Plasticine on clothes is not a sentence, there is a way out!

In a family with small children, the problem of stains on clothes, furniture, walls constantly arises ... Moms only have time to wash and clean. Children love to draw, build from the designer, and they also like to sculpt from plasticine. According to experts, this lesson develops fine motor skills, imagination and perseverance. After sculpting, pieces can be found on any surface.

Plasticine is a plastic, sticky material. The color version is obtained by processing with special paints. The composition includes clay, wax, ozokerite, various fats. Each element separately must be removed by different means.

The price of furniture and soiled clothes poses a difficult task for parents to return spoiled things to their former appearance. How to clean plasticine from clothes at home in order to save household items and not to buy new ones every time, I will tell in this material.

After removing the hard part of the clay, a greasy stain remains on the clothing. The mistake in removing stains is washing clothes, as well as scraping with a knife. The first way will leave a stain on your favorite T-shirt forever, the second way will ruin the clothes, accidentally cutting them.

To clean the clothes from clay, you need to perform several steps.

FIRST! Remove adhered clay. If the sculpting material is hard in texture, it is much easier to remove. Other species - super soft, glowing, floating in water, are strongly eaten into the fabric and leave colored greasy spots.

Effective folk remedies

Isopropyl or ammonia

This method of cleaning from dirt is suitable for skirts, trousers or items made from fabrics containing natural fibers. Categorically can not be used for synthetic fabrics.

Soak the stain with isopropyl alcohol and leave for half an hour. When using ammonia - 10 drops, dissolve in a glass of water, moisten a cotton pad and rub the contaminated area until the problem disappears.

Laundry soap

Removing stains with laundry soap is also possible. Make a saturated soapy solution and put a thing in it for 10 - 15 minutes. You can use the dishwashing detergent, as it has a powerful degreasing property.

Hydrogen peroxide

To process bright things, use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and grated laundry soap. Combine them in a homogeneous mass 1: 1.

Apply the prepared compound to the stain, rub it thoroughly with a brush, rinse under running water and wash in the usual way.

Previously, grandmothers used a woolen sock and then a solution of laundry soap to clean plasticine.

Vegetable oil

There is another old method using vegetable oil. Many are afraid that it is possible to complicate the situation by making the spot more noticeable.

To prevent this from happening:

  1. Carefully apply vegetable oil to the cotton pad and rub it thoroughly until the stain disappears.
  2. Soak clothes in a concentrated Fairy dishwashing detergent solution.
  3. Wash your clothes in the usual way.

If it is a white or light thing, add a little bleach and wash in hot water.

Baking soda

Soak spoiled clothing in soapy water. Make a thick slurry of soda, with the addition of a small amount of water. Apply the mixture to the place of contamination and wait 30 minutes until it dries completely.

Rub the surface until the stain disappears completely, then wash at high temperature.

CAUTION! Synthetic things and delicate fabrics cannot be washed in this way!


Some housewives use kerosene. This method will help to quickly deal with plasticine on clothes.

The actions are as follows: soak a cloth flap or cotton pad with kerosene and rub the grease stain until it disappears completely. Then wash your clothes under running water.

The only significant minus of the method is the smell of kerosene. But it doesn’t matter, just wash the item separately from the others, adding powder and a fragrant conditioner.

ATTENTION! To avoid unpleasant surprises, first test the effect of the product on an inconspicuous part of the thing.

Freezing or heating

The traditional way to combat plasticine is cold. When exposed, plasticine hardens and is easily removed from the fabric.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. If the contamination is small, use a piece of ice. If there are large stains, put the item in a bag and send it to the freezer.
  2. Remove from the refrigerator and remove the problem.
  3. Wash in hot water.
IMPORTANT! This method cannot be used for synthetics and silk!

Plasticine can be removed using heat. When heating, hurry up so that it does not spill over the fibers of the fabric.

For this method you will need: paper towels, toilet paper, iron or hairdryer.


  1. Place contaminated clothing on a flat surface.
  2. Cover the paper in the stain area on both sides.
  3. Heat the stain with a hair dryer, changing wipes until they disappear completely. If using an iron, select a mode for delicate fabrics.

Stain removers

To combat the problem, you can use various stain removers, be sure to follow the steps specified in the instructions. Typically, the product is applied to contamination and wait a maximum of 30 minutes, then washed in the usual way.

To fix the effect, add stain remover when washing. Be careful and work with gloves, because when in contact with skin, household chemicals can cause an allergic reaction.

Video plot


How to remove plasticine from walls and wallpapers

In the process of creativity, children get carried away and stain not only clothes and furniture, but also wallpaper on the walls. To remove the clay, you will need a hairdryer, paper or napkins.

Action plan:

  1. Put a sheet of paper tightly on the place of contamination, and direct the warm air of the hair dryer.
  2. Blot with a tissue until the stain is completely removed, then wipe with a damp cloth moistened with liquid soap.
  3. At the end - with a dry sponge.

If wallpaper with embossed patterns, remove colored material with white plasticine, apply it and tear off until completely cleaned.

Video tips

Each method is effective. The choice is yours, just consider the type of fabric or surface. In order not to spoil the thing, before using any product, check its effect in a small area.

Watch the video: How to remove silly putty from clothes (October 2024).

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