Sempervivum or stone rose - description and photo of the flower, especially the care at home

Sempervivum is a plant with fleshy leaves, evergreen, not presenting large requirements for care. It is only necessary to follow a certain procedure and be careful about the flower. Young growth is a kind of rosette of leaves that does not have a stem. The leaves tend to store moisture, so drought is not afraid of them.

Such a plant blooms once a year, after which the rosette fades, but manages to leave young rosettes behind itself. They can be planted again.

It is worth considering that a stone rose feels good only in bright sunshine. It is recommended to grow this flower exclusively on the windowsill, flooded with sunlight. In the warm season, you can keep young on the balcony closer to the light. With a small amount of sun, the plant is greatly extended, fades and fades.

How to care at home?

Temperature mode

Indoor teething does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures and dies. It is advisable to provide at least 10 ° C. Moreover, in hot heat the plant does not experience any inconvenience.

That is why, it is worth placing a pot of stone rose in the place where it definitely will not freeze.


Youngsters love the light. Being in partial shade, the plant forms large rosettes with pale leaves. BUT when exposed to bright sunlight the young growth and green.

If there is not enough sun in the room, it is necessary to build additional lighting!

The soil

Given the living conditions of a stone rose in nature, soil preparation will not be too burdensome.

  • The land can be quite scarce, mixed in half with sand and enriched with charcoal.
  • Greasy soil does not bloom.
  • The earth must be weeded periodically.
IMPORTANT: You can plant young plants in the soil intended for growing cacti!

Read more about landing youngsters and their subsequent care at home here.


The "housing" of the young must be spacious. This is necessary for better development of the root system.

Also, laying a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot will be an excellent option to create conditions for draining excess moisture.


This stone rose procedure is not required. Sempervivum - a plant consisting only of fleshy leaves. It has no branches and long shoots to be pruned.

By the onset of cold weather, it is only necessary to rid the plant of leaves that have an unsightly appearance. This procedure will be enough to make the plant feel good and make you happy.

How to water?

Watering roomworms is not an easy process. In open ground, excess water quickly leaves (about planting and caring for a plant in open ground, read here). The potted plant is threatened with rotting of the roots. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully moisten the stone rose.

Frequent moistening of the soil young does not accept. In hot weather, you need to water once a week, and in winter, “drink” the plant twice a month will be enough.

It is important to direct the stream of water not at the very root, but retreating a short distance from the outlet. The plant itself will obtain the required amount of water.

Moisture on the sheets is unacceptable, they deteriorate from this. If the leaves rot, it is worth reducing the number of waterings. To protect the necessary parts of the flower from water, some gardeners protect them by covering them with a cut-off plastic bottle. Subsequently, the protection is removed.

For irrigation, it is better to use distilled water at room temperature. From hard water the appearance of the plant deteriorates, the leaves become wrinkled. Cold watering can cause leaf falling.

Top dressing

Stone rose growing in pots does not need fertilizer at all. Rather, on the contrary, additional feeding will bring the opposite result. Excess nutrients will make the plant turn pale and go limp.

Only with the onset of the warm season is it possible to add a small amount of humus, sprinkled on top. Also, when planting young in a new pot, the plant will take all the necessary nutrients from the new soil.

How and when does young flower bloom?

Young growth blooms in mid-summer, and this period lasts about one month.

Why does not give buds?

If the flowers of the young, growing not on the windowsill, are not observed, then perhaps the outlet is not large enough. Little "daughters" do not bloom. It is worth waiting about three years before buds can form on the outlet.

What to do to make the plant bloom?

Provoking roomworm to flowering, you can dramatically change the conditions for the existence of succulents. In the cold season, stop watering and let the plant “cool” slightly at a temperature of about 2-3 ° C. After a while, provide the rose with a large amount of bright sunny color and resume watering.

Also, frequent ventilation of the plant is not superfluous. Young sockets are best removed immediately from the "mother" if the goal is to achieve the flowering of a stone rose. In gratitude, the youngsters will pleasantly surprise you with beautiful flowers.


Check out the photo of a stone rose.

Disease treatment and prevention

The most dangerous phenomenon for a stone rose is the decay of leaves and roots. This occurs with excessive watering, if the water leaves the pot poorly. Therefore, you need to moisten the earth, observing certain conditions and taking into account the season.

Spoiled leaves should be removed more often to make life easier for the rose.. And in the case of root decay, it is better to get rid of the whole plant, eliminating the risk of spreading the “infection” to the roots of neighbors. If the damage process did not affect the entire root system, then a possible way out of the situation could be a transplant into another vessel with new soil.

DiseaseCausesWays to fight
Leaves turn yellowFor youngsters, this phenomenon is quite natural. So a stone rose changes old leaves for new ones. If the plant looks good, then there is no cause for concern. But another reason is also possible: the plant is blown with cold air.Move the flower to a warmer place.
Few flowersIf the young flower blooms poorly and does not produce new offspring, there may be an excess of water and a lack of light.
  • Reduce watering.
  • Equip additional light sources.
Leaves are falling
  • In winter: frequent irrigation and lack of sun.
  • In summer: lack of water or watering with cold water.
  • In winter: stop wetting the plant.
  • In summer: increase the frequency of watering at room temperature.
Sluggish leavesLack of light or heat.
  • Add lighting sources.
  • Rearrange young in a more comfortable place.
Gray spots on the leavesWater on the leaves.Irrigate only the soil around the flower.
Dark and black leavesAbundant watering and a cold room.Put in a warm place and reduce watering.
Slow growth, small leavesFeeding is required.Fertilizing or planting in new soil.
Strapped outletExcessive sun exposure on leaves and lack of watering.
  • Remove young from direct sunlight.
  • Add the amount of watering.
Changed leaf shapeWatering the plant with too hard water or oversaturation of the soil with nutrients.
  • Use distilled water for irrigation.
  • Transplanting into new soil.


Harmful insects on thick leaves of a stone rose I infrequently infringe. Nevertheless, there are still those who wish to "spoil" the plant.

Type of pestHow is the disease manifested?How to treat
  • Partial yellowing of the leaves.
  • Small brown balls on the leaves and rosette.
  • Irrigate the flower with soapy water, leave it in this state for a while, then rinse with warm water.
  • Apply pesticide Tanrek and Nurella-D. Repeat the procedure about 3 more times within a month.
Root Worm
  • Soft, wrinkled leaves.
  • Loose soil on the pot.
  • The best way is to transplant the plant into a new vessel.
  • About 30 days to water with a weak solution of Mospilan or Confidor.
  • Leaves are deformed.
  • The plant grows poorly.
The chemical preparation Inta-vir is excellent for fighting.

Subject to simple rules for the care of youngsters will delight their owners with their beautiful appearance for many years. In this case, the stone rose plant is a real first-aid kit on your windowsill. Leaves of the plant contain antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substancesthat can be safely used to disinfect wounds.

Even in ancient times, young girls wiped their face with juice from the leaves of a stone rose, since it was believed that this procedure improves the complexion and rejuvenates the skin. No wonder the plant got the name juvenile.

Watch the video: How to propagate Sedum 'Stonecrop' succulent plants (October 2024).

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