Aarhus is a cultural and industrial city in Denmark

Aarhus (Denmark) is the largest and most significant city in the country after its capital, Copenhagen. For the Danes, Aarhus is as important as St. Petersburg for the Russians. It is a cultural and scientific center, a city of students and historical monuments, attracting many tourists with its sights.

General information

The city of Aarhus is located on the coast of the Aarhus Bay of the Jutland Peninsula and covers an area of ​​about 91 km². Its population is approximately 300 thousand inhabitants.

The history of Aarhus dates back more than a thousand years, it knows the periods of prosperity and decline. In the XIV century, the population of the city almost completely died out during the plague epidemic, and for a long time it existed as a small settlement. Only after the construction of the railway in the XIX century the city began to grow and develop. Now it is a large cultural and commercial-industrial center that has preserved its historical architectural appearance and many interesting sights.


Danes really value national traditions and take care of their historical heritage. Largely because of this, Aarhus (Denmark) is so popular among tourists, its sights are not just traces of the past, but carefully collected, recreated and presented in the most interesting form evidence of the historical development of the Danish nation.

Museum Moesgaard

The Danish Museum of Ethnography and Archeology Moesgaard is located in the suburb of Aarhus Højbjerg, an hour's drive from the city center. This attraction includes not only the building in which the exhibition is located, but also the surrounding landscape, stretching to the seashore. There are many objects reflecting various historical eras of Denmark: mounds of the Bronze Age, houses of the Iron and Stone Age, Viking houses, medieval buildings, a bell tower, a water mill and other attractions.

The Moesgaard exposition is one of the richest in the world. Here is the well-preserved body of the "swamp man" - a resident of the Bronze Age, found during excavations about 65 years ago. Many household items, jewelry and weapons of prehistoric epochs are presented to visitors using interactive techniques, sound and video effects that make visiting Moesgaard interesting for everyone.

Children are given the opportunity to not only contemplate, but also touch, play with individual objects of the exposition, which arouses their interest in history and archeology. Three-dimensional binoculars “enliven” the wax figures of some representatives of our time standing on the stairs. At least 3 hours are recommended for viewing the exposition, and it will take a whole day to view all the historical sights of the complex. Here you can relax on the grassy roof of the museum building, have a picnic at special venues, and dine in an inexpensive cafe.

  • Opening hours: 10-17.
  • Address: Moesgaard Alle 15, Aarhus 8270, Denmark.
National Open Air Museum Den Gaml Bai

The city of Aarhus (Denmark) is rich in attractions, but there is one among them, which everyone unconditionally distinguishes as the most interesting. This is Den Gamle By - a national open-air museum that allows you to plunge into the old days of Danish cities.

Old houses that have served their age are brought here brick by brick from all over Denmark, and carefully restored with all the elements of decor and everyday life that are characteristic of the times of their construction. This city in the city has already 75 houses, among which there are noble mansions and commoners' housing, a school, workshops, customs, a seaport building with a moored ship, water and windmills.

You can go into each building and get acquainted not only with its authentic atmosphere, but also with the “population”, whose roles are believably performed by actors, respectively dressed and made-up. You can not only communicate with them, but also help in their daily affairs.

Particularly exciting is a visit to Den Gaml-Bai in the summer, when poultry roams the streets and old horse-drawn carts pass. But the most fun is to be here during Christmas with its fairs and festive illumination.

Ticket Price:

  • Up to 18 years old - free of charge.
  • Adults - € 60-135 depending on the season.
  • Students get discounts.

Address: Moesgaard Alle 15, Aarhus 8270, Denmark.

Deer Park (Marselisborg Deer Park)

Not far from Aarhus is the Deer Park, which occupies a small part (22 hectares) of the vast Marselisborg forests. This attraction provides tourists with a rare opportunity to socialize and take pictures with deer and roe deer in their natural habitat. Animals take food from their hands and allow themselves to be touched, which will especially please children.

Deer Park has existed for over 80 years. In addition to deer and roe deer, wild boars also live in Marselisborg Deer Park, but these animals can be dangerous, so their habitat is fenced. When gathering in a deer park, it is recommended to take carrots or apples with you, feeding other products, such as bread, is harmful and dangerous for deer.

You can get to Marselisborg Deer Park by taxi for € 10, a bus trip will cost less.

  • The park is open daily.
  • The visit is free.
  • Address: Oerneredevej 6, Aarhus 8270, Denmark /
Aros Aarhus Museum of Art

The Museum of Modern Art in Aarhus is a landmark that will be interesting to visit not only for fans of modern trends in the visual arts. Judging by the reviews, Aros Aarhus does not leave anyone indifferent. Its cubic terracotta building rises on a hill in the city center and can be seen from many points.

An annular rainbow panorama is installed on the roof of this architectural structure. It is an annular corridor three meters wide with glass walls, the outer of which is painted in rainbow colors. Passing through the ring, you can admire the views of the surroundings, colored with all the colors of the solar spectrum.

Another element that draws general attention to the museum of Aros Aarhus is the gigantic figure of a crouched boy installed in the lobby of the first floor. The five-meter sculpture made of silicone impresses with its realism and accurate reproduction of the smallest anatomical features of the human body.

The exposition of Aros Aarhus presents both canvases by Danish artists of the 18th-20th centuries, as well as works by contemporary artists. According to visitors, not even lovers of contemporary art are very impressed by this attraction. Unusual installations, voice and video effects, optical illusions make visiting the halls an exciting adventure. For hungry people in the museum there is a restaurant and cafe.

Opening hours:

  • Wednesday 10-22
  • Tuesday, thursday-sunday 10-17
  • Monday is a day off.

Ticket Price:

  • Adults: DKK130
  • Under 30 years old and students: DKK100
  • Under 18 years: free.

Address: Aros Alle 2, Aarhus 8000, Denmark.

Aarhus Botanical Garden

Not far from the open-air museum Den Gamle By is another attraction of Aarhus - the Botanical Garden. It was defeated more than 140 years ago and covers an area of ​​21 hectares. More than 1000 species of plants are represented here, each of which is equipped with a tablet with a description in different languages. On the territory of the garden there are several greenhouses, a greenhouse, a lake, a rock garden, a well-maintained recreation area with playgrounds, a picturesque windmill, equipped picnic places, and a cafe.

The greatest attention of tourists is attracted by greenhouses, which represent the flora of various climatic zones: subtropics, tropics, deserts. Visitors will meet with representatives of not only the flora, but also the fauna of the tropics and subtropics. Many species of exotic birds and butterflies live here, which are very sociable and allow themselves not only to be well examined, but also to photograph.

At least 2 hours are recommended to visit the botanical garden. And thanks to the many entertainment and comfortable places to relax, it will be nice to spend the whole day here. For a bite to eat, guests can check out a cafe located in the garden.

  • Admission is free for all.
  • Opening hours: 9.00-17.00
  • Address: Peter Holms Vej, Aarhus 8000, Denmark.
Dokk1 Library

The landmark of Aarhus that made this Danish city famous all over the world is the Dokk1 library. After all, this institution in 2016 was recognized by the International Federation as the best library in the world.

The modern building of the library with its appearance and location resembles a ship; it is built on a concrete platform that protrudes beyond the coastline into the sea. The total area of ​​the Dokk1 library is 35,000 m². They have a book depository, multiple reading rooms, cafes, service centers, rooms for interest clubs, free offices that can be booked for various events.

The lobby often hosts contemporary art exhibitions, which can be visited for free. The extensive library veranda, which occupies part of the promenade, is a comfortable relaxation area with playgrounds and sculptural compositions for children.

From the windows of the second floor a magnificent panorama opens. On the one hand, the old part of the city with historical buildings appears, and on the other, the architecture of modern Aarhus, the photos taken here are especially impressive.

  • Entrance to the library is free.
  • Opening hours: 9.00-19.00.
  • Address: Mindet 1, Aarhus 8000, Denmark.
Concert Hall (Musikhuset Aarhus)

The largest concert hall in Aarhus not only in Denmark but throughout Scandinavia is a complex consisting of several buildings, an open-air concert venue and the surrounding green zone. Its many large and small halls can accommodate over 3600 spectators at the same time.

More than one and a half thousand concert events, including opera and ballet performances, musicals, are held annually in this temple of music. The audience totals about 500,000 people a year. The best musicians of Europe and the world are touring, whose performances are beginning to be announced a year before the event.

The huge glass foyer with an area of ​​2000 m² seats 1000 spectators. It constantly hosts exhibitions and concert events, most of which are open to visitors for free. Every weekend in the foyer, as well as on the stage of the Johan Richter restaurant, there are performances by students of the music academy, admission to which is free.

Address: Thomas Jensens Alle 1, Aarhus 8000, Denmark.

Latin Quarter

The famous Latin Quarter of Paris, sung in poetic and pictorial works, is an old campus that grew up around the Sorbonne - the largest university in France. It got its name from the Latin language, in which students were taught in medieval Europe.

Aarhus is one of the youngest cities in Denmark, there are many educational institutions. Due to the large number of students, the average age of Aarhus residents is significantly less than in other cities in Denmark. Therefore, there is its own Latin Quarter - not as famous as Paris, but fully justifying its name.

The cobbled narrow streets of the Latin Quarter attract tourists not only with their ancient architecture, but also with numerous galleries, shops, cozy restaurants, cafes and bars. It is always crowded here, because this is the focus of not only the tourist, but also the student life of Aarhus.

Address: Aaboulevarden, Aarhus 8000, Denmark.


Wakeup aarhus

Although travelers who come to Aarhus can see the sights in any season, the largest influx of tourists here is from May to September. During this period, as well as during Christmas, accommodation prices rise. The choice of accommodation in Aarhus is not too large, so it is better to book your favorite option in advance

A double room in a three-star hotel in season will cost from DKK650 per day with breakfast, four-star - from DKK1000 with breakfast per day. Apartments are a better option; prices start at DKK200 per day without breakfast. In the off-season, the cost of living in Aarhus is markedly reduced.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form


Restaurant Mefisto

The catering sector of Aarhus, as in any tourist center, is well developed. Together you can have lunch here:

  • for DKK200 in an inexpensive restaurant,
  • for DKK140 in a fast food establishment.
  • Lunch for two in a mid-range restaurant will cost approximately DKK500-600. Alcoholic beverages are not included in these prices.
  • A bottle of local beer in a restaurant costs on average 40 CZK.

How to get to Aarhus

Copenhagen Airport

There are two airports in the vicinity of Aarhus, one within a 45-minute reach, and the other at Billund Airport, an hour and a half away. However, from Russia they can be reached only with a transfer. Most often, Russian tourists arrive at Copenhagen Airport.

From Copenhagen Central Station every hour, a train leaves for Aarhus, which takes 3-3.5 hours. Ticket price - DKK180-390.

You can take the bus that departs to Aarhus directly from Copenhagen Airport every hour from 6-18. Travel time is 4-5 hours. The ticket will cost approximately DKK110.
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Prices on the page are for May 2018.

Aarhus (Denmark) is an amazing city worth visiting in order to enrich your baggage of tourist experiences.

Aarhus view from the air - professional video.

Watch the video: Aarhus, Århus Jutland, Jylland, Denmark City Tour walking and cycling. GoPro (October 2024).

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