How to quickly memorize a verse - instructions and examples

There are many difficulties in the life of a modern student: tests, checking knowledge on the blackboard, memorizing foreign words and grammar rules ... This list goes on and on. It also includes memorization of poetic works of Russian and foreign literature. From the first grade, teachers ask students to memorize passages or entire poems. It is really not easy, but there are several ways to make the process easier and quickly memorize the verse.


After the school day, it is difficult for the child to concentrate for a long time. Interesting objects, games, TV, books distract attention. You need to remove everything extraneous from the room, turn off the TV, computer and radio. On the table, too, should not be anything superfluous. It is necessary to create a “working” atmosphere in the child’s room. Silence, good lighting, convenient location of the desk - all this positively affects the cognitive abilities of the brain, and the poem, of course, will be remembered faster.

For motivation, you need to assign some kind of prize, which will go to the teacher with a successful answer. Thus, in the learning process there will be an element of gamification, which will bring a positive attitude and desire to work.

Step-by-step instruction for memorization

  1. To get started, read the text aloud several times. Ponder each word and build an associative series. If we are talking about an animal or a person, you need to imagine it, if about nature, draw a landscape in your imagination. You can also find pictures on the Internet, print and arrange them in the desired sequence or draw the mini-comic yourself on the basis of the lyrical work.
  2. If there are any unfamiliar or not very clear words in the text, the adult should explain their meaning.
  3. It is necessary to break the whole poem into elements. Parts of the lyric text can be lines, sentences or quatrains.
  4. Memorize each of the elements. Do as follows: first remember 1 element, then pronounce it several times. After remembering the second element and repeating it aloud with the first. Next, attach new elements to this chain one at a time, until you manage to learn all the given text.
  5. After completing the “collection” of the chain of elements, recite the poem several times by heart. The simplest verse according to such a plan can easily be learned in 5-10 minutes.

Practical example

Let's consider in detail. Suppose a poem consists of 5 stanzas, that is, quatrains will be the elements into which the text is divided. You need to remember the 1st element and repeat it out loud (do not peek into the text itself). Then memorize the 2nd element, say it out loud several times, and then repeat with the first element. Next - remember the 3rd element, repeat it out loud and say along with the first and second element. And so on until the end, until you remember all five elements. All of the above can be represented in the form of a diagram:

  • 1st element
  • 1st + 2nd
  • 1st + 2nd + 3rd
  • 1st + 2nd + 3rd + 4th
  • 1st + 2nd + 3rd + 4th + 5th

When all 5 elements form a single chain, you need to pay attention to intonation, pronunciation speed and the number of logical pauses.

Video instruction

How to quickly learn a poem in English

The school often has to learn poems in English. To remember a foreign lyric work faster, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Settle in a convenient place where nothing will distract from work.
  2. First read the text and find out the meaning of all unfamiliar words. It is better to sign them, then they definitely will not fly out of my head.
  3. Then read the poem aloud several times. It may not be possible the first time to pronounce all the words correctly and to observe the poetic size, but each time the text will sound better and better.
  4. If the work is famous, find on the Internet people who read it on camera. A lot of attention should be paid to the intonation and pronunciation of all words.
  5. If audio or video could not be found, use a translator or dictionary, and find out the correct sound of the words.
  6. If there are serious problems with the pronunciation of English words, you can write foreign words in Russian transcription.

When the poem sounds beautifully and correctly, you can begin to memorize it, preferably on a line or a quatrain (depending on complexity). First remember the 1st element, then the second and attach it to the first. Memorize each element in a chain and “attach” it to a learned passage. It is worth noting that the text will fit better in memory if associative thinking is connected.

Useful Tips

  • The best time to memorize a poem is the end of the day. The fact is that during sleep, neural connections in the brain are strengthened, so the poem will be remembered much better. Also, before the literature lesson, you need to repeat the text, which will sound without errors already when answering the class.
  • It is worth warning the child that when retelling the work, he will experience excitement. The best way to avoid this feeling is to look at one point on the opposite wall or at the ceiling. Then the student will concentrate on the text, not on the students.
  • If the text is large, divide the memorization for a while. Memorize the verse in small parts for several days in a row, while at the end repeat the entire learned passage by heart. When the last piece is firmly entrenched in your memory, read it aloud several times, and then try to pronounce it without prompting and without peeping.
Video plot

The method of memorization described in the article is suitable for memorizing any texts. These can be lectures prepared for important speech events, speeches at competitions and conferences, or retelling a paragraph to a lesson. Perhaps the method is not the most effective and a great verse cannot be learned in 5 minutes, but when you use it, you can remember all the written information and there are no problems with retelling a literary work, chapter of a textbook or your own text. Even after a period of time, it will be possible to confidently reproduce the memorized without repetition and prompts.

Watch the video: This Guy Can Teach You How to Memorize Anything (October 2024).

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