Targeting and retargeting - what it is and how to set up targeted ads + TOP-3 exchanges, where to order custom targeting ads

Hello, dear readers of the Rich Pro online magazine! In this article, we’ll tell you what targeted advertising is, how to set up targeting and retargeting on advertising sites, and what are the goals (goals) of targeted advertising.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is targeted advertising, what is the principle of operation of this tool and what tasks does it solve;
  • What types of targeting advertising exist and how to target in an advertising campaign;
  • What is retargeting and why is it needed.

This article will be useful to all those who are looking for ways to promote their services, products or resources on the network and want to learn more about this type of advertising on the Internet.

About what targeted advertising is, how targeting is configured (retargeting) and why you need targeted advertising - read in this article

1. What is targeting and targeted advertising - concepts overview

Targeting - this is targeting advertising message to the selected (necessary) part of the target audience. This approach allows you to reduce advertising costs - it will be broadcast only those who are interested in it.

This advertising mechanism excludes expenses on inappropriate the audience.

In addition, if an ad is targeted specifically to a target group, thenad conversion will grow, which leads to a decrease in the cost of advertising itself. The likelihood that an interested user, having reached the site through an advertising message, will perform certain actions is much higher. The increase in site conversion (landing) and the retention of visitors will also affect the position in the issuance of search engines.

You can also predict what the result of advertising and how many purchases, calls will be made.
In this case, employees will be able to cope with an unexpectedly large amount of work.

A plus to all, if a service or product is offered on a regular basis (eg: hairdressing, dentistry) targeted (targeted) advertising will help to "turn" one-time customers into regular ones.

2. The principle of targeting advertising

The basic condition for successful targeting in an advertising campaign is the availability of as detailed information as possible about each user. Based on this information, the system will decide whether to broadcast ads to potential customers or not.

For this reason, targeting most common in social networks, where users independently indicate data about themselves, passing registration.

Using information about users of social networks, you just have to correctly configure all the parameters of the target group, compose an ad text and attach an image. Then the announcement follows send for moderationwhich usually takes from 1 minute to several hours.

There are several conditions under which an advertisement will be rejected:

  • The advertisement contains elements of eroticism (in text or image), porn sites or sex shops are promoted;
  • The ad contains personal data of users;
  • Advertising of financial pyramids (exchanges);
  • An ad is made up with grammatical errors or is written in capital letters;
  • You are trying to advertise the competitors of the site on which you are advertising;
  • Alcohol or tobacco products are advertised;
  • The ad text contains contact details;
  • Use other people's logos, trademarks or names.

To place targeted advertising, the requirements and mandatory conditions of the advertising exchange should be taken into account.

The most popular advertising exchanges include:

  1. Yandex.Direct;
  2. Google AdWords
  3. MyTarget;
  4. social networks (VK, Facebook, Instagram and others).

We’ll talk more about targeting in each of them later in the article.

What are the main goals and objectives of targeted advertising

3. What are the goals and objectives of targeted advertising?

So, what are the goals and objectives of targeting in an advertising campaign?

Targeted advertising has the same goals as any other type of advertising:

  • Increase in sales of goods and services;
  • Training consumers to use any product or service;
  • Capture and hold the attention of potential customers, their entertainment;
  • Creating a certain impression on the audience about the enterprise / brand / logo / product or service and their consumer properties.

Among the objectives of targeted advertising, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The attention is drawn to very narrow segments of the target audience, the most disposed to commit certain actions (usually - the purchase of goods);
  2. Summarized presentation of information (eg, the consumer can receive detailed information if he clicks the link);
  3. The ability to quickly perform the necessary actions (purchases, consultations, calls, etc.).

Targeting advertising opportunities are used by companies when expanding and attracting new customers.

Main types of targeting (targeting)

4. 7 main types of targeting in an advertising campaign

Consider the most popular types of targeting ads.

View 1. Topic targeting

A kind of targeting, the work of which depends on what interests and topics the advertisement is set up. Selecting the desired topic and finding users to whom it is close, they are shown advertisements.

The main thing in this type of targeting is to choose a thematic platform that meets the specified criteria (topic, interests). It is on them that the advertiser’s ads will be broadcast. If the given topic coincides with the thematic direction of the site, then advertising will have as much as possible possible effect.

View 2. Geographic targeting

In this kind of targeting, the task is simple - pick up people living in the territory you are looking for.

You won’t have to pay for advertising all over the country - you show your advertising message to residents specific region.

View 3. Temporary targeting

There is such an element in contextual advertising, it allows you to configure the broadcast time of the announcement - up to the hours and days of the week.

Time targeting - A convenient tool, thanks to which you can configure the display of advertising for a certain time, for example, coinciding with the advertiser’s work schedule. This will allow you to quickly respond to all orders of people. Of course, if your organization works around the clock, then such an advertisement can also be shown without interruptions.

View 4. Demographic targeting

Using this type of targeting is possible when setting up advertising in social networks (Vkontakte, etc.) By the way, this view also includes the geographic targeting of the advertising message.

You can specify the gender and age of the target audience. The entered values ​​will then become a characteristic of the users who are suitable for them. Matching all selected criteria (age, gender, place of residence), your ad will be broadcast to the person.

Social Media Targeting (for example, in Vkontakte, Facebook, etc.) has additional types:

  1. topic targeting (to configure which interest groups become criteria);
  2. behavioral targeting (the introduction of mechanisms for collecting information about the committed user actions on the network using cookies);
  3. geo-behavioral targeting and others.

Step-by-step instructions for targeting an advertising campaign - 5 steps

5. How to set up targeting - 5 steps for setting up targeted advertising

Since the stages of creating targeted advertising on different inventory are similar, consider a generalized targeting scheme.

Stands out in total 5 steps for setting up targeted advertising.

Stage 1. Determination of the portrait of the target audience

To do this, collection of consumer information: Analyzes user behavior, their interests, hobbies and the like.

IMPORTANT! The more detailed portrait of Central Asia you make, the more successful your advertising message will be.

Step 2: Select an image to advertise

Each resource has its own set image parameters, so read them carefully.

Importantso that the image is high quality and attracts attention.

Stage 3. Parameter settings

We proceed to the settings of the target user - specify it age, floor, location and other possible parameters.

Stage 4. Preparation of the headline and ad text

We make a short Announcement textbroadcasting the essence of the advertising message. We give him a conspicuous heading.

Exists special moves when composing the text and title of an advertising message. These include the use of words - "Discount, Call, Hurry up" and other enticing words in advertising.

Step 5. Determining the cost and method of payment

There are 2 ways to pay for such advertising:

  • Method 1 Per impressions (average before 5 rubles per impression);
  • Method 2 Per clicks (average before 7 rubles in one click).

The cost of showing ads depends on the competition and profitability of the niche. For example, “advertised” in the field of Forex or real estate is very expensive.

How to set up targeted advertising in Vkontakte (VK), Yandex Direct, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

6. How to set up targeted advertising on major online platforms (Vkontakte, Facebook, Yandex.Direct)

There are many sites that allow you to set up targeted advertising. Very good in this regard social networks - due to the fact that users themselves leave information about themselves, act freely and are included in various thematic communities. Targeted advertising is also present in major search engines.

In the framework of the article, we will consider several sites working with this type of advertising - Yandex, Google, In contact with, Classmatesand Facebook.

1) Yandex and Google PS

Search engines broadcast contextual advertising, relying on the CA data of the advertised object, with the expectation that users will perform certain actions (We wrote about what contextual advertising is and who the director is in a separate publication).

Therefore, in contextual advertising it is possible to use targeting, however, to select the target audience in the servicesGoogle.AdWords and Yandex.Direct there is a limited set of tools - geo targeting, time targeting, and so on.

Using opportunities location targeting, you can show ads in several regions of one country or different states. However you cannot set demographic criteriabecause search engine targeting is greatly narrowed.

Example of setting temporary targeting in Yandex.Direct

As in the PS (search engines) Google and Yandex will continue to develop targeting, no one knows.

For instanceYandex at 2013 year developed Crypt service. They stated that the service will be able to determine the gender and age of network users, as well as their income (even users unregistered in the system). This project had potential, but its work is currently suspended.

2) Social network Facebook

At this site, targeted advertising is configured according to many parameters. To start setting it up, you need to go to the page clicking on the "Create ad". After that, the mode of step-by-step creation of advertising is turned on.

Promotion goals when creating an advertisement on Facebook and targeting

You need to complete all the steps, so carefully consider your next steps for each of them.

Step 1. Choosing an advertising campaign goal

Here you insert the link for the product you are promoting by choosing the appropriate purpose for this from the proposed list.

Step 2. Create an ad

In the fields to fill you need to insert heading, text and picture your advertising message. You can also select a few additional settings.

Facebook advertisement example

Having completed all the necessary actions, you clearly see how your ad will look.

Step 3. Enter criteria for your target audience

Targeting is carried out according to the general principle - to disclose the target audience in the most detail. You can apply additional options for setting targeted advertising on the social network, for example, location targeting.

An example of setting up geotargeting on Facebook

When done with this, click "Place an order". You can top up your account by transferring from a bank card.

3) Social network Vkontakte

This social network offers the largest number of targeted advertising settings. First you need to press the button "Advertising"which is on every page.

Targeted advertising on Vkontakte social network

After, choose Targeted Adsand then run Create Ad.

You must choose which object will be advertised:

  1. Third-party site;
  2. Video clip;
  3. Social network application or mobile application;
  4. Thematic community.

Selecting an advertising object and creating an advertisement on VKontakte

Then we proceed to the design of the advertisement:

  • Picture with text;
  • Large image;
  • Special format.

Fill in the fields below uppercase and the main part of the ad text. The right window shows the allowable image size.

Designing an advertisement in VK - uploading an image, drawing up a title and text for an advertisement, selection of categories and age group

Below you are given a special section where, if necessary, you choose subject of announcement.

Now go to the targeting itself or choose the target audience (target audience).

Enter the exact characteristics of your audienceinterested in a promoted advertising object - otherwise advertising will be wasted for the non-target segment, wasting your budget. For targeting is given 15 parameters.

Setting up targeted advertising in Vkontakte - choosing the target audience (CA) according to the parameters: "Geography", "Demography", "Interests" and so on

You can choose the geography of potential consumers (from the country to the street) and their socio-demographic characteristics.

It is possible to target ads according to a list of interests by selecting:

  • Worldview and religion;
  • Resources where the social VKontakte button was used;
  • Hobbies indicated by the user on his page;
  • Theme of user communities;
  • Used applications;
  • Countries in which the user went online.

The right side of the screen displays the number of people matching this description, as well as the recommended cost per click.

The final stage (setting the price and location) in creating an advertisement in Vkontakte

In the last step you choose payment method broadcast advertising (at choice - per unit impression or for ad clicks), her location (sites that post your message), and cost clicking on an ad or showing it. Below indicate the advertising campaign.

The ad is finished, so click on the button Create Ad.

4) Social network Odnoklassniki

This social network has a fairly small set for setting the criteria for CA. It is almost impossible to conduct the most accurate advertising settings for a specific group of people on this site (with its meager tools).

Because of this, many advertisers Do not wish run advertising campaigns on this resource. But since there is still such an opportunity, it is necessary to outline how advertising can be targeted in this social network.

The ad serving service on this resource belongs to Therefore, you must first register with After creating your profile, you can start compiling and launching an advertising campaign.

Selecting an Object to Advertise on Mytarget

Next, you choose what you advertise. The options are as follows:

  1. Applications and sites optimized for the phone;
  2. Games;
  3. An event or a group;
  4. Another site.

Then you need to indicate on which site you want to place the advertisement:

  • Thematic
  • Social networks ("Classmates", "MoyMir", " Mail" and others).

By clicking on the ads section, you can enter the title and text of the advertisement.

Designing an ad on - compiling an ad title and text, uploading a picture, targeting

When setting up advertising, indicate the most accurate characteristics of the target audience. You can specify the age, gender, location and interests of the users you are looking for.

You will be available remarketing option audience - re-broadcast of an advertising message to those who have already visited the site. Remarketing is a great way to increase your ad’s conversion.

Next, select the strategy for displaying the advertisement:

  • Minimum consumption. With this strategy, the rate will fluctuate at an acceptable level. This method allows you to flexibly distribute the cost of each transition (if there is a large audience activity, the bid will be reduced to the minimum), but the audience coverage will be less.
  • Fixed rate. The point is that you pay for each transition at a set price, regardless of the broadcast time (at night the audience is less active, and during the day the number of actions increases).
  • Maximum number of transitions. Such a strategy implies that you will receive the maximum possible number of visits for a set average daily price per click.

Indication of the payment model and budget of the advertising campaign

Then we distribute the budget for the campaign. Having finished targeting, replenish the balance in the account through which you plan to advertise.

IMPORTANT! Before you determine the necessary amount of advertising costs, find out which advertising strategy will bring the best result. Conduct a comparative analysis of performance, somewhere it is more profitable to use CPCand somewhere CPM.

Having finished the setup, the broadcast of your advertisement will begin.

7. Where to order the setting of targeted advertising - TOP-3 exchanges 📎

Consider further where you can order the setting of targeted advertising.

1. Work-zilla

Work-Zilla - a remote work exchange. Official site -

Using this resource, you can find an artist to solve many routine and long-term tasks of varying complexity. Tasks can be of completely different types, including - custom targeting.

Suitable for those customers who do not have the time and knowledge to perform any work, or it requires the personal presence of a person or the presence of special knowledge.

The order is built in a standard way: prepare a short technical taskgive the necessary links and choose your artist. Refill your balance for payment, and indicate the cost of the order. The service undertakes financial calculations, receiving a certain % from the order amount.

There are a lot of low-paying and long-term tasks on the exchange, so if you order targeted advertising here at a good price, you will get many performers. Moreover, the highest paid sector here is IT and the Internet.

In addition, many issues the administration of the resource decides in favor of the customer.

2. Youdo

Service that helps to find an artist to perform a variety of tasks. The site is adapted for the mobile version.

A distinctive feature is that the performer must pass verificationbefore he can get the job. A small amount is charged to an employee for filing an application.

The administration generally presents quite serious requirements for performers, so that the customer can be calm for the execution of the order.

There is a special category online assistant. Here you can order targeted advertising. Again, the average order prices there are small, so your task with a normal cost will be immediately noticed.

3. FL

One of the oldest platforms of freelance services, in the old days known as This exchange also acts as an intermediary, offering safe transactions, receiving from them its %.

More professional performers work with a paid account. Big commission payments.

There are plenty of orders for online advertising there. Therefore, there will be no problems with the selection of an artist who has experience in advertising on the Web.

There is an opportunity to conduct a contest before choosing a suitable freelancer (Who we are and what we do in our last article).

8. Pros (+) and cons (-) of targeted advertising

Consider the main advantages and limitations this type of advertising.

The advantages of targeted advertising are:

  • Broadcast advertising message to a narrow segment of Central Asia. This is a more profitable option than showing to the masses;
  • Easy setup process (provided that the correct selection criteria for potential customers are known);
  • It is possible to target advertising to competitors. You can attract some of them to your side - competitiveness will increase;
  • You can conduct testing, and get the result as soon as possible. This will allow for flexible customization of your advertising campaign, if necessary, making adjustments to it;
  • Instant response. Having got on such an advertisement, an interested person can go to the page of the advertised object in one click;
  • You can create a visual component - image with description.

This type of advertising has its drawbacks:

  • Resource may prohibit advertising of certain types of goods and services (eg, sites of alcohol and tobacco products, resources of financial organizations and so on);
  • Initially a little user motivation. He gets on such an ad simply by visiting the site, with no intention of making a purchase or subscription;
  • Due to low motivation, the conversion of the ad suffers;
  • The object of advertising should not have too wide a target audience, otherwise it will be useless.Such advertising should be used only when you are promoting a product or service for a strictly defined and narrowly targeted category of consumers.

Let’s further consider the term “retargeting,” since it is closely intertwined with the theme of this article.

Retargeting - what is it and what is it for, the main advantages and disadvantages of retargeting advertising, what is the difference between remarketing and retargeting

9. What is retargeting and how does it differ from remarketing - a concept overview and how it works

Retargeting(from English retargeting - retargeting) - this is an ad broadcast exclusively to those users who have already viewed the advertised product or service by visiting the advertiser's website.

Thus, the ad helps to re-attract the attention of those who have not made a purchase. This is most often done through banner advertising on various sites to which the user went after visiting your resource.

Retargeting works as follows:

  1. On the resource, install a special the code. It is activated when the visitor views the pages you specify (egproduct descriptions).
  2. The browser saves data about landing page visits as a code. Or the information is sent directly to the sites on which the user was registered (social networks).
  3. When a person arrives at a site that has retargeting ads configured, the resource reads the visit code for the designated pages. The user broadcasts an advertisement for a product that he has previously viewed.

The ability to configure retargeting provide social networks Facebook, In contact withas well as search engines Yandexand Google.

Remarketing and retargeting - what's the difference?

Would like to notethat displaying retargeting ads is a more effective strategy for communicating with customers at an early stage in the sales funnel, while e-mail (email) is a tool for communicating with customers who have expressed a desire to purchase.

10. Varieties of retargeting - 4 main types 🗒

There are several types of retargeting.

Each species differs in several characteristics:

  • User engagement level;
  • The platform on which your target audience is located;
  • The criteria by which users are selected.

There are several types of retargeting (reorientation) that are more convenient to present in the table.

Table of types of retargeting and their brief description:

Titlea brief description of
BehavioralTargeting ads is based on:

  • Requests made by users in search engines;
  • The resources they visit;
  • Features of the page in social networks.
SearchIt functions automatically, without contact between the advertiser and the visitor. Reorientation is carried out according to the words that are typed by the user in the search engine.

If the request matches the keywords specified by the advertiser, a banner with an advertisement is displayed on the user's screen.

ClassicalIt is activated when the user visited the site. All visitor actions are analyzed. When he visits a resource, an advertising banner is displayed in front of him.
SocialIt relies primarily on social networks. The target audience is determined by the actions performed by users from their pages. Signals and criteria for displaying an advertisement are likes, statuses and reposts.

11. How to set up retargeting in Yandex Direct - a brief instruction

Since Yandex is the most popular advertising platform in RuNet, we’ll look at the Yandex.Direct retargeting setup scheme.

The selection of the target audience in Yandex.Direct represents the conditions of the goals (segments) of Yandex.Metrica and segments of Yandex.Audience, due to which it is possible to describe the category of potential customers.

Retargeting conditions can be added on the page for creating or editing an ad. We wrote about creating ads and setting up Yandex.Direct in a separate publication.

At the stage of selecting an audience, you can select a condition from the list created earlier or create a new

In order to create a new condition, select “Audience selection conditions” → Add → + Add rule (set of rules).

12. Pros (+) and cons (-) of retargeting

Many of the positive and negative aspects of such an instrument stem from the characteristics of this advertisement.

So, the benefits of retargeting are:

  1. Repeated advertising covers a wide audience, the criteria of which were set even when targeting. According to statistics, more 90 % users will leave your resource without having done what you want them to do. Retargeting is aimed at working specifically with such visitors;
  2. The ad falls on an interested customer.You are sure of this, because he either visited your site earlier, or looked for similar products or resources;
  3. Rationally spent advertising budget;
  4. Conversion in this type of advertising is higher.

Using such a tool, it becomes possible to remind potential customers about their brand / product / company.

Among the disadvantages of retargeting are:

  1. We need to rationally approach the frequency of broadcast advertising.There are a lot of tools for reorienting users and advertising channels. If overdo and use absolutely everything, the advertiser's banners can push away customer. It follows that you need to use the right retargeting campaign strategy. Otherwise, the conversion will remain unchanged, and your budget will be wasted.
  2. Targeting bans apply to retargeting: you not You can advertise some types of products and sites.
  3. Many platforms on which such ads are broadcast can help customers get rid of ads. The user can find out why this particular advertising message is being broadcast to him, and then refuse to show it. In addition, most people use special ad blockers (like adblock).

13. Conclusion + video on the topic

So, targeting (targeting)and retargeting (retargeting)are effective tools if used in the right way. When conducting an advertising campaign, you should definitely pay attention to targeted advertising.

If you want this kind of advertising to have an effect, you need to understand your audience very well and have answers to the following questions:

  1. Who are these people?
  2. What are they doing?
  3. What are they interested in?
  4. What channels can I get in touch with?

Answers to the above questions will allow you to create a portrait of interested users, based on which you can target them. This type of advertising is actively used in traffic arbitration - what traffic arbitrage and cpa networks are, we wrote in a separate article.

Important! The more thoroughly this stage is completed, the more effective the advertisement will be. This means that your advertising costs will be justified.

In conclusion, we recommend watching a video that explains in detail what remarketing and retargeting are:

So, you have learned where and how to apply targeting and retargeting (remarketing), what kind pros and minuses each tool has which varieties of such advertising exist and on which exchanges it is possible to order targeted advertising.

We hope that this article has fully disclosed the topic of targeted advertising and answered questions that are relevant to you.

P.S. The team of the online magazine “Rich Pro” wishes good luck in creating and setting up an advertising campaign. Share your opinions and comments on the topic of publication, as well as ask your questions in the comments below.

Watch the video: Facebook Ads Retargeting Campaign and Facebook Retargeting Audiences Tutorial 2019 (January 2025).

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