Useful information on how the pike tail blooms: photos, care tips and method for stimulating a set of buds

Sansevieria (pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue) is a beautiful green perennial plant with fleshy succulent leaves, excellent for keeping at home, both for beginners and experienced gardeners.

This plant appeared in our homes for a long time and still many flower growers are actively engaged in pike tail breeding, but not everyone succeeds in achieving flowering. In the article, we will figure out what types and varieties produce the arrow, under what conditions and what can be done to prolong the flowering of sansevieri.

Is blooming of sansevieria possible?

It blooms with small white-green flowers. This happens quite rarely. Many people think that Sansevieria does not bloom at all, since the flowers are very small and inconspicuous and visually difficult to determine if sansevieria has bloomed or not, moreover, special proper care at home is required for flowering.

What species are picking flowers?

The genus has approximately seventy species, and all of them are flowering. Most flowers are small and barely noticeable, however, when it comes to Kirk's sansevieria, it becomes clear that there are exceptions: its flowering is accompanied by very expressive and bright flowers.

When and how?

When asked when and how often sansevieria picks up buds, we can say that in most species, flowering begins in the summer, and in others in the spring. Flowering is long and can reach even up to three months. Each outlet blooms only once in its life, after the formation of the peduncle, it gradually dies. When Sanseviera begins flowering, it occurs as follows:

  1. First, the plant launches a long arrow (peduncle).
  2. On this arrow are tiny whitish-green ripening flowers in cylindrical or spike-shaped inflorescences with nectar droplets beneath them.
These flowers have a scent similar to the smell of vanilla, and vaguely reminiscent of lily flowers. They bloom, as a rule, at a late time of the day and again close in the morning. The flowers have six petals, long stamens and a length of about 1.5 cm in diameter.

We offer a visual video on how sansevieria blooms:


Below are photos of the blooming sansevier.

How to extend the process?

To prolong flowering, it is worthwhile to provide the plant with a rest period for the winter. To do this, place the plant at a temperature of about 12-15 ° C and water it no more than once every two months.

What to do after?

After flowering, it is worthwhile to provide the flower with the usual care. It is necessary to feed plants in small quantities with universal mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content for succulents once every half a month. It is not worth replanting a plant during this period.

It spends energy on flowering, because watering should be about once a week, and indirect sunlight should be provided more than usual. The temperature will approach about + 20 ° C. Also it will be better if you wipe the leaves of the plant from time to time with a wet sponge or rag.

How to make bloom?

The reasons why the sansevieria does not pick up buds are usually a surprise for gardeners. A plant blooms only under certain circumstances. With regular transplanting, top dressing and watering, it may never bloom. Only a change of conditions is the impetus for the beginning of the flowering period. The reason is that this is a sign of the beginning of the breeding season, and the sansevieria propagates under adverse conditions. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can ruin the flower. Deterioration of environmental conditions should occur gradually.

If the pike tail does not bloom, you need not to transplant it into a new pot when it grows, reduce watering to one and a half times, and then to two weeks. Feeding less often than usual. This is best done in early spring or early summer, depending on the species.

Care Rules

Caring for a flowering plant is no different from caring for a regular plant. We need good soil drainage and rare watering, which should only be after the earth in the pot is almost completely dry. It is better to avoid direct sunlight, while providing enough light. The temperature should be maintained between 15 ° C and 20 ° C. Feeding - once every half a month or a month. About the care and reproduction of sansevieria is described in detail in a separate material.

The flowers of the pike tail (mother-in-law's tongue, sansevieria), although small, are pretty. If flowering was not achieved this year, it’s not scary, but if it succeeds, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor, which can become an unpretentious decoration of any home.

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