Advertising on the Internet - TOP-10 effective types of online advertising with examples + the cost of their placement

Hello dear readers of the financial magazine Rich Pro! In this issue we will tell about online advertising - One of the fastest growing advertising industries and an integral part of a successful business.

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One of the most important components of any business is advertising. No wonder they call her trade engine. After all, even the most wonderful product or service will not be in demand if potential buyers do not know about them.

Necessary highlight the proposed product from many similar ones and convey to the potential customer the idea of ​​the need to prefer it.

Choosing a site for an advertising company, in no way should you miss the Internet. Indeed, thanks to the development of technology, the World Wide Web is not only constantly growing by new users, but also becoming more convenient for advertisers.

It is this way of promoting your products or services that is the most relevant in our time. However, like any tool, online advertising allows you to achieve results only when used correctly.

From this article you can find out:

  1. What types of advertising on the Internet exist and what is their cost of placement;
  2. What features, pros and cons of each of these ways to promote services and goods;
  3. How to conduct an advertising campaign on the network so as not to waste your money.

So, let's begin!

Internet advertising and its varieties: contextual, teaser, targeted, banner advertising, etc.

1. Advertising on the Internet - characteristic features and its differences from traditional advertising

Internet advertising is all possible ways of placing advertising materials in the worldwide network. The format of these materials is very diverse - texts, graphics, multimedia files, as well as their combinations. The result is a large set of tools, the choice of which depends on the capabilities and goals of the advertiser.

1.1. The Internet as the main channel for distribution of advertising at present

Large-scale development of the World Wide Web falls on the last decade of the last century, when one by one began to appear web pages. However, advertising on these sites has long been in its infancy. And only during the last ten to fifteen years the use of the Internet to promote any goods and services acquired global scale.

There are several reasons for this:

  • With the development of mobile technologies and the increasing bandwidth of existing communication channels, the number of people using the World Wide Web is growing every day. The time that people spend online is also increasing. From an inaccessible luxury, surfing the Internet is turning into a daily or even hourly need.
  • Trading with the help of online platforms, if it does not supplant traditional methods, can well compete with them, while offering new opportunities.
  • Following the latest trends, traditional media are increasingly moving into the space of the World Wide Web.
  • The development of software has allowed the creation of more advanced advertising management tools, as well as effective tools for its analysis and measurement of its effectiveness.

Although many components of online advertising are similar to traditional promotion channels, there are still a number of features related primarily to the principle of operation of the global network. Indeed, unlike the usual media, here the user acts not only as a passive consumer of the information offered, but also takes a direct part in many processes.

1.2. Key Features of Online Advertising

The main distinguishing features of online advertising are:

Feature 1. Interactivity

When an advertisement is placed in the press, on billboards or on television, interaction with the consumer is one-way. On the Internet, advertising seeks to engage a potential customer in any process.

The user has the ability to respond to posted promotional material. This can be a link to the proposed link, a click on the banner, registration or the answer to the asked question. That is, online advertising involves a response from the user.

Feature 2. Increasing Internet Space Audience

The audience of the World Wide Web is constantly growing, and so far there are no prerequisites for slowing down this process. At the same time, a significant part of those having access to the Internet is a tidbit for advertisers, since it belongs to the category solvent citizens.

Of course, some social and age groups are not yet involved in this process. Therefore, companies for which they are of interest as potential customers are forced to actively use other advertising channels. However, the share of such advertisers in the total number is not too large.

Feature 3. The ability to promote their products only for the target audience

Analysis tools for advertising systems make it possible to distinguish among a huge number of users those who may be interested in a particular product. This process is called targeting.

Moreover, they can be distinguished as groups of users looking for a specific product or service (direct targeting), and those who are interested in any materials that have an indirect connection with the promoted products.

The Internet allows you to select your target audience for many signs. This may be the geography of residence, the age of the user, the circle of his interests, already made purchases or existing property, which requires related products.

Targeting allows you to cut off those who are not within the scope of interests of the advertiser, and thus make advertising more effective. After all, if funds are spent on promoting products to those who are not initially potential customers, such an advertisement will be a waste of money.

We wrote more about targeting and retargeting in a separate article.

Feature 4. The ability to accurately measure all indicators of advertising

Since almost every action performed by the user is recorded on the Internet, you can track the effectiveness of both the entire advertising company as a whole and each of its elements individually.

Currently, there are many systems that analyze the advertising methods used and give their quantitative results.

It is important that this process is highly responsive. And that means opportunity quick and timely response. The advertiser can adjust the ongoing advertising campaign, abandon those methods that do not bring the desired result, and increase investments in more effective types of advertising.

Internet Advertising Campaigns: Important Milestones

2. Organization and conduct of an advertising campaign on the Internet - 3 main stages

Despite all its distinctive features, the algorithm for conducting a company to promote something is common to any sales channel. It can be broken down into three stage.

Stage 1. Identification of the target audience.

This stage is one of the most important steps, because it is drawing up a clear image of your potential customers that determines the effectiveness of the money spent on advertising.

The network now has millions of sellers promoting their product, the competition is extremely high, and therefore the advertiser needs to conduct marketing research correctly so as not to make a mistake at the very beginning of the advertising company.

Identification of the target audience can be carried out in various ways. Large companies order large-scale studies with numerous questionnaires and surveys. BUT single entrepreneurwho does not have such financial and time resources, simply conducts a study of open sources, for example, user requests on individual resources or customer statistics from a competitor.

In the simplest cases, it’s enough to simply arrange small brainstorming. For example, a manufacturer of dog overalls can easily identify its target audience, simply based on experience with dog lovers.

Having determined the circle of potential buyers and made a list of their needs and preferences, you can begin to develop a strategy for promoting your product.

Stage 2. Development of a promotion strategy

The next important step is to determine in what format the advertising will be conducted, as well as using which channels.

Here, the information obtained at the previous stage should be used to the maximum, because the method of promotion directly depends on who is selected as the target for advertising.

The budget allocated to advertising is also important. After all, if funds are extremely limited, it is hardly possible to count on a large number of advertising platforms and large-scale actions to attract buyers.

Having chosen the general direction in which you need to move, you can select the sites where advertising will take place, as well as the creation of specific materials, including texts, banners, videos and so on.

Stage 3. Launching an advertising campaign

The final stage is the launch of the advertisement itself. Here is the placement of created promotional materials, as well as subsequent monitoring of the effectiveness of their impact. If necessary, adjustments and changes are made.

The main types of customer acquisition for goods and services on the Internet

3. Types of online advertising and its cost - TOP 10 most popular and effective areas of advertising on the Internet

There are many ways to promote your products or services on the Internet, and they are constantly evolving. The development and emergence of new types of online advertising is associated not only with a high level of competition in this area, but also with the improvement of technology.

The latter not only allow inventing new ways of delivering information to users, but also give the latter the opportunity to get rid of annoying advertising. As a result advertising channels, which until recently were effective and productive, become useless and outdated.

Below we will consider those areas of product promotion on the Internet that are relevant and effective at the moment.

1. Contextual advertising

As the name implies, this way of promotion is tied to a specific context.

At the moment, contextual advertising is perhaps one of the most convenient and effective ways of advertising, giving the opportunity to get excellent results with a minimum budget.

The principle of contextual advertising is as follows: the user receives advertising messages that are tied to his requests. For this, a system of keywords and phrases is used for selecting advertising messages. There may be two options:

Option 1. The user sets a specific request in the search engine, to which the system gives links to various sites with topics corresponding to this request. But in addition to links to sites are displayed and advertisementsalso tied to the subject of the request.

Option 2 A user visits a site that is a partner of an ad network of one of the search engines and sees an ad there that takes into account both the subject of the site itself and the query history of this user. If a person not so long ago was looking for some kind of service on the network, then on the websites he will be shown an advertisement offering this particular service.

Obviously, such advertising gives the maximum opportunity to filter those users for whom it will be most interesting, that is, the principle of targeting is implemented to the maximum extent.

Other benefits of (+) contextual advertising are:

  • Payment for the result in the form of a transition to the link provided. That is, the advertiser pays only for those impressions that ended with any actions.
  • Since advertisements are issued in accordance with the preferences and interests of the user himself, they also benefit potential customers. And that means less user rejection.
  • This type of promotion is not so annoying and annoying., like most advertisements, which also contributes to the acceptance of it among users.
  • The budget for a contextual advertising company can be absolutely anything. Even for a very small amount in 100-200 rubles a day You can get an acceptable result.
  • Modern ad networks offering contextual ads provide great options for customizing them. That is, the advertiser can create an individual advertising system that will take into account all the nuances of promoting a particular product.
  • Recoil speed. Paying for contextual advertising, you can get an almost instant result in the form of customers who clicked on the link.
  • A huge toolkit for performance analysis advertisements and the large amount of information that can be obtained from them.

But without the minuses (-), of course, it can not do. These include:

  • Quick returns also mean short-term effects. For a constant influx of customers requires constant investment.
  • An incorrectly configured advertising system will lead to the fact that the money will go nowhere. It is in this way of promotion that there are risks to spend a huge budget without any return due to incorrectly selected keywords.
  • Budget uncertaintyrelated to the calculation of the price for one click on an ad (the so-called click), which will be discussed below.
  • Not for all business areas. this way of promotion is suitable.

Concerning cost of the same click, on the basis of which the budget will be determined, it is formed as follows. If several advertisers link their ads to one keyword phrase, the best places on the search engine page will be provided to those who give a higher price per click. That is, the principle of auction is in effect - the one who pays more will receive more.

At the same time, there are various niches, the cost of clicks in which is very different. For example, the cost per click for queries like knitted toys average from 9 to 40 rubles, but the requests "PVC windows" will cost much more - 500-1500 rubles in one click.

As a rule, search engine advertising systems place the maximum limit on the cost of a click in automatic settings. In Yandex, for example, this is 1,500 rubles.

Thus, the advertiser is faced with the task of finding the optimal strategy for placing contextual advertising. One side, the selected CPC should not be too high - in this case, of course, many users will see the advertisement, but the profit from them may be less than the money spent on promoting the funds. On the other handby setting the cost per click too low, the seller may simply not wait for clicks on the placed ad, since no one will simply see it.

Note! By default, setting up ads involves the most expensive placement options, requiring a huge budget. Therefore, you need to select the settings very accurately in order to find the optimal ratio of the cost per click, the number of clicks on the ad and the profit from each buyer.

Of course, advertising networks of search engines claim that any user can carry out such a setting, but such credulity can lead to serious losses. To get the maximum result with a minimum of costs, you must either properly understand contextual advertising yourself, or seek help from a specialist in this field.

Currently exist two the most popular ad networks - from the well-known search engines Yandex and Google.

1) Yandex.Direct - contextual advertising on Yandex

Without exaggeration, the most popular and successful search engine on the Internet, Yandex offers its services in placing ads in a section called Yandex.Direct.

An example of contextual advertising on Yandex

Here there are many tools that allow you to choose the right advertising strategy in accordance with your goals and your budget.

Among the most interesting and necessary subsections here are keyword selection serviceissuing the most popular queries based on their number for a certain period. Here you can also predict the average cost-per-click, depending on the region of the advertisement and the selected key phrases.

At the same time, even when installing automatic tuning, the advertiser is offered a large number of possible strategies. So, you can set a limit on the cost of the transition or limit the budget for a certain period.

We wrote in more detail about setting up and selecting Yandex.Direct keywords (phrases) in a separate material in our journal.

2) Google AdWords - Google contextual advertising

An example of contextual advertising in the Google AdWords system

The structure of the advertising network from another giant of Internet search, in principle, is no different, but there are minor differences. Here they are:

  • Google provides the ability to fine-tune and fine-tune settings, offering more flexible tools. Here it is possible to allocate ads into groups, for each of which you can conduct your own advertising company with different strategies.
  • Highlighting ad serving geography also gives you more options. - In Google AdWords, you can not only select one of the cities or regions, but also very small areas with a radius from 1 km. This option is especially suitable for advertisers who offer their services to residents of nearby streets.
  • There are more sites for placement, and competition is lower, which affects the cost of one click. However, the quality of the latter is often worse. The fact is that Yandex.Direct monitors the so-called “bad” transitions, that is, those after which the user immediately leaves the site. As a result, with a higher cost per click, the final result is better with the Russian advertising system.

If we compare these two systems, we can say that Yandex.Direct is better for beginners, but Google AdWords provides more opportunities for real contextual advertising professionals.

2. Display (banner) advertising

Promotion of goods or services using a banner is in many ways similar to traditional advertising, when a colorful ad, large or small, is placed on the pages of newspapers or magazines. Examples and cost of placing banner ads on our website you can see by this link.

Internet banner advertising - example

A banner is also a graphic image that is displayed on various sites. However, at the same time banner advertising It features great capabilities in a format, focus on results, as well as possible interactivity.

In addition to static images, multimedia tools are actively used to create banners. It can be a short animated video, for example, beloved by many "gifs", looped short videos.

Another important property of banners is their interactivity. Very often, when you click on the banner, the user gets to the advertiser's site. Often you can find flash banners in the form of short games or small tasks that offer the user a little fun. After passing such a game, a potential customer is unobtrusively informed about a promoted service or product.

The peculiarity of banners is that they are not necessarily links to the advertiser's website, although the function of attracting the target audience is also inherent in this type of advertising. Here, no less important is the ability to form the recognition of any brand or product among Internet users, to fix a certain associative series.

Thus, banners can be divided into two categories:

  1. those that prompt the user to take a specific action (eg, go to the site);
  2. those that create a certain image and recognition of the advertiser.

To place a banner, a company or entrepreneur agrees with the owner of a website to put the desired picture or animated video on his own resource.

The cost of banner advertising depends on many parameters, including:

  • popularity of the resource on which the banner is placed;
  • size of the banner itself;
  • its location on the page.

Most often, payment is made either per banner impressionseither for the number of clicks on it to the advertiser's site. Payment is occasionally applied. for permanent placement of the banner on any page. Typically, this method is used for a short time on sites with high traffic. After all, after some time, people simply stop paying attention to the familiar picture or animation.

As already mentioned, there are no clear boundaries for the price of placing a banner - it can be 1000-2000 rubles per month, and tens of thousands of dollars.

Finally, it is worth mentioning one of the most important points in banner advertising. It will work only if it is made qualitatively and attractively for users, as well as if the information in the banner matches what the advertiser offers. Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur - a persistent negative attitude to the advertised brand or product will arise.

3. Teaser advertising

An example of teaser advertising on the Internet

This type of promotion came from an English word meaning "tease". The teaser is very similar to the banner. - This is also a statistical or animated ad that is placed on sites.

However, there is a significant difference. A teaser never says directly what it advertises. It only intrigues the user, interests him with the help of any bait, in order to perform a certain action, as a rule, click on the teaser.

This type of advertising has enough dubious reputation. Very often it is associated with sites of a certain orientation (for example, erotic or fraudulent, offering instant large-scale earnings without investments). For many users, it causes a strong rejection.

Often a teaser uses a blinking image, which in theory should attract a potential client, but in practice it turns the site on which it is located into a very unsightly and unpleasant place.

But even such aggressive and usually vulgar advertising has its own audience. Many newcomers who are just mastering the World Wide Web come across these attractive advertising pictures. Also unpretentious users who kill time on the Internet can "peck" at teasers.

The methods for placing and paying teasers are similar to banner advertising. The only difference is that the number of sites ready to host a teaser is much smaller. And the owners of large and popular sites too value their reputation to place such ads in their home. But the cost of such advertising is usually lower, and making a teaser is much simpler - the quality here is usually not particularly required.

4. Targeted advertising on social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram

In a separate group, it is worth highlighting advertising companies that are held on social networks. This is not surprising - because a huge number of people prefer to spend a significant amount of time on such sites as VKontakte or Facebook.

An example of targeted advertising on social networks

At the same time, starting up your page, most users provide very useful information about yourself, including gender, age, geography of residence and your interests. (We already wrote how to create a VKontakte page or group in a previous article)

And this means that you can not just advertise any product, but do it only among those users who are part of the target audience of the advertiser.

The possibilities of advertising on social networks are quite extensive. These include:

  • placement of advertising texts and ads on your own page under your account (does not require any funds);
  • the creation of a special group or community (it will only take time to create and pay an employee who will be involved in administration);
  • Exchange of advertising posts with any group or community (both paid and free);
  • paid placement of advertisements;
  • conducting various contests, for victory in which it is necessary to repost any record (in this case, the cost of advertising is determined by the price of the prize).

Targeted, that is, aimed at the target audience, advertising on social networks has a number of advantages:

  • Does not require the user to switch to a third-party resource, thereby providing him with convenience and comfort;
  • the presence of feedback not only in the form of orders or clicks on an advertisement, but also in the form of likes or comments;
  • the convenience of advertising, because often this does not even require special skills - just upload the captured photo or drive in the desired text.

First of all, the advertiser is interested in the most popular services, because it is here that you can find a huge number of potential buyers.

1) Advertising VKontakte

If we talk about the Russian segment of the Internet, it is unlikely that any resource can compete with this brainchild of Pavel Durov. Moreover, there exists own ad network, similar to those that exist with Yandex and Google. The principle of its operation is simple - you need to configure the display of advertising based on your budget.

An example of an advertising campaign on the Internet through the social network Vkontakte

As a rule, the cost is determined by the advertiser for each 1000 Impressions It usually starts from 1 ruble and does not exceed 10-20 rubles.

It is important to note that to advertise in this way is only inexpensive and already popular, popular products.

2) Advertising in Odnoklassniki

Another popular Russian social network, Odnoklassniki, also offers interesting options for inexpensive posting of its ads. Here the audience, as a rule, is older than on the previous service, and therefore more solvent. So, promotion of more expensive services is also possible here.

Features of advertising in Odnoklassniki are:

  • the ability to adjust the display time, which provides greater efficiency;
  • advertising is displayed on other services belonging to, for example, in "My World";
  • the possibility of remarketing, that is, automatic tracking of those who have already taken any action on a posted ad, with the goal of re-engaging.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the already very convenient existing breakdown by groups, which makes the entire advertising system less flexible and adaptive to a particular advertiser.

3) Advertising on Instagram

Unlike the two social networks already mentioned above, Instagram has its own specialization - pictures and short videos. Communication here comes down to uploading photos taken here and now, and to getting likes and comments on them.

Until recently, all advertising on Instagram was possible only in limited ways:

  • creating special communities and inviting users to them;
  • subscribing to profiles of other users so that they subscribe to the advertiser's account in response;
  • placement of advertising posts in popular accounts.

However, since last year, Instagram has also become available. targeted advertising. True, there is one thing "but". The fact is that the data on the target audience for placing the advertisement is taken from the Facebook profile to which the Instagram account is linked. Here are just a significant number of users of this resource registered directly on it, and they don’t make any link to their Facebook page. And that meansthat a huge part of the potential target audience is simply outside the targeting system.

Advertising on Instagram is carried out through the profile created for Facebook for the advertiser. Important to rememberthat we need first of all beautiful, eye-catching pictures.

Textual information on Instagram plays a much smaller role. And therefore, the promoted product should look good and effectively in photographs. Do not forget that this resource is popular first of all. among women, and therefore the advertised product must match this category of customers.

4) Facebook Advertising

The founder of all Facebook social networks in our country is not as popular as VKontakte. But here is an audience with much greater financial resources. So here one sidecan be promoted more expensive products. But on the other, users of this network are quite negative about direct offers to buy something and usually ignore them.

Facebook needs a more subtle approach. It is much more effective to advertise groups or pages on which you need to subscribe or other similar action, and only then send promotional offers to a potential buyer.

Among the most interesting ways of advertising on this resource is posting in the news feed, which is one of the most popular ways to view information from friends with Facebook users.

5. Push notifications as a sales tool

This type of advertising has appeared relatively recently, but is already actively used throughout the world. Push notifications are pop-up messages.

Push notifications (messages) - what it is. Advertising display example

Traditionally, such notifications inform the user of any changes or news for a mobile device or computer. For instance:

  • Installed antivirus periodically provides information about new computer protection tools.
  • The programs used on the mobile device indicate the availability of updates.
  • Social networking applications can inform the user that one of his friends wrote a post or posted a photo.

If initially these notifications were used by application developers so that the user did not forget to use them, then over time, advertisers began to use them. At the same time, it is possible to send messages such as over the Internet, and through communication channels, through mobile operators.

There are several services on which you can pay and configure the distribution of such notifications. They work as follows - users subscribe to certain mailings of interest to them, and then receive short information in the form of push notifications. Several requirements are required here:

  • received messages should not annoy the user with their frequency and obsession;
  • they should be related to the topic that the user has subscribed to;
  • have a link to a page or account on a social network so that the user has the opportunity to provide feedback;
  • the user should be able to unsubscribe at any time, otherwise the arrival of such notifications may be perceived as spam.

It is also possible to set up push notifications via certain mobile applications, whose functions for users coincide with the advertised product.

6. Advertising in mobile applications for iOs (iPhone / iPad) and Android platforms

The development of mobile communications and technology has led to the fact that more and more Internet users use it precisely from their smartphones or tablets. And almost every such device has more than a dozen applications. It can be both social networks and a variety of services for ordering and buying something.

If a mobile application is designed to order goods from a company, then its main function is to sell this product, and the development and operation of this application pays off at the expense of profit.

However, there are a huge number of programs for mobile devices that simply offer users all kinds of entertainment or information services. At the same time, the user downloads and uses these applications. absolutely free.

Not surprisingly, developers of many mobile software programs are eager to sell ad slots in their applications. And for users, viewing this advertisement is a kind of payment for using the program.

As a rule, you can get a potential customer to see an advertisement. two ways:

  1. make it impossible to disable or block the displayed ads;
  2. Offer the user any per-view benefits.

The latter option is especially often used in online games, where the player can get some resource for watching ads.

The types of advertising placed in mobile applications are quite diverse. It could be a text ad popping up from the edge of the app, or a picture pops up at startup.

Often you can find an expensive beautiful video, but in this case the budget of the advertising company will be very high - in addition to the high cost of the show, you need to invest decent money in creating the video itself.

The ability to target users directly depends on what data a particular application collects when downloading and registering.

7. YouTube Ads in Videos

What is similar to the structure of social networks is the extremely popular YouTube resource, where a large number of user videos from all over the world are uploaded.

Views on individual videos may go wild for millions! One can imagine how many potential customers can be attracted in this way. In a separate article, we also wrote about how much YouTube earn on advertising on the Internet and how they achieve high earnings.

YouTube video ad example

There are several types of advertising on Youtube:

  • the video itself posted on any channel - both on its own and for a fee on someone else’s, which is popular;
  • a small commercial that is shown before the main one;
  • text ads placed on the video shown;
  • link to the video placed above the search results of a video.

As well as the previous methods of advertising, this type of promotion allows the selection of impressions only to the target audience. The main advantage of this method of promotion is the effectiveness of video advertising, as well as very wide audience. But do not forget about the shortcomings:

  • For as many potential customers as possible to see an advertisement, it needs to be placed on very popular channels, and this is extremely expensive.
  • Users have the ability to disable ads, as well as use special software to block it. In addition, paid accounts do not show ads.
  • Annoying ads, which interfere with the viewing of an interesting movie or music video, are often annoying for users.

8. Pop-ups (Pop-Up and Pop-Under)

One of the most aggressive and unloved by users methods of promoting a product is a popup pop-up window, however continues to be quite popular.

Pop-up and pop-under advertising - a good example

The principle of operation of such advertising is as follows: the user visits the site, begins to read some information, and at that moment a pop-up window pops up. To close it and return to normal viewing of the site, you must click on the cross in the corner of the Pop-up window.

Unfair advertisers who resorted to various tricks to lure the user to their site were notorious for such messages. For instance, the cross, which ensures the closing of the window, is located so that it is virtually impossible to find. Or it’s false - clicking on it leads to the transition to the advertiser's resource.

Such overly aggressive advertising rarely leads to positive results. As a rule, the user leaves not only the site to which he was redirected, but also from the resource to which he originally came.

However, with careful and correct use, such advertising can also be beneficial. The only important thing is that it can be easily turned off, and that the advertising message is in correlation with the theme of the page itself.

Pop-up windows informing about discounts on goods or about holding any actions can also bring a certain result.

9. Advertising in E-mail Newsletters (by Email)

Most Internet users are the owners of various electronic mailboxes, through which they exchange work or personal information. And therefore, advertising using mailing lists for its subscribers is still very popular.

Usually this type of promotion is used by two types of advertisers:

  1. stores or sellers of services from which the user has ever purchased a product;
  2. info-businessmen who sell their products through this channel.

1) In the first case, mailing to e-mail has a greater image value. Many stores practice bonus and discount cards. And to receive them, you usually need to specify certain information, including an email address. Subsequently, this buyer receives letters with information about ongoing promotions, assortment updates, discounts and personal offers.

Since the mailing is carried out to a person who has already made a purchase, which means that he is quite loyal to this seller, this mailing usually does not cause irritation to the user. And it is likely that, having received such a letter, the buyer will return to the store again.

2) For the infobusiness, which is developing not so long ago, sending out e-mails is one of the main ways to promote your services.

Initially, the user lands on some resource where they are offered a free course or materials on a subject of interest to a person. But to receive these materials you must leave your email address. After that, letters begin to arrive to the subscriber. In them, usually, useful free information alternates with offers to buy any information product.

Manual sending of a large number of letters, of course, is an extremely irrational matter. There are specialized resources, such as Smartresponder, on which you can configure automatic mailing of letters to all your subscribers. At the same time, to create an atmosphere of personal appeal to each of the subscribers, you can configure the affixing of their names in letters.

10. Advertising on thematic sites and online platforms (forums and blogs, message boards, groups of social networks, large portals, etc.)

The last way to conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet, which is discussed in this article, is to place ads on various thematic resources. There are a large number of pages where people with similar interests gather, and at the same time they have the opportunity not only to read the information posted, but also to write messages themselves.

Since people with a clearly defined circle of interests often communicate on such resources, advertising here will be as precise as possible.

for example, on the forum dedicated to repair, you can offer your services as a seller of building materials or as a contractor for the performance of certain works. At the same time, you won’t have to pay anything to place such an advertisement.

However, this promotion method has several disadvantages:

  • a lot of labor - it is necessary not only to find a suitable resource and register on it, but also write a message, and then track its fate and comments on it;
  • owners and administrators of many resources do not like frank advertising and immediately send to the ban those who place it;
  • on many resources where placement of advertising posts is not prohibited, there are restrictions on their number for a certain period of time;
  • if advertising seems to other interlocutors to be intrusive and arising from “nowhere”, no one will respond to it - that is, in order to earn trust, in many forums it is first necessary to communicate pretty well just like that.

Thus, this method is suitable only for those sellers whose goods or services are single, and a certain amount of time can be spent on their sale.

In addition, this option is suitable for novice entrepreneurs who have no advertising budget as such.

Summary analysis of the described types of online advertising

After considering the entire dozens of the most interesting and popular types of advertising, it is worth mentioning which of them are the most effective, and how the cost of various methods of promotion is related.

Table: Pros and Cons of Different Types of Online Advertising

The most expensive way to promote any services or products on the Internet is banner advertising, which requires not only payment for placement, but also funds to create a high-quality and attractive advertisement. Also quite an expensive pleasure will be posting information about your product on Youtube, in mobile applications and social networks, as well as using push notifications.

But contextual advertising, if properly configured, can cost quite inexpensively. Also, small investments require e-mail distribution, creation and placement of teasers, as well as pop-up pop-ups.

As for the impact on the user and the possibility of attracting the largest possible number of customers, there are no equal contextual advertising. Given that its cost can be made extremely low, this type of promotion is the most optimal.

But placement of teasers and banners, alas, will not bring much result. At the same time, if banner advertising at least provides an image component, then teasers, on the contrary, can scare away a significant part of users. Also, do not particularly hope for free placement of ads on thematic pages.

4. Pros (+) and cons (-) of online advertising

Like any channel for promoting a product, the Internet has certain advantages (+) in front of other advertising methods.

These include:

  • Relative cheapness and the ability to pay only for effective advertising actions, eg, click links.
  • Advertising placed on the Internet is able to work round the clock throughout the year, there is no need to take breaks and weekends.
  • Many of those who use the Internet easily accept new products and services, subsequently conveying positive information to conservative buyers.
  • A huge database of analytical tools allows quickly and accurately evaluate the effectiveness of a particular advertising company, as well as make important marketing measurements, which in the future will serve to increase sales.
  • The ability to quickly change the advertising strategy at any time with minimal cost. If the advertiser sees that some way of promotion is not working, he can adjust it before the budget allocated for the implementation of this strategy is exhausted.

The main disadvantage (-) organizing an advertising company on the world wide web is incredible competition. Due to the excessive number of already existing pages, as well as advertisements placed, many users form the so-called "blind zone" when they simply do not notice the advertisements placed, being used to ignoring them.

In addition, if an ad calls for an immediate purchase over the Internet, this may scare away some customers who are not sure about the safety of their data on the network.

5. The main parameters of measuring the effectiveness of online advertising (CPM, CTR and CPC)

As mentioned earlier, one of the undoubted advantages of promoting products on the Internet is the ability to accurately measure the effectiveness of the use of each individual site or ad taken.

The main indicator of how effectively this or that method of advertising is the coefficient Clickthrough rate. It is determined by the ratio of ad impressions to the number of active actions performed by the user. As a rule, such actions are considered a click on an advertisement with the subsequent transition to the advertiser's website.

This ratio shows how many users who were shown ads were interested in the ad, and clicked on the link to find out more. This value is very different for different types of advertising, which is primarily due to the different possibilities of targeting users.

So, banner advertisingposted on the site will be available to all users without regard to how interesting it is to them. Therefore, the CTR of this type of advertising rarely exceeds 1%. But in the case of contextual advertising a high level of efficiency is considered one at which this coefficient exceeds 20-30%.

However, it is important to remember that this indicator is only a way to measure the effectiveness of attracting users to your site. It does not in any way determine the profit received or expected. After all, a person who is interested in a product and clicking on the link may find that its prices are unnecessarily high, or the product itself does not match the image that was presented in the advertisement.

Therefore, in order to effectively convert advertising responses into real purchases, it is necessary to make the most correct and true advertising.

Also, for anyone who plans to advertise their products on the Internet, it is important to know the parameters that determine how to determine the budget of the advertising company. it CPM and CPC. Under the English abbreviation are two options for the formation of payment advertising.

In the first case, CPM, the advertiser pays for the number of impressions of their ads. Usually calculated for every thousand views.

This pricing method can be used in the following situations:

  • the advertising platform has a clearly defined audience for which the proposed product will be interesting;
  • resource users change often enough - because otherwise the same user will be shown the same advertisement several times, the budget will be wasted;
  • the advertiser is sure that the number of clicks will be quite large, and therefore this method is more profitable compared to where you have to pay for conversions.

In other cases, such a payment will be irrational, because with a large number of ad views, the number of clicks will most likely be extremely low, and the cost of promotion will be overpriced.

Another, more common pricing method is strategy. CPC, that is, the cost per click. In this case, the advertiser pays only for the really effective methods of promotion, which lead to certain actions of users.

Although here there are pitfalls - so, often competitors Click on ads of similar subjects.

In addition, not the most honest owners of sites where ads are placed, often hire freelancers, which for a penny go through the ads, creating the appearance of effective work of an advertising resource.

True, many advertising systems try to protect the advertiser from such actions, simply not counting suspicious clicks.

The main ways to attract customers to the site

6. How to place online advertising and attract customers to the site - 2 ways to advertise on the Internet

To attract visitors to your site, you need to somehow advertise it, for which you will need to use one of the listed types of promotion. At the same time, you can use both your own forces and attract specialists who know all the subtleties and nuances of this difficult task.

We already talked about how to create your site from scratch in one of our articles.

Method number 1. Self (free)

An independent solution to the problem of advertising, as a rule, is a rather labor-intensive business, which, moreover, requires a lot of time. But such a promotion can be made no cash infusionwhich is especially important for novice entrepreneurslimited in finances.

You can place your own ads on your own resources, for example, on pages on social networks, or on various Thematic pages, forums, message boards.

The main rules that should be followed:

  • the most reliable information - in the case of a fraud of such a grief, the advertiser can also be banned;
  • also many resources do not miss aggressive and intrusive advertising, you need to promote your site very tactfully and accurately;
  • Before promoting a site, you need to gain trust among users of the resource where you plan to advertise it, and this requires long-term communication;
  • choosing sites, you need to focus on those where potential customers may be who may be interested in the subject of the advertised site;
  • the selected resource must be visited by a large number of users, otherwise all work will be wasted.

For self-promotion of your site, you must remember that you need constant and methodical work in this direction, which compensates for the lack of cash costs.

Method number 2. Hiring specialists (paid)

Well, if there are no problems with finances, and there is an opportunity to form a certain budget, then the organization of advertising your site can be entrusted to professionals.

Here you can highlight several options:

  1. Freelancersengaged in online promotion. As a rule, this method is quite cheap, but there is always the opportunity to run into a negligent SEO specialist who has seriously exaggerated his abilities. Therefore, it is very important to read reviews of other customers and not try to find the cheapest price possible. The latter, as a rule, is a guarantee of unfair performance of the taken task.
  2. Specialized Advertising Agencies. Now there are a lot of them. The prices of such companies, as a rule, are much higher, but the result may be better. Indeed, in such agencies, specialists have serious experience in specific ways of website promotion, and they also know many nuances that are not available to ordinary freelancers. But here you should approach the choice as carefully as possible so as not to run into scammers.
  3. You can also advertise your site using the already mentioned advertising networks from Yandex and Google. Although you will have to do most of the work yourself, there are a large number of detailed instructions to help the advertiser. So, having carefully studied them, you can set up paid placement of your advertising quite effectively. Well, if the advertiser is not confident in his abilities, he can seek advice and assistance from Yandex or Google. With a certain budget, their support and some functions will be a free addition.

7. Advertising Questions and Answers

Finally, it’s worth answering frequently asked questions by advertisers.

Question number 1. How and where to place free advertising on the Internet?

The question of how to promote your product in the absence of any budget will always be relevant.

There are some of the most popular ways to advertise for free:

  • Place an ad on free boards. The most popular resource in this regard is Avito, but there are others like it. The most important thing here is to find a catchy phrase or product description that will distinguish a promoted product from many others.
  • Post information about your product on thematic resources. This method has already been mentioned earlier. But again, it is worth mentioning the need for extremely tactful and unobtrusive promotion.
  • Creation of groups and communities in social networks with the subsequent involvement of users in them. This is a rather time-consuming process, requiring long and painstaking work, but the return here can be very high.
  • Placing information about your company or about yourself in the catalogs of trading systems. Such popular resources as Yandex or have such directories that you can fit in completely free of charge.

Question number 2. How to conduct an online store advertising company?

To advertise sites offering goods or services via the Internet, you can use any of the methods mentioned above. However most effective and contextual advertising is quite economical.

To successfully promote your online store, you must fulfill several conditions:

  • the right choice of the target audience, otherwise the budget will be wasted;
  • the creation of advertising materials that most truthfully and correctly describe the offered goods or the online store itself, because otherwise, the transitions from advertising will not end the order process;
  • the right choice of advertising strategy, taking into account the available budget, goals and timing of its implementation;
  • the correct selection of keywords with which potential customers will come to the store’s website.

We have already written an article on how to create an online store yourself for free and step-by-step instructions will help you open it from scratch.

Question number 3. Order contextual advertising from a professional or customize it yourself on your own?

Although contextual advertising is considered one of the most effective, its effectiveness largely depends on its proper settings. And for a beginner in this field, this task may not be on the shoulder.

Therefore, many advertisers turn to professionals - both to the specialists of the advertising systems themselves, and to their certified partners.

However, there is one problem. The fact is that if advertiser task - to get a maximum of customers with a minimum of money spent, then the advertising system has a slightly different goal - a maximum of customers, so that the advertiser is satisfied, with a maximum of money spent by him - after all, this is a profit of the system itself.

Therefore the best way will study the strategies of contextual advertising and conduct it yourself. Of course, this will take some time, but then it will ensure independence from any third parties, and will also provide an opportunity to spend your budget in the best way.

Question number 4. Is it possible to make effective advertising on the Internet permanent?

Any contextual or other advertising, paid for the number of clicks or views, has one significant disadvantage - it produces a short-term effect. To attract new customers, you need to invest in advertising again.

But there is a way that creates a constant flow of potential buyers to the site. It - SEO website optimization.

Filled quality and interesting content a resource in which all the material is very neatly filled with key phrases and at the same time not oversaturated with them, that is, does not have high spam, automatically occupies high positions in search engine results.

There are specialists who are engaged in such optimization. As a result, the site receives a constant influx of more and more interested users.

We offer you to watch a video about one of the most popular ad networks - about google adwords - The Basics of Online Marketing: AdWords - What is How, How to Set Up?

Video - Yandex Direct Training Course - Secrets and Tips:

8. Conclusion

Advertising on the Internet is one of the most relevant and effective ways to promote virtually any product or service. There are many types of advertising, differing in cost and effectiveness, which can provide any seller with an influx of customers and increased sales.

You can do promotion on the Internet both on your own and with the help of professionals who will help make advertising more effective and efficient.

P.S. If you liked this article about advertising, then share your thoughts, ideas and reviews in the comments below!

Watch the video: YouTube Advertising: What's the Cost? (October 2024).

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