is quite difficult to implement.
  2. Cradle. This is the best option for a swing for a summer residence. Provide the opportunity to sit together and talk, as well as lie down to relax.
  3. Acrobatic trapezoid. A fairly simple option, which is a bench on suspensions. It can be attached both to a specially made supporting structure and to a tree.

Do-it-yourself swings are single, double, triple. Based on this, the seat width is subsequently calculated. The larger the area of ​​the base, the lower the pressure of the structure at the installation site. Accordingly, when installing the swing on the ground in the yard, it is necessary to provide a sufficiently wide, if possible integral base. If preference is given to ordinary straight legs without additional emphasis, then it is necessary to prepare a special platform for them, otherwise they may get bogged down in the soil over time.

The motionless motionless frame should differ in reliability and stability. Having the skills of a welder or a blacksmith, you can make a swing at the cottage with your own hands from metal. They will look fundamental. Otherwise, it is recommended to use a tree.

By type, the choice is between hanging and frame swings. The pendant model is characterized by a simpler manufacturing method. Various materials can be used as suspensions: ropes, chains, rods with bearings. Ropes are strong enough, but not durable. Despite special processing, they are subject to decay. Rope swings are best installed in places protected from moisture and precipitation. Chains are safe, durable, lightweight. They practically do not have their own inertia, due to which the suspended swing quickly slows down. This reduces the risk of shock and injury. Rods with bearings are a reinforced structure that can withstand any weight. The disadvantage of the bearing option is the constant care. If you do not lubricate them regularly, then an unpleasant rattle will soon appear, and they will quickly fail. The frame structure is characterized by increased stability. She is safe and mobile. However, the independent creation of such a swing is a laborious process that requires special skills.

The seat can be a simple bench, a bench with a back and armrests, as well as imitate a soft chair or even a sofa (this design looks like a full gazebo). The choice depends on individual preferences and functionality. The difference between seat models is in the degree of comfort. The bench seat is made mainly of wood, and the gazebos are made of upholstery and lining fabric. The decisive moment is the appointment of a do-it-yourself swing for a summer residence.

After all design features have been identified, the dimensions of the individual constituent parts should be calculated. The width of the seat per seat is at least half a meter. The distance to the seat is calculated relative to the comfortable position of the legs so that you can push off. How tall the racks will be depends on the method of swinging: in the sitting position - 1.7 m, in the standing position - 2.5 m. When the drawings and dimensions are determined, you can begin to work.

GazeboCradleAcrobatic trapeze

Production of metal garden swings according to the drawing

There is a clear instruction on how to create a metal swing with your own hands. Paramount is the drawing. The basis is taken the most suitable of those available in the public domain. If something does not suit you, then adjustments are made to the swing pattern. The main thing when choosing a metal swing is to adequately assess your capabilities. If there are no special skills, then it is worthwhile to stop on a simpler project, and not look at works of art, such as, for example, forged swings.

After you select a model and transfer it schematically to paper, you should carefully consider the list of necessary materials and tools. Otherwise, during the construction process, you will have to contact your neighbors or go to the building materials store for the missing equipment. And it will take a lot of time.

Having acquired everything necessary for the construction, you should proceed to the manufacture of parts (frame, seat, canopy). When the individual elements are ready, you need to connect them into a single design and install in a previously prepared place.

Materials and Tools

To create a swing from metal, you will need to prepare in advance:

  • profile 4-7 cm wide and 0.1-0.2 cm thick;
  • rectangular iron pipes with a section of 1.5-2 cm;
  • bars of wood 3 x 3 cm;
  • suspension designed for a load of up to 300 kg;
  • grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • 6 eyebolts with nuts and engraving washers;
  • paints and varnishes.

The above list is subject to change. It all depends on the skills. Someone is able to independently customize building materials to the desired size. If there are no such skills, then materials that match the parameters specified in the drawing should be purchased.

Seat fabrication

When making a bench, there are several important points to keep in mind. First of all - convenience. For a more comfortable pastime, you need to take care of the presence of a back, on which you can lean and completely relax.

The depth of the seat should be at least 35 cm. Then both children and adults can use the swing. In this case, there will be no feeling of discomfort. Safety is important. The back should be fixed so that it is stationary.

For a bench on a special machine, bars of one and a half meters are cut. Then they are cleaned with sandpaper. When the surface becomes smooth, without roughness, a varnish coating is applied. It will not only give the appearance of colorfulness, but also protect the wood from the effects of negative environmental conditions. A bench frame is constructed from the profile, to which fasteners for the suspension are welded. By means of bolts, bars are attached to it. Each action must be done thoughtfully, without rushing.

Cut the bars of the right size on the machineTo clear and varnishBuild a bench frame from the profile, weld fasteners for the suspensionAttach the bars with bolts

Metal frame welding

How to weld a swing? First you need to prepare parts of certain sizes. For racks, 4 pipes of 2.5 meters are cut. For jumpers you will need 2 metal rods of 2.1 meters each. Pipes are cut at an angle of 30 °, welded in pairs to create equilateral triangles. A jumper is welded at a distance of 2 meters from the top of each rack. Its length is 1,038 meters.

The purpose of the jumper should not be underestimated. She is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the racks during the operation of the swing. The presence of a jumper ensures that the pipes do not corrode in different directions. The tops of the racks are connected by a crossbar protruding from both sides by 5 cm. Having welded the crossbar to the racks, the process of creating a frame for future swings can be considered completed.

In order to verify the reliability of the created structure, it should be tried to swing. If this is not possible, then everything is connected correctly and efficiently. Swings welded from the profile pipe are characterized by high load capacity.

Prepare detailsWeld pipes in pairsWeld jumperThe tops of the racks to connect the crossbar

Canopy Creation

To protect from the scorching sun or summer rain, it is preferable to opt for a swing under a canopy. Thanks to the roof over your head, outdoor recreation will bring maximum pleasure, despite the weather conditions. As a basis for the frame of the visor, you can take metal tubes in the amount of four pieces. They should be cleaned with sandpaper, then weld together at right angles. The result should be a rectangle.

When the frame is ready, it must be covered with paint or alkyd enamel. It all depends on personal preference. After that, the finished structure is welded to the upper crossbar of the swing at a slight angle.

Then a dense waterproof fabric is taken. The size of the canvas is determined by the parameters of the metal frame for the canopy plus 20 cm on each side for fixing. The fabric is pulled over the pipes, bends around them, connected with brackets by means of a stapler.

There is another option: the fabric is cut exactly to the size of the inner rectangle of the visor frame. Then, ties about 35 cm long are sewn to the canvas at a distance of 15 cm. Through these ties, the fabric is attached to the canopy frame. Thus, the material can be easily removed for washing or replacing with a new one.

Assembly and installation

When the individual elements of the future home-made metal swing for cottages are ready, you should start assembling them in a single design. If the model is mobile, then you can collect the swing in any convenient place. Subsequently, it will not be difficult to transfer them to the desired section of the cottage.

In the case of creating a stationary option, you should first prepare the place where it was decided to install the swing. The choice of location should be approached responsibly. It is recommended to take into account the wind direction and the intensity of the sun during the day. After all, if as a result something does not work out, then dismantling will bring a lot of trouble.

When a place is chosen, 4 pits of 0.5 m depth are dug out, supports are installed in them and concrete mixture is poured. After the concrete has hardened, the structure is assembled. The seat is suspended by means of bolts. So, the do-it-yourself swing from the profile pipe is ready for use.

Make concrete mixDig holes, install supports and pour concreteHang the seat to the barDone

Creating a home swing for children

The easiest option for a children's room is a hanging hammock swing made of fabric. For a child, they will be a wonderful entertainment. The algorithm for creating a simple convenient model:

  1. The ceiling is getting ready.Only the capital option is suitable, all the others are not designed for high load. If this is not possible, then ceiling beams are used. A hole is drilled at the attachment point where an anchor eyebolt is screwed with a carbine inserted. It will be a suspension.
  2. A dense, furniture fabric capable of supporting the child is taken. Its edges are pulled together by a strong rope, tied to a wooden crossbar in the form of a tube 40 cm wide. Using two chains, the crossbar is connected to the carabiner. Their length is selected based on the height of the seat from the floor. The older the child, the higher the seat.

Using the minimum amount of material and time, you can create wonderful children's swings. Despite its simplicity, a hammock will bring a lot of joy and pleasure to the child. And this is so important that the children are happy.

Ideas for making original products

As a rule, most people choose classic options that are familiar from childhood. However, there are a huge number of original ideas that can surprise you with their non-standard appearance. For example, a conventional tire can be used as a seat. With the help of suspensions, it is attached to a tree branch and becomes an adornment of any summer cottage at minimal cost.

Furniture from pallets is becoming increasingly popular. Swing is no exception. You can make both a single seat and a full sunbed for the garden, reminiscent of a bed.

As a seat, a regular wooden circle is used with a rope running in the center. A fitness ball or a punching bag are also suitable. Skating is quite extreme, because the amplitude is very high.

The seat can be built out of a hoop and hung on chains. You only need to wrap it with foam rubber and weave it with ropes. This option is suitable for lying. There are many ideas. The main thing is to give free rein to imagination. Then the unusual swing will decorate any interior.

Additional equipment

After the work is completed, you can take care of additional equipment. To make the rest more comfortable, it is recommended to sew soft covers and pillows. As textiles it is better to use a dense, waterproof fabric. Then the weather will not spoil the look. In addition, it should be easy to care for. As a filler, foam rubber can be used.

If you want to make the swing an eye-catching element of landscape design, you can paint the racks in bright colors or decorate with various prints. Original, beautiful swings will become the pride of the owners.


Watch the video: 35 DIY Ideas To Transform Everything You Own With Paint (January 2025).

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