Picasso Museum - what is the famous exhibition in Barcelona?

The Picasso Museum in Barcelona is one of the most visited places in the Catalan capital. Being one of the main cultural centers dedicated to the work of one of the greatest artists of all time, he is famous for the largest number of works created in various stages of his life.

Museum History

The history of the Museum Picasso in Barcelona began in 1963 with the light hand of Jaime Sabartes. Being a friend and ally of the famous painter, designer, sculptor, graphic artist and ceramist, he decided that the whole world should see these unusual and truly unique works. The first exposition, numbering a little less than 600 exhibits, was based on small figures, paintings and pencil sketches, which the famous Spaniard brought to Sabartes for many years as gifts. The idea turned out to be so successful that soon not only relatives and other friends of the artist, but Pablo himself, who periodically sent his works to the museum, joined in its implementation.

At first, the Picasso heritage cultural center was planned to be opened in Malaga, the historical homeland of the master, but he himself was more inclined to Barcelona, ​​because it was here that his main creative breakthrough occurred and other, no less significant events took place. And indeed, it was this city that first discovered Spain, and then to the whole world, the talent of an outstanding and incredibly interesting artist. Having moved here at the age of 14 with his whole family, young Pablo enters the art school, opens his first exhibition and gets acquainted with the great painters who will play a huge role in his own formation.

Having opted for the Catalan capital, Jaime Sabartes rents the Berenguer d'Agilara Palace, a huge Gothic-style mansion that is a truly unique architectural monument. However, after several years, it becomes clear that an expanding collection of exhibits, like mushrooms after rain, may require additional premises. They didn’t have to search long - they became 4 more mansions located on the same street as the palace of Berenguer d'Agilar:

  • Casa Mauri - is located on the site of the eponymous confectionery, founded in 1840. At the moment, it is the only urban building whose window frames are made of wood. The foundation of the house, preserved from the time of the Great Roman Empire, deserves no less attention;
  • The Palau del Baró de Castellet is a monumental building, decorated in a classic style and attracting the attention of its unusual living room. He entered the number of city possessions only at the beginning of the 20th century .;
  • Palau Meca - named after the noble family that owned it for only 17 tbsp. It became part of the Picasso Museum in 1982;
  • Palau Finestres is an original building, complemented by small arches, openwork balconies and a cozy patio. Now it is at the disposal of the municipality and is used to host temporary exhibits.

To date, the art gallery fund contains more than 3.5 thousand copies, and every second tourist who comes here plans to buy a ticket to the Pablo Picasso Museum (Barcelona).


The exposition dedicated to the great Spanish painter was based not only on famous works related to the “blue” and “pink” periods of his work, but also on simple sketches created by Picasso at the beginning of his career. Museum samples are placed so that visitors can easily track the path of a genius and appreciate his creative maturation.

All works are divided into 15 categories, arranged in a clear chronological sequence. So, the first group included pencil sketches of young Pablo, made before his family arrived in Barcelona (that is, before the age of 14). The following is a collection of paintings by the painter in different life periods. Here you can see one of the first works of P. Picasso, painted by him almost immediately upon arrival in the capital of Catalonia. We are talking about the "First Communion" and "Science and Mercy", as well as other, less well-known canvases.

"Science and mercy"

For certain episodes, separate rooms are allocated in the panopticon, in the bowels of which are stored both finished paintings and trial sketches, sketches and sketches. Examining these exhibits, one can notice how the artist himself changed and grew, and with it his talent was strengthened and developed. The last museum collection is represented by canvases written in 1917 after Picasso became acquainted with Russian ballet and the famous theater director Sergei Diaghilev.

After such a significant upsurge in Picasso's work, a period of calm sets in, stretching for as many as 44 years. At the end of this period, the master wrote another 60 works, which became a kind of reference to the works of another legendary artist - Diego Velazquez. A series of these canvases, known as the "Menin", was created in a relatively short time and entered the period of the late work of the great genius. In each of these works, 2 sides of the same coin are clearly displayed - darkness and light, evil and good.


Among other things, this cultural center has a huge collection of sculptures, ceramic products and typographic works, one way or another connected with the creative and everyday life of the master.

Practical information

There are several ways to get to Museum Picasso, located at: Carrer Montcada, 15-23, 08003 Barcelona, ​​Spain:

  1. By metro: yellow line L4 to st. "Jaume I", green line L3 to st. "Liceu" or red line L1 to st. "Arcde Triomf". In the latter case, you will have to go to your destination about 1 km.
  2. By sightseeing transfer to the stop "Barrio Gotico".
  3. By city bus number 17, 45, 19 and 40 to the station. "Via Laietana", No. 120 to the station "Princesa", Nos. 14 and 59 to Art. "Pla de Palau" or No. 39 and 51 to Art. "Passeig Picasso". All buses depart from the city center.
  4. By car or rental car - to the parking lots on Avinguda Cambo, Via Laietana and Carrer Princesa.
  5. By taxi - in this case, you can use the Cabify and Hailo mobile apps.

Working hours:

  • Monday - from 10:00 to 17:00;
  • Thursday - from 09:00 to 21:30;
  • Other days: from 09:00 to 20.30.

The cultural center is open year-round except for a few days: 01.01, 01.05, 24.06., 30.09, 07.10 and 25.12. At the same time, on 05.01 it works from 09:00 to 17:00, and on 12/24 and 12/31 - from 09:00 to 14:00.

Price for visiting the Pablo Picasso Museum in Barcelona:

Type of exhibitiontotal costDiscount price
Permanent + Temporary14€7,50€

Eligible for a discount ticket are:

  • Tourists 18 - 25 years old;
  • High school students;
  • Elderly people from 65 years old;
  • Holders of the abbreviated Barcelona Card and the library card of Barcelona.

Free admission to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona takes place on the following days:

  • Thursday - 18:00 - 21:00;
  • 1st Sunday of the month - 09:00 - 20:30;
  • Días de puertas abiertas: 12.02, 18.05 and 24.09.

In addition, children and young people under 18 can enter the palaces without a ticket. The cash desk closes 30 minutes before the end of the working day. Look for more information on the official website of the complex - www.museupicasso.bcn.cat/en

Useful Tips

Those who plan to visit the Picasso Museum in Barcelona will surely find the recommendations of those who have already visited it useful:

  1. Buy tickets online - with them you can get inside without waiting in line.
  2. On the territory of the center there is a souvenir shop where you can buy stamps, books, bookmarks and other trinkets related to the life and work of the Spanish painter.
  3. Give preference to comprehensive offers, the program of which extends to 6 Barcelona panopticons or to the Picasso Gallery and a bus tour of the city.
  4. You can not carry bags or backpacks with you, so all personal belongings will have to be taken to the storage room located at the entrance. The cost of one cell is 1 €, but they are returned back when leaving the palaces.
  5. When strolling through the halls, stock up on a Russian-language audio guide (costs about 5 €) or with the help of a professional guide. Otherwise, miss a ton of interesting points.
  6. You can’t take pictures in the halls, but some tourists still manage to take a few shots from under the floor.
  7. Among the paintings presented at the exhibition, there are many frank works, so it is better to leave young children to a nanny or relatives.
  8. Having decided to come to Museum Picasso on one of the free days, do not forget to pre-register on the official website and bring along a special ticket (as an option, download it to your phone and show it at the entrance). Without all this you won’t be missed.
  9. A visit to the exhibition should be planned for the first half of the day, and even better - come about half an hour before the opening. The fact is that as soon as a certain number of visitors enter the gallery, an indefinite break will be announced in it.

Inspection of the exposition at the Picasso Museum:

Watch the video: Barcelona Picasso Museum (October 2024).

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